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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. We got hit pretty good last night too. Originally they said it was gonna stay up Eddie's way, but it shifted and we got nailed. I have some video of it, Ill upload it later.
  2. NY: DMP numbers up by 10 percent statewide Albany - DEC will boost Deer Management Permits by just over 10 percent this season, but the bulk of that jump is the product of increased antlerless tag allocations in much of central and western New York. The statewide DMP target of 501,675 - which doesn't include units with no DMP targets - is up from the 2010 total of 451,400. The 10 percent increase in DMPs comes on the heels of last year's reduction by a similar percentage. That occurred as biologists sought a leveling off of deer numbers in much of the Southern Tier due to stalled growth in the herd. DEC wildlife biologist Jeremy Hurst cautioned, however, that the statewide jump in tags may not be reflected in some wildlife management units. "Eastern and southeastern New York, for the most part, will have pretty stable DMP numbers or even a slight drop in permits," Hurst said. "As you'd expect, the targets vary unit by unit." He added that much of central and western New York, except for a handful of WMUs through the Southern Zone counties of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Allegany and Steuben, are seeing an increase in DMP numbers. DMPs are generally the major tool used by the state to manage its whitetail numbers. DEC annually uses a number of gauges in setting permit allocations, grappling with factors such as the harvest by the state's bow and muzzleloader hunters as well as success rates on DMP tags, which vary from one unit to the next. Hurst said hunter success rates on DMPs range from just under 10 percent to as high as 35 percent in some WMUs, but generally run just under 20 percent. "When we set DMP targets, we start by evaluating trends in deer population and harvest to assess what level of antlerless harvest is appropriate in each WMU," he said. "Then we have to account for antlerless take by bow and muzzleloader hunters and on DMAP (Deer Management Assistance Program) tags, and factor in DMP success rates in each unit." Once DEC sets a target allocation, the odds of selection - high, medium or low - are determined based on trends in the number of DMP applicants in each unit, he said. New York residents generally have a better chance of drawing one and sometimes two tags, while nonresidents, in some cases, will have no shot at securing one DMP but, in some units, could actually score a pair of tags. DEC officials always urge hunters to do their homework before purchasing their hunting license. Posters are generally set up at most license-buying locations to help hunters make their decision on what unit to seek DMPs. The deadline for applying for a DMP is Oct. 1, but hunters will have the same odds no matter when they apply for the antlerless tags. A unit-by-unit allocation chart appears on Page 21. DEC also offers a list of odds of selection for a DMP at its website: www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/30409.html
  3. There is no season on woodchucks, you can shoot them anytime with any weapon.
  4. Dont chance it, get a harness and use it. Spending a hundred or two on one is better than breaking bones, ending up paralyzed or dead.
  5. Thats how I got over my fear of heights. I hunted with 2 sections for a whole season. Moved it up the next. By the 3rd season with stands, I was nice and comfortable, its almost second nature now. The big thing I am working on is climbing sticks right now. Im getting pretty comfortable with them now.
  6. Cant wait to see your hands on that rack! Thats a pig.
  7. All these guys that claim they work hard for their deer are mostly full of you know what. They are hunting with an outfitter, and he is the one that does all of the hard work putting them on the deer. I dont even watch most of it anymore, its mostly just infomercials loaded with product placement and BS.
  8. Best pro shop in the Rochester area. IMO of course.
  9. September 10th at Bullzeye Archery in BLoomfield, NY.
  10. HAHAHA, I wanted to get some stands moved this weekend, the new harness would have come in handy and I figured Id have it within a week. We have a GM store locally, but that was a web only deal. I dont buy much from them, as I can usually get the same or similar stuff at Dick's Sporting Goods for the same price or less. I get reward points at Dick's and when I get enough, they send coupons, gift certificates, etc. Ill still go to their store sometimes, but I will never order online from them again.
  11. First of all, bend at the waist. First draw your bow pointing level and make sure your anchor points are good, then keep it all still and bend at the waist and aim. If you arent doing that, your form and aim will be off.
  12. Over $100 for the SS1 is a little steep! Which is what is holding me back from ordering it. I shot you a PM.
  13. I just have to vent about something real quick. I ordered my new safety harness from Gander Mountain last Saturday, and it hasnt even shipped yet. Their site said it was in stock, and I called to see what the hold up is, and they told me that my order would ship directly from the manufacturer and that it could take up to 5 business days before it went out. Now seeing as I ordered it on a Saturday, that means it wont even ship until this coming Monday! WTF! The only reason I ordered it online was because for an extra $20 they included a hang on tree stand. Now that I have to wait this long, I would have rather bought the damn harness for $20 less at their store and picked up a similar stand for the same price when they go on sale. I hate this kind of crap, if its not shipping from YOUR warehouse, dont say its 'In Stock', say it ships from the manufacturer for crying out loud. Ok, I feel a little better....
  14. Yep, I am running a little late as well, but it has to do with getting a new bow, not that Ive been too busy to shoot here and there.
  15. Well I do know that there are different potencies of loctite available. If one uses the more potent ones you will be looking for trouble getting the screws off if you want to take them off. I am sure gunsmiths have had more than a few guns come in where scopemount screws were stripped because people couldn't get them off due to loctite locking them up. Just gotta make sure to use the right type. The blue stuff (242) is what I use for most things. Some automotive applications (head bolts, connecting rod caps, etc etc) that take more of a beating get the red stuff.
  16. I looked into it last year. Just about any insurance agent that offers homeowners insurance should be able to help you. Id call whomever you have yours through, if they dont offer anything, they may point you in the right direction.
  17. Ill have to keep my eye out this weekend. I have some scouting to do and a trail cam to hang.
  18. BTW, this is what the gunsmith was talking about, not the loctite superglue. http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/10/15/t_lkr_blue/overview/Loctite-Threadlocker-Blue-242.htm
  19. just curious, what kind of damage could you do using loctite?
  20. Loctite is neither permanent nor damaging. I use it on everything from electronics screws to automotive parts. All it does is help to hold the screw in and keep it from becoming loose due to vibration. It will not make it so that you cannot loosen or remove the screw normally.
  21. Just got the call, bow is ready and Ill be flinging arrows tonight!
  22. Rage has a mechanical that would work for you, the 40KE if you really want to try mechanicals. http://www.ragebroadheads.com/Products/40-KE-Broadhead.php
  23. Yeah I woulndt try it. You could almost put your hands around that tree. You could get a tripod stand and set it up next to the tree.
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