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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Banned from hunting anywhere in the world for 2 years and thousands in fines for poaching 1 deer and 1 bobcat. Good. Too bad NY isnt that way. http://www.salisburypost.com/News/091411-web-salisbury-man-banned-from-hunting-qcd
  2. I dont see why you wouldnt carry a backup, its not like they are super expensive, and with my luck, Id get up in my stand and the deer would start dancing around it laughing at me because I cant take a shot. The first year I bowhunted, I forgot my release at home, got all the way into my stand and realized I didnt have it. Wasted my whole morning, plus pressured my hunting area for no good reason. I bought a back up later that day.
  3. My point was that the bloodhound smelling you even using the scent spray only means that it doesnt totally eliminate all scent. It proves nothing as far as how deer react to your scent if you use the products.
  4. I created a scrape line this year, but havent gone to freshen them up yet. Next time I move my cam, Ill take it there and see what happens. As far as baiting for cameras, its illegal to bait or feed deer at any time of the year, not just hunting season. Find a natural food source or a food plot. I setup mostly on food sources, but have had some luck pointing the cam down a heavily used trail.
  5. Why dont you just get another card and swap them? Thats a ton faster than checking them right there and taking pics of pics. SD cards are dirt cheap.
  6. If the landowners are that worried about Sunday hunting, they are free to tell those that hunt their land that they do not want them hunting on Sundays. Why punish the majority to spare the few?
  7. Taly35 ended up not needing it, so my last one is still available.
  8. Well Doc, I do see your side of it. You do hunt with a bow that you bought from a cave man after all.
  9. Nothing would happen to the biscuit, but youd ruin the feathers in a shot or two
  10. The bloodhound tests are not a good example, as no amount of scent spray, etc will completely get rid of your smell. If you think it does, you are putting too much trust into advertisements. Back to the hounds, they are animals trained specifically to follow and track scents. This is not the case with deer, they merely associate the presence of danger with different smells, and most likely, associate the vicinity of danger on the strength of the smell. If you can reduce your scent and make the deer believe that you are not close by, it may up your chances at not spooking that deer. I use Dead Down Wind soap, laundry products and spray, and a couple of seasons ago had a deer bed downwind of my location and stay there. I then lit a cigarette (smoked at the time) and within 30 seconds of lighting that smoke, the deer jumped up, started sniffing up in the air and quickly left the area. That was not the only time Ive had deer bed downwind and close to my stand. Proof enough to me that the stuff works in some capacity.
  11. It probably wont hurt anything, the deer are used to smelling the cows. Tractors wont hurt either, ask a farmer how often they see deer nearby while they are plowing and harvesting fields.
  12. Actually, I made it pretty clear that in order for a long shot to be successful, there has to be more than just one or two pieces of the puzzle present. Oh, and Im not trying to convince the world of anything, plenty of proof that bow hunting shots over 40 yards are possible and ethical given the proper conditions and circumstances is already out there.
  13. Lets not forget the "hunter organizations" that do little more than exist to push an agenda that alienates other hunters and uses the same tactics as anti-hunter organizations to try and get their way. They even resort to the same type of outright lies and statistical butchery, and stand shoulder to shoulder with anti-hunters that are trying to stop the same things from happening. I wont mention any names though.
  14. I know that. What is messed up are the comments included supporting the notion. Some of them come from so called hunters.
  15. Thats the best one Ive heard in a while!
  16. My BU release is pretty much the same as my regular one.
  17. First off, I currently have 2 Remmys and know alot of others with them. Ive never heard any major complaints. Second, if you think about it for a minute, a gun is mechanical, and all mechanical things are prone to some degree of failure. There are millions of Remington firearms out there, so theres bound to be issues with some of them. Remington also cannot control breakdowns due to lack of proper maintenance, or abuse. The Remington trigger issues have been shown to be caused by lack of cleaning of the older style triggers. Deaths only occurred due to unsafe gun handling. If you do a search on this forum there are a couple of threads discussing it. The "documentary" was nothing but a hatchet piece put together by anti-gunners.
  18. HAHAHA, sorry I completely forgot Love the Caddyshack reference BTW, one of my all time favorites! Spalding!!!!
  19. The so called hunters aligning themselves with the HSUS in PA should pull their heads out of their asses. http://www.pennlive.com/editorials/index.ssf/2011/08/pennsylvania_should_leave_sund.html
  20. BTW, arent those arrows meant for a longbow or recurve? Dont think Ive ever seen them used with a compound.
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