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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Its all a bunch of BS. Its been proven that you will never have an effect on the genetics of a wild herd of deer. Now a captive herd, you could do it, but not a wild herd.
  2. Im not sure yet, but as far as straightness goes, they are comparable. The CX Maxima hunters are 1gpi heavier, but you can bring the weight up on the HT2s fairly easily. Im pretty sure the lighted nocks will get them up there for me. There are 3 varieties of straightness you can get, I got the ones that are all within .006 of each other. For $35 a dozen more, you can get them to within .001 of each other. I figured Id give the lower price ones a try for now and when I replace them, as long as Im happy, Ill get the more expensive ones. Ill do a little review on them once I get them and have a chance to shoot them. Probably next week.
  3. Theres a product out there that came out recently to help with setting a treestand up by yourself. Ill see if I can find it.
  4. I am in hunting prep mode at this point, so yes, I am thinking about it alot right now. Unfortunately my job wont let me think about it 24/7.
  5. I just got the notification that my new arrows are on the way. I ended up getting Harvest Time Archery HT2 Harvesters in 400 spine. I picked orange Blazers with a blue cock vane. 6 will have my older Lazer Eye lighted nocks (Red) and the other 6 will have orange Nockturnal lighted nocks on them. These arrows have gotten great reviews and the price is awesome, at $86 a dozen cut and shipped. http://www.harvesttimearchery.com/carbon-arrows/
  6. Nice. I like those 2 man stands alot, but also like the singles, especially for bow season.
  7. Yep, this is the 3rd year of the event, and Travis has been there each year.
  8. My range finder was tough for me as well, but I have been pretty happy with it.
  9. Deer have no idea what stands are, just like they have no clue what farm equipment, box binds and all of the other non-natural things in their world are. They get used to the stands and until they are shot at from that stand, or spooked from it, dont associate it with danger. Deer also look up, and they see that hang on stand up there, and climbing sticks or screw in steps on the tree. They just have no idea what it is until you educate them that they need to fear it.
  10. You want to see crazy? Go over to Archerytalk.com and see what some of those guys have into their rigs. I have to admit, that if I bought all of the stuff for mine new, Id have quite a bit of cash tied up in it. I usually just wait until someone over on AT gets something new and sells their almost new equipment for half price lol. As far as targets go, you can get the Glen Del Buck for around $150 and the vitals area can be turned so that once you shoot up one side, there are another few waiting to be used. They also sell the replacements for them. I know guys that have had theirs for 4 - 6 years and they are still in great shape. If you divvy that up to price per year, its not bad at all. I got a cheap ($80) 3d deer a few years back and that one has just about had it. Ill be replacing it with the Glen Del.
  11. Ive taken my better half with me a few times. She does ok with it, but has no desire to kill a deer by herself. She has a pretty bad fear of guns, which I have been trying to get her over, and she didnt even touch the bow I bought for her, so I stopped trying. If she ever wants to do it, I have no problem helping her.
  12. Selling the tag is illegal, but signing it over to someone or trading someone for a different unit is fine. If you see someone on Craigslist or anywhere else trying to sell them, forward the ad to the DEC.
  13. Oh I shoot in the yard, but its fun to go to the 3D range from time to time. They have an elevated platform and all kinds of targets. I have some pics of the place, let me dig them out.
  14. If you are using it, its baiting all right. Not sure why they are allowed to sell it in this state. Maybe shoot a letter to the DEC expressing your confusion and concern about this.
  15. Looks like a coyote or maybe a dog.
  16. The only stand I have ever bought specifically by brand, is my climber, which is a Summit Viper SS. My ladder stands are all "Comfort Zone" stands from Dick's and my hang ons are Gorilla and Field and Stream, which is also from Dicks. The Gorilla stand is new, so I havent tried it yet, bt the rest are pretty good.
  17. My old ones were a couple of years old, and I was down to only 4, so I figured it was time lol. You know how annoying it is to go to the range and shoot 4 arrows and then wait for everyone else to shoot a dozen before I can go get them? ;D
  18. There is also a gun show going on that weekend at the Monroe County Fair and Expo Center, which is 15 to 20 minutes from where the Nayional Hunting and Fishing Days is going on, so you could do both that day. http://www.fairandexpocenter.org/calendar.html
  19. Raccoon. You can see the striped tail.
  20. I put my order in for a dozen new arrows tonight. Ill hopefully have them in a week or so.
  21. Oct 15, its right on the side of the page --------------------> Also, check the DEC site for season dates, etc. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/hunting.html
  22. You learned that no matter how good a woman looks, somewhere theres a guy thats sick of her....crap. ;D
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