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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. The one I have now is an older Gorilla vest style harness. Its ok, but the G30 has all of the things I dont like about mine, fixed. Eddie, take a peek at the harness I linked to, the strap isnt that much longer, and should give plenty of room to move while not being too long.
  2. I have an IR4 and love it. I just got done modding mine to use the external battery pack, so if you run across an IR4 that has broken battery tabs for cheap, I can explain how to fix that issue. Did you check chasingame.com or trailcampro.com for reviews?
  3. I just found this, this is what the wells look like around my area. http://www.powernaturally.org/programs/NaturalGas/gasdevelopment.asp I wonder if the fracking wells will look like this after they are drilled as well.
  4. That rig is significantly larger than any of the wells around my area. Ill see if I can stop and get a quick pic of one and post it.
  5. I have always had the same problem with turning around. This year Im going to pick up the Gorilla G30, which has a longer strap that allows more movement. http://www.gorillatreestands.com/g30-safety-harness
  6. The most I shot in one season recently, was 4. I donated 1, so we ate 3, and did not buy any beef except for a steak or two, and it lasted us through the year with some left over. Now my daughter is bigger and eats more, so 3 should be about right. Last year I only shot 1, and we have a couple of packs of breakfast sausage and 1 or 2 packs of burgers left. We have been trying to spread it through the year, but it has sucked. Hopefully Ill be shooting more this year.
  7. But the way you used your tags was your choice. You chose to not use one of them in early season. You can do the same under the proposed system.
  8. DEC is reading this forum and taking notes. Some members were emailed copies of the clarification that was sent out. On this DEC page there is an address to send letters about the plan to, and an email link as well. I dont know if they will still be looking at them, they gave the date of July 28th to submit comments... http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/7211.html
  9. If all seasons go to the DMP system, they would have to change the dates to allow early season hunters (Bow) to get their DMPs in time for opening day. Why wouldnt they change the dates? And just where did you read that bit of information? Seriously? You need to read that to figure out what they would have to do? Come on Doc, you arent stupid, you can put 2 and 2 together. DEC says your chances for DMPs would be greater and that you would have to use them during bow season instead of the either sex tag, logic says the DMP drawings have to happen, or at least start, well before opening day of bow season. Thats whats annoying me about this, you guys are sitting here making all kinds of crazy assumptions about what tags youll get, what your chances will be at a DMP, etc etc, but something that makes sense given the information that is available, like figuring out the DMP drawings would have to start earlier, seems to escape you. Its downright silly.
  10. Gottcha, Ive just always bought the Super Sportsman
  11. is there really a difference between an 18 foot ladrer and 20 foot climbr? I really do not think the other 2 feet is major. my choice 2 man ladder stands You can get 20+ foot ladder stands now.
  12. Flip the rail up this year It was flipped up last year, the deer was standing behind me and to the left. Had a perfect shot, but the riser of the bow hit the rail on the back when I was drawing. The buck didnt stick around.
  13. I use them all. Single and double ladder stands, a Summit Viper SS climber, and hang on stands. I just started using the hang ons last year, and I like them. They are extremely versitle. The worst one for bow, IMO, is the double ladder stand. The shooting rail and rear top rails get in the way. Cost me a big buck last year.
  14. Ok, can someone please tell me what other tags you get right now if you buy a Bow/Regular Season license now and a ML later. What other tags do you get with the ML purchase? BTW, look at what the DEC says you are paying for currently with each license purchase... http://www.dec.ny.gov/permits/6395.html ...PRIVLIDGE, not tags.
  15. How do you know how many tags your group would get under the proposed system? Per the DEC, the number of available DMPs in your area would go up under the new system. Need more doe gone? Get more guys that have tags in there with the stipulation that its doe only.
  16. You dont get a 3rd buck tag, you enter into the DMP lottery and get your DMPs. Say I went and got my Regular season license and my Archery license (as things stand now), what additional tag would I get if I then bought my ML license later? You need to look at it like you are buying a license to hunt with whatever weapon that license allows you to use, not a tag.
  17. Well, I checked into spots for Labor Day weekend, since I figure I can get the camper to a usable point by then. Nothing available within 100 miles of us. Crap.
  18. Yep, it gets thrown into the DMP system, giving you a good chance at getting it through the DMP system. The bottom line is, some areas need the extra regulation on antlerless that the DMP system provides. If there arent enough does in a particular area, you shouldnt be shooting them, you are just helping to ruin your future hunting. Whats wrong with letting the herd recover from the mistakes of the past? Sure it would be great if the mistakes werent made to begin with, but continuing with the current system sure as hell isnt helping anything to become better.
  19. And you can get a good example of that with the debate on how DMPs are issued in NY under the newly proposed system. Guys just seem to want to use that either sex tag on a doe whether it is good for the herd in that location or not. Then they turn around and complain that they dont see any deer.
  20. So here goes... Super sportsman - $88 Sportsman + Bow - $68 ($47 + $21) Sportsman + Bow + ML - $89 ($47 + $21 + $21) Do you still want your turkey tags? Thats another $10 that you wouldnt spend with the Super sportsman.
  21. Isnt it cheaper to buy them all in the same tag (super sportsman) than to separate them out?
  22. Again, as it is now, there is 1 buck tag for regular season and 1 buck tag that you can use either in bow or ML. If you use your buck tag in bow season, all you have left for ML is antlerless. Why would it be any different under the new proposed system?
  23. If all seasons go to the DMP system, they would have to change the dates to allow early season hunters (Bow) to get their DMPs in time for opening day. Why wouldnt they change the dates?
  24. Sorry, but that is exactly what any game of chance that involves winners and losers is.... competition. You don't have to like it but then it wasn't me that devised the system that turns DMP issuance into a game of chance where all hunters compete for for the right to hunt does. Look, if you want to keep going with this, fine. Competition has nothing to do with a game of chance. Lottery has nothing to do with competition. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lottery http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/competition?show=0&t=1312378207 There is no opinion in those definitions, they are what they are. In my opinion, hunting is not, and should never become a competition. If thats how you look at it, you are missing what hunting is really about. People making it into a competition are the ones ruining it for the rest of us by turning deer hunting into a greed filled money game where people lose all respect for themselves and others in their quest to out-do everyone they know and claim the self imposed title of the best hunter around.
  25. I'm glad you have decided to discontinue the dictionary game. I got the feeling you weren't really reading my replies anyway, so that wasn't really going anywhere. And how does your last question relate to what the bowhunting community has achieved for the sport over the past decades? I'm scratching my head looking for the relevance. Are you implying that if there are any of us that didn't have direct hands-on responsibility for the advances that have been made in bowhunting that we should therefore be deprived of them or that they are somehow invalidated? That certainly would be a strange kind of argument. It was tongue in cheek. I wasnt playing any "dictionary game", a lottery simply is not a competition, and I get a bit testy when I hear people making hunting into any type of competition. Its 100% unnecessary.
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