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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Really? The money goes into the conservation fund, where it is used for Hunting related items, state land, etc. The problem with the conservation fund is if they didnt close that hole that would allow them to pull funds, but thats another topic. Buck, you are always so quick to respond and contradict others opinions. First you say the money goes to the conservation fund and used for hunting related items, then you say they pull the money out . That is what we are saying, where is the problem. The money we hunters pay doesn't always go where it's intended.Dave Do I really have to spell it out for you? I never said what you just said I did. What I was referring to is the loophole that they just created a month or so ago in the conservation fund. Currently, as far as anyone knows or has been announced or reported on, they have not used any of the Conservation fund money to go into the general fund. You said that the money doesnt go toward hunting related things, when in fact, it does. Get your facts straight and Ill stop correcting them. Like you always say prove it, show us where all the money spent on hunting licenses goes. List all the places the money goes and show the bottom line. Prove none of it is spent on things other than hunting related activities. I am sure you have the facts!! Dave Are you kidding me? You are completely unaware of what Pittman Robertson is, where the funding goes and what it is allowed to be used for? I suggest you start reading here... http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php/topic,5079.0.html Then continue with these... http://wildlifelaw.unm.edu/fedbook/pract.html http://www.fws.gov/laws/lawsdigest/FAWILD.HTML http://www.nrahq.org/shootingrange/pitmann.asp Then read this... http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/54955.html If you want to find out more, do some searching on the DEC website and Google.
  2. From DEC regs... Manner of Taking It is unlawful to: Take big game while the deer or bear is in water. Possess a firearm of any description when bowhunting or when accompanying a person bowhunting during special archery seasons. Make, set or use a salt lick on land inhabited by deer or bear. It is unlawful to hunt big game with: A firearm or bow aided by any artificial light or a laser that projects a beam toward the target. An autoloading firearm with a capacity of more than 6 shells (one which requires that the trigger be pulled separately for each shot), except an autoloading pistol with a barrel length of less than 8 inches. A firearm using rimfire ammunition. A shotgun of less than 20 gauge or any shotgun loaded with shells other than those carrying a single projectile. A bow with a draw weight of 35 lbs or less. Arrows with barbed broadheads; arrowheads less than 7/8 inches at the widest point or with less than 2 sharp cutting edges. Dogs. Aircraft of any kind. Bait. ...like I said, better ask DEC and get the answer in writing, and carry that paper with you.
  3. Better ask the DEC if its legal to use in NY. It is not legal to have any laser sight or range finder mounted to a bow in many states.
  4. Not legal. It is bait, not a cover scent.
  5. Really? The money goes into the conservation fund, where it is used for Hunting related items, state land, etc. The problem with the conservation fund is if they didnt close that hole that would allow them to pull funds, but thats another topic. Buck, you are always so quick to respond and contradict others opinions. First you say the money goes to the conservation fund and used for hunting related items, then you say they pull the money out . That is what we are saying, where is the problem. The money we hunters pay doesn't always go where it's intended.Dave Do I really have to spell it out for you? I never said what you just said I did. What I was referring to is the loophole that they just created a month or so ago in the conservation fund. Currently, as far as anyone knows or has been announced or reported on, they have not used any of the Conservation fund money to go into the general fund. You said that the money doesnt go toward hunting related things, when in fact, it does. Get your facts straight and Ill stop correcting them.
  6. Again, like has been said, your chances will be better in the areas with low DMP numbers now because they wont have to factor in the either sex tags and doe tags that can be used anywhere. DEC has even said this.
  7. Really? The money goes into the conservation fund, where it is used for Hunting related items, state land, etc. The problem with the conservation fund is if they didnt close that hole that would allow them to pull funds, but thats another topic.
