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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. So now youre saying hunting from a tree stand isnt really hunting, and its somehow equivalent to baiting?
  2. A button buck is the same as a doe in this contest. Its been made clear multiple times.
  3. Yep. This contest is meant to be fun and enjoyable for all of our members, and we do not want anyone to feel like they should be ashamed of any deer that they legally take and want to enter into the contest. We are normally pretty lenient in the regular threads, but anyone that chooses to bring that sort of nonsense into the contest threads will be immediately banned.
  4. Food plots are legal, doesnt matter if some dont like it. Bait piles are not.
  5. Post up pics of your 2018 crossbow season deer here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  6. I have an old Black & Decker sealer that has developed a hot spot in the sealing strip, and will need to be replaced. Im watching the recommendations
  7. I dont like shooting buttons, but thats just my preference. I will never bash anyone for taking the deer of their choice as long as its legal. I will not tolerate bashing people in this contest at all.
  8. Gencountyzeek - 56 chefhunter86 - 52 Robhuntandfish - 45 Fletch - 33 Otto - 33 crappyice - 29 turkeyfeathers - 28 Brandonjp19 - 28 wolc123 - 26 ATbuckhunter - 20 Rattler - 18 Steuben Jerry - 10 Updated 12/17/18
  9. chefhunter86, can you get me a better pic of that 7th point on your buck? I need to determine if it meets the 1 inch guideline. Congrats on all of your successful harvests so far!
  10. 52Farmer and hconn2018 have been banned from the site. This kind of thing will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate banning with no warning.
  11. I will keep this list updated as often as I can. I will keep the date at the bottom current with any changes.
  12. Hunting license sales have little to nothing to do with gun rights, so it would have been pointless. The issue isnt that Dicks wont sell ARs, the issue is that they have paid 3 anti-gun lobbyists to actively try to limit YOUR 2nd amendment freedoms.
  13. Just had a big 8 come through at 100 yards. Tried grunting and rattling. No joy.
  14. Finished a little rattling 5 mins ago. 4point at 5 yards downwind. Guess my scent control is up to par. Got a deer selfie for that thread lol
  15. Got I to My stand a little late today. Could have filled a tag twice on the walk in. Stepped out the door and had a big doe broadside at 30 yards, then had 3 doe trot by at 10 yards half way into my spot. There’s a huge, fresh scrape about 30 yards upwind from me. hopefully something comes to freshen it up! Im gonna hunt for a few hours and then I have To work on getting my tractor unstuck. Buried it up to the axles yesterday afternoon bringing my Redneck blind back to where I’m going to put it up.
  16. As soon as I turned Off my phone after I posted, I realized How dark it is. Can’t see my hand 6” in front of my face lol
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