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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. My deer cost $300 4 years ago, my fox cost $200 the year before last. The deer is very good quality, the fox is pretty good.
  2. With the pack of the scented soil I bought, I was able to make 5 or 6 scrapes, and I still have enough to freshen them up once. It wasnt that much, maybe 10 or 15 bucks.
  3. You answered your own question BTW, you should see his wrestling challenge video
  4. In that case, are you interested in some dental insurance?
  5. Those are the same ones I bought last year at Walmart for the same price, not on sale. http://www.walmart.com/ip/Bushnell-10-x-42mm-Sportsman-Binoculars/4324523 They work great for keeping in the truck or laying around at home so I can see what the deer are out in the fields. I have a pair of Nikon compacts that I carry with me while hunting.
  6. Theres a coon in the pic, just hard to see
  7. Doe, I feel your pain. My fiance threatens me with suffocation with a pillow now and again.
  8. ROFL, shes a real mouth breather I take it? I honestly don't know what the problem is, all I know is that you could hear her snoring downstairs and she is sleeping upstairs. I am being real cruel here, other than her unfortunately weighing a ton and a half, she really is a sweet, caring and considerate person. My eyes are tearing up. I dont know if its from the laughter or the touching compliment you just gave her.
  9. ROFL, shes a real mouth breather I take it?
  10. I have a stand up in the back as well. The range I shoot at is free, and its only a few minutes away, so no big deal. Ill be getting started shooting Monday night. I figure its not long to wait and I dont want to sight my bow in for anything but what I will be hunting with.
  11. Id rather just snore than wear a mask lol
  12. When I do go down to my buddy's camp, his dad is the one to watch out for. That guy has a snore on him that wakes the dead. Any time we go a day without seeing deer, I tell him that his snoring scared them all away the night before.
  13. If you look at a coyote, their tails are pretty long. Remove the hair and they look even longer. Who knows how long it was in the trap before they took the video, so its not too surprising its calm.
  14. Part deer? Really? Looks like a coyote with an extreme case of mange to me.
  15. HAHA, I ordered mine already. Should make things nice and easy with my ladder stands this year.
  16. Ordered my license this morning and applied for my DMPs. 2 for 8H going in my pocket so far. We will see what leftovers they have later on.
  17. Ok, DEC has their site updated, and they are just not allowed in the bow only areas for now. Well, and Cortland. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/68802.html
  18. Hmmmm, do you have a link to that? DEC didnt say anything to me about the other counties, they just told me Cortland when I asked them. There was nothing in the bill about any other county.
  19. They had that land before TV came around. Lee worked his ass off to make the money to buy their first chunk. He worked as a chemical engineer, but quit because he didnt like it. If you read up on them, its kind of a cool story. http://www.startribune.com/sports/outdoors/41050037.html?page=1&c=y
  20. and lots of feeders..... Hey, if its legal....
  21. I found and read the transcript of a webchat with them from a couple of years ago where they said that they had over 500 acres of food plots. Thats equal to almost 1/3rd of all of the hunting land I have access to! Gotta be nice.
  22. The Lakoskys are different. They have 6000 acres in IA, on multiple farms, and another 1200 in KS. They are not a high fence operation, they are grain farms that are heavily managed and in the right part of the world to have ideal conditions to grow big deer. They also have a ton of food plots and are constantly adding more. They dont mess with the genetics, they already have some of the best wild genetics in the world living on their land.
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