  8. Still available and an update, 1 broadhead has been shot and will need replacement blades or sharpened. Price is now $20
  9. I guess I just dont see it as any extra taxation. I see it as a change to the way deer are managed in the state, and believe it to be a change in the right direction. The one question I have is, will we be able to get more than 4 total DMPs. Like Ive said before, I always get 4 DMPs, but currently I have the ability to take 5 or 6 does total (depending if I take a buck with my either sex tag). Thats the only thing I havent seen them detail about the DMP part of the plan.
  10. I used one the last couple of years from a local deer farm. It worked good in my scrapes. Couldnt say for sure if it attracted deer to my area though.
  11. I would save my money and not worry about the angle compensator. You will almost never have a chance to range a deer while its within shooting range anyhow. I have one without it and use it to range trees so that I know the distance to them, and can figure out the deer's range quickly. Just my 2 cents
  12. Weve gotten plenty of rain now. Everything is back to green now. Now I hope it backs down just a little on the weekends at least lol.
  13. If you read the bill you might also notice that the legal implements that are allowed to use during the regular season is missing something else besides the crossbow. The compound bow. It list pistols, rifles, shotguns muzzleloaders and long bow. NO cross or compound. My camp is in cortland county and no compound during the regular season disturbs me a bit. I'm pretty sure they mean all bows when they refere to longbows. A better question would be are you allowed to use a 410 shotgun with slugs in rifle country? Legal implements says a shotgun has to be 20 guage or bigger. [table] [tr] [td]Implement[/td] [td]Description[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Bow[/td] [td]Long (stick), recurve or compound bow with a draw weight in excess of 35 pounds. A legal arrowhead is non-barbed, has 2 or more cutting edges and is at least 7/8 inches wide.[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Crossbow[/td] [td]A bow, a string, and either compound or recurve limbs with a minimum width of 17 inches (tip of limbs, uncocked), mounted on a stock. The stock shall have a trigger with a working safety that hold the string and limbs under tension until released. It shall have a minimum overall length from the butt of the stok to the front of the limbs of 24 inches and be able to launch a minimum 14 inch arrow/bolt, not including the legal arrowhead. It shall have a draw weight of 100 to 200 pounds.[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Muzzleloader[/td] [td]Firearm loaded through the muzzle, a minimum bore of .44 inches and shooting a single projectile. Scopes may now be used during the Special Muzzleloading Season in addition to the Regular Big Game Season and the Early Bear Season. See Muzzleloading section of regulations for special requirements during the muzzleloading season.[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Handgun*[/td] [td]any centerfire pistol or revolver. Barrel length maximum is 16 inches (NOTE: Possession of handguns in New York State requires a NYS Pistol Permit. New York does not recognize permits issued by other states.)[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Shotgun*[/td] [td]Must be 20 gauge of larger and fire a single projectile, rifling in the barrel or choke is allowed[/td][/tr] [tr] [td]Rifle*[/td] [td]any centerfire rifle.[/td][/tr][/table] The DEC rep said that crossbows are, at this time, no longer legal in Cortland County because of the way the law was written. I didnt ask about compounds, but can ask them.
  14. Faster bow would help, maybe lighter arrows, but then its target shooting and not practice with your hunting rig. I shoot out to 40 most of the time, but also shoot out to 50 from time to time.
  15. Not sure. Might not be until beginning of business day tomorrow.
  16. I put this stuff in its own thread where it belongs.
  17. I guess everybody has their own limits when it comes to exactly what constitutes that "final straw". All I know is taxation is a time tested way of reducing behaviors. It works! Even in cases where the amount really doesn't seem to be that significant. In some cases it is an exagerated effect that grows in people's minds. In other cases, it is a case of rebellion. And in a few rare cases, it is a real hardship. I know one thing, the impression is (true or not) that the NY sportsmen and women are being financial beat on a bit lately by the DEC. So it really doesn't take a lot more of the same kind of thing to set people off. Thank you Doc it's nice to see at least one moderator on here has some common sence! You are going to give a lecture on common sense? Werent you the one making it out like the DMP system was already changed?
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