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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I shoot 100 for no particular reason, just always have. If I ever go after bigger game than Whitetails or Black bear, I may go with 125s for some extra weight and in turn, KE, though I probably wouldnt even need any more than I already have (@67ft/lbs)
  2. It shouldnt be an issue I dont think. Mine cross and I think touch below the roller guard (same as cable slide) as well. The cable slide is there to keep the cables off to the side so they dont interfere with the arrow. Some bows are actually setup so that the arrow travels between the cables
  3. Is it actually polished or reflective or is it just the normal silver matte finish? If its just the matte finish, dont worry about it. Deer are killed with stainless guns and MLs all the time.
  4. They take all of that into consideration. The thing is, the farmers need to come first, then the hunters. Farmers are affected by crop damage worse than a hunter is by not getting a DMP in that area.
  5. If we knew which WMU this was in, you could look at the DMP allocation table and figure out how many DMPs were made available for it. Just because Grizz didnt get any DMPs this year, doesnt mean they arent giving any out. DMAPs and DDPs are given to individual land owners only after the DEC comes out and the farmer proves to them that he/she has a deer problem and that they are causing enough crop damage to warrant the permits. Those DMAPs and DDPs can only be used on that farm, not anywhere in the WMU (like a regular DMP can). Just because a particular WMU's herd is smaller than the ideal number DEC would like to have there overall, doesnt mean there arent concentrated pockets of deer within that WMU that need to be controlled on a much smaller scale.
  6. Oh, I almost forgot to ask, does anyplace sell smaller packs of bullets for these things? I want to start working up different load combos to pattern each, but dont need 20 or more of each type of bullet. I havent looked around alot yet, just checked the local Dick's store and the smallest packs they had were 20. What about powder too? I want to try some loose and some pellets (hoping it likes the pellets better) but dont want a big package of any of them until I figure out what it likes.
  7. Cant be any more of a pain to clean than my shotguns or rifles. I dont own a break action anything lol. This thing is gonna be the cats ass for the price I paid for it, zip.
  8. Nice rifle. Cant wait to see some more of your vids this year.
  9. I thought I told you not to tell anyone!
  10. The funny thing is, if you look in the background of the pic, below the tree line, you see a line of short brush with a field on the other side. That field is all beans, almost waist high, and other than the very edges, almost untouched. That field is probably between 30 and 40 acres. The deer dont really bother with that big, wide open field, and mow the smaller field down because they feel secure back there, out of sight from the farm/road.
  11. Theres no real way to stop it from happening, even if they put check points on every single road in the state. You could shoot a doe on your property, process it yourself and report it on a tag for another area without ever driving anywhere. No system is perfect. Im sure they have some type of formulation to try and take this type of thing into account when they figure out the DMP allocations each year.
  12. One harness going out to Firehunter48, I have 1 more left.
  13. I think it can only be signed over once and thats it. Would be a good question to email DEC with.
  14. My flag flys every day of the year, and is lit up at night like it should be.
  15. Yeah it was a pretty good spot for the cam. I had rotated the camera last weekend and these pics were from that. The beans you see in these pics have been getting mowed down, as its a smallish (2 or 3 acres) of beans the farmer planted behind the corn to propagate for seeding the whole field next year. Hes not happy about what the deer have done to them.
  16. Just remembered I have a $10 off a $50 ammo purchase too. Bonus!
  17. I was gonna buy a few boxes of SSTs yesterday for $12 each. Glad I didnt, they are $10 each at Dicks this week.
  18. The Mule is more of a farm implement than some of the other ones. Polaris has the Ranger RZR that is just a bit wider than the average 4x4 ATV, you can also jump it and do all kinds of sport type riding. UTVs are nice machines, and between all of the different models out there, they make something for just about everyone. Shoot, even John Deere has a model of the Gator now that will keep up with alot of regular ATVs out there. I still remember riding the original rendition of UTV, which was the John Deere 5 wheeler with the dump bed on it. Id love to buy a UTV, but the price tag is a little on the hefty side for me. Maybe one of these days I will run across a good deal on a used one. Id rather get a boat first though.
  19. HAHAHA, didnt anyone ever teach you not to pee into the wind John?
  20. Bubba can you post your WMU or county so people from that area (yeah its a long shot) that might be interested know there is someone close by.
  21. I have one othe person interested in one. Shoot me your zip and I can get a shipping quote for you.
  22. I was on my way to replace 3 motherboards in PCs at Blue Cross Blue Shield in Syracuse. I heard something on the radio about a plane crashing into the WTC just before I went in. I started working on the computers and noticed everyone leaving their desks and heading to the break room, where there was a TV. I finished up and walked in to see what everyone was talking about. Soon after I started watching, the first tower fell. I left pretty soon after that, got in the car and turned on the radio. They were talking about the second tower falling and about the pentagon. It wasnt till I got back to my office and started seeing reports on the internet that I got the full scope of what was going on. It was a strange, horrible day and I still remember every detail of it.
  23. So do I, but drinking deer piss isnt one of them lol
  24. I moved my cam to a different location today, trying to pin down the regular travel corridors of these big bucks. I didnt get any pics of either of the big guys last week, but I did get some cool shots. Caught a fox walking through A couple of up and comers hanging together This guy was just taunting the cam Some good morning activity
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