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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I registered the SIM. Camera got signal a couple of miles down the road (drove down there), so I know it works fine. AT&T let me unregister the SIM, so its good to go for the next owner. I did not complete the registration on the camera (has to be done on the camera menu). My property gets very little cell signal.
  2. I started making mounts like that a couple of years ago. A few tips on them, use all stainless hardware, use wing nuts instead of regular ones, and a lock washer helps them not to slip.
  3. Hinge cut a couple of trees and lay them across the trail. You might want to do the same down the hedgerow for a distance on either side of the trail. Mount your cell cams high (10 feet or more) and make sure you keep the batteries swapped out. Youre also going to need to get law enforcement involved.
  4. Smell has nothing to do with it. Deer bed and hang out in standing corn, the combine pushes them out. I cant even count how many deer Ive killed that combines have bumped out of corn fields.
  5. 1. Yes. Each person that entered has his/her own thread to put their entries in. 2. It helps!
  6. I used to use them. They made a pretty noticeable hissing sound when you shot them, so I stopped using them.
  7. I have trail cam pics of 1.5 year olds sparring and dogging does as of a week and a half ago. The older bucks (3.5 and up) have just been scraping and rubbing so far.
  8. Get down and go to the arrow, and look at it. What you do next is going to depend on that. Noone on here can tell you what the recovery percentage is, as none of us were there to see the hit. The area you circled on the picture encompases everything from a dead deer in less than 50 yards, to a non-lethal meat hit lol.
  9. I havent Been out hunting yet, and haven’t spent much time in the woods working due to family issues, but igot out the other day to check a few of my mock scrapes. All of them are torn up with the licking branches I wired up being used as well. I freshened them up with some Smokey’s and some pee in each. I checked Some of my cameras while I was There also. Between 3 cameras, I had Close to 7000 pics to weed through. The food plots have been hammered hard, both look like a mowed lawn at this point. I spent Some down time today weeding through pics, and what I found made me very happy. 90% or more were daytime, with a large portion being mid day. I have a very large population of does that spend a ton of time in there, and now the bucks are showing up with regularity, morning, mid day and evenings. I have A solid 8 point that I figured was 3 1/2, but have been told that it’s more likely to be 4 1/2. He’s just past the ears, has good mass, what looks like a kicker on one tine and some great brows. Another that I got long distance pics on one cam, is just downright big. Very wide with great mass, but I cant See his tines. He should actually be on one or two other cams from where he seemed to enter and exit the plot, so I’ll have to see when I check Those. There is also a 2 1/2 that has a 4 point side on the right, a huge dagger on the other side, and what seems to be a 3rd antler in between them. I’d actually like to Take him early if possible. He would be pretty dangerous to another deer while sparing or fighting. Here’s a pic of that one, I’ll share the others if I put One of them on the ground.
  10. Brand new Spartan Go Cam AT&T 4G (model GC-A4GB) camera. I took the cam out of the box to power up and see if it got signal at my place, but it does not. Camera was immediately put back in box. $400
  11. Young buck, but if he trips your trigger, take him if you have the chance.
  12. Thanks for the condolences everyone. It’s appreciated.
  13. I think This one does that too. I noticed One of the tips was clipped off. It didn’t jam though. The magazine is feeding kinda funky, I was Going to take that apart and clean it and see what happens. It’s been sitting in a box since the early 2000s lol.
  14. The past couple of weeks have been pretty rough. My dad went into the hospital last Wednesday, and by Monday afternoon, I was holding his hand as he took his last breath. The last 2 days have been a whirlwind, so I took A bit of time today to prep one of the rifles he left me. It is a new in the box Remington 7400 chambered in .308 with a Remington 4-12x40 scope. After tightening down the scope mount, I walked Up to my pond to get setup. As I crested The hill, I saw A very nice 8 and a doe standing at the edge of the pond. I watched As they left and got setup. I got The gun sighted in and then laid down a decent 3 shot group. After that I tweaked it and got her shooting nicely in the bullseye. This year I will Hunt all gun season with this rifle in honor of my dad.
  15. Lots are leaving... https://www.pressconnects.com/story/news/local/2018/06/28/upstate-new-york-population-declining-census/721456002/
  16. As soon as my kids are out of high school, Im out of here. Does weather factor into things? Sure, but its far from the main reason I want out. Excessive taxes and nanny state laws are the main ones. This area is beautiful, but there are lots of other places that are beautiful as well, and dont have the taxes and political bull that NY does. Cuomo is delusional.
  17. So all it is really, is hunting a food source. Same way people have hunted deer forever. Its the same as hunting an oak flat, farm field, apple orchard, etc. The reason tracking and still hunting is not as popular as it used to be, is because in most areas of NY, property sizes are relatively small. I hunt some larger farms (1300+ acres between 3 farms broken up into 5-6 tracts), and even with that much room, its hard to cut a track and catch up to the deer before they cross a property line or two. Still hunting is effective, but I have alot of room to work with. Most people dont, they have 25, 50, 100 acres to work with. Stand hunting is by far, the most effective way to hunt deer, especially on a small property.
  18. This thread is to announce the prize packages for the 2018 HuntingNY Whitetail Classic. Any replies posted before we have the prizes up, will be removed.
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