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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. You dont need a bucket for the potty drain, just dig a hole 3 or 4 feet deep and put about 18 inches of creek run gravel in there, run a hose down the tree and into the hole, then fill it in with the dirt.
  2. $10 is the difference between you hunting and not hunting? Really? Buy one less hunting accessory that you dont need or refrain from stopping at McDonalds twice and youll be able to buy your DMPs and have $ left over.
  3. I hunt 8H, been getting 4 DMPs for years. Last year they didnt even give away all of the extras in the second go round
  4. When I apply for my area they ask for a second choice and I don't have a 2nd choice. How do you get 4 of them?Dave I apply for 2 for my area on the initial go around, then after the initial draw is done, they have first come first server leftovers, and I go and get 2 more. If you draw for permits in the right zones, you can end up with 4 of them.
  5. Yep, that buck is big. I hate how they put all of the folds into the skin on the mount though, its a deer, not a shar pei.
  6. You pay $10 for the application fee to get your DMPs now, and you can get up to 4 of them.
  7. Brows and the main beam are the first things to grow from the bases, if he doesnt have them now, he wont this year.
  8. The statistics are implied. In any event,a good exercise would be for one to compare the number of does and button bucks taken by both bow and ML hunters in a given DMU, the actual number of DMP's filled in that DMU vs the total number of permits issued. Suffice to say the number of does taken by ML and bow hunters represents lost income. Why do you say that don't we pay for both ML and Bow tags? This is how it was set up in the first place the hunters didn't make the rules the DEC did so now they want us to pay for a DMP. These benefits were why many hunters took up the bow in the first place, a better chance at getting a deer.Dave If you are getting DMPs already, you pay $10 for up to 4 DMPs as it is, and you will most likely be able to get more than that under the new proposal. So unless you are someone that doesnt get DMPs currently, you will be paying no more than you have been.
  9. That reply alone is the best point I have read on why they are proposing to take the either sex tag away. That never even crossed my mind. Not only would taking that tag away let that 8pt walk if your A/M buck tag is filled it also let that buck get bigger if it survived gun season as well. So the scenario of the DEC fullfilling hunters request of a mature buck herd and them wanting better management of doe harvest gets them both in one deal. Great point! It doesnt have to do with buck management, as you will still get 2 buck tags per year.
  10. Im sure John will see this, Ill shoot him a PM just to make sure. The forum software has been a bit buggy lately.
  11. I am one of those that typically doesn't take does with my bow. No grand holier than thou....just like bow hunting for the bucks then before they are scattered to hell and gone by the rut and gun season. If I was in the woods with a (1 buck tag to use any season and DMPs) it probably wouldn't change my position. right up to the point that I take that buck. then I am hunting for does. I am not sure how this new system differs from what is here now.....(In my area) becasue of the liberal DMPs numbers. Exactly, for us in the high DMP areas it wont make much difference, but in the zones where they want to limit doe take, getting rid of the either sex tag is the best way to get as good a grip on it as they can. I havent shot a doe in the last couple with my bow either, but only because I was concentrating on bucks. This year, the first doe that walks by is getting a carbon and steel injection.
  12. Actually we have two threads pertaining to this same question of supposed control claimed by changing bowhunter and ML to the DMP system. I addressed this comment on the other one. Yeah its getting confusing going between the two.
  13. Yep, guarantee you my 260 Encore will outdo 99% of shotguns, range wise. I can use it anywhere a shotgun can go.
  14. I think that the problem in many areas is over harvest. Alot of the state doesnt have the over abundance of deer that we have in the finger lakes. Now as far a enticing more people to shoot does in areas that need it, lets say you are in your stand, you have an either sex tag and a nice buck (3 year old 8 point) steps out with a doe (3 year old, good size). Which one are most hunters going to shoot? The buck of course. Now if they only have a DMP, they shoot the doe. Like Ive said before, its not perfect, but better control over number of DMPs for each zone is their intended purpose for changing the system.
  15. Buck I am sure you will have great family memories with this trailer. I had a small 19' Sun Line trailer when my 4 sons were growing up and we loved it. We went camping all the time and had made many trips to different states, miss those days when the boys were small. They grow up too fast, enjoy your family and the hard work you are putting into the trailer it will pay a handsome reward, its the Memories"Dave Yeah we have lots of memories of our old pop up, and this one will provide plenty more if I dont sell it before we end up using it. The only problem with this camper is it has the minimum number of beds that we need. Ideally we want one with bunks, a full or queen size and have the table that can convert. That would leave enough room for my sister and her kids to be able to go with us. With this camper, she would have to bring her own tent or whatever. I bought this camper to use mostly as a stepping stone.
  16. Like I said, the only way to solve the issue you are talking about would be to break the southern region of 8H off into its own DMU, or combine it into 8M. They have and continue to do research on all of the changes they propose, this isnt a research plan, its a management plan formed through research.
  17. And of course it's not a magic bullet or a step in the right direction because of the remainder of my reply above. Well, if you cant understand how the proposed system gains better control over what DMPs get issued where, then I dont know what to tell you. What I can tell you is it has nothing to do with what implement is more effective.
  18. Those people are part of the problem, and why DEC issues many many more permits than they need does taken. The DEC looks at the percentages of DMPs given vs filled and bases their number of DMPs issued off of that along with their estimations of herd size. In other words, they figure it into the mix, so those people are just wasting their time and money anyway.
  19. So if I take away all antlerless tags from a bowhunters and ML hunters that they currently get automatically, and make them instead apply for a chance at getting one (meaning some will not), I am somehow improving the doe take? And somehow forcing them into a lottery proves something about their intent to use them, which helps the doe harvest how??? Doesn't make a bit of sense to me. There has to be something I'm not catching on to here. You are improving control over the doe take zone by zone. Whats so hard for everyone to understand?
  20. Why would you lose out on bow harvests? They are not saying you cant use the DMPs with your bow. Even the proposed system isnt perfect, and they cant control people hunting the boarder area of a high DMP zone with any feasible system. The only thing they could do would be to break the area off as another zone and allocate DMPs to it.
  21. Personally, it will be a few years before I get a crossbow, and even when I do, I wont be putting the compound down. I love shooting my bow, and love hunting with it. I would rather see some of the guys that dont practice enough with their vertical bows go over to crossbow so that there is less of a chance of them putting a bad shot on a deer and injuring it.
  22. Saw it on the news this morning, the guy that passed the sprayer was drunk and passed at high speed, hitting the van which then hit the tractor. That guy should never see the light of day again.
  23. Not saying its any magic bullet, but it is a step in the right direction. BTW, they make special underwear for you old guys so you dont have to wet your blankets. ;)
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