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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Nice pics! I think I found a fox den near my house the other day. I was just talking about putting my trail cam out there. You have inspired me to do it!
  2. I have read alot of good things about the Howas. Never shot one, but I wouldnt mind adding one to my collection one of these days.
  3. Lightning is fizzling out so far!
  4. Lets try not to turn this one in to another "just asking" thread. It will get locked too if it does.
  5. Nope.....a crossbow is certainly not legal archery equipment. FAIL. Actually, he said 2 separate things in the sentence, not 1. First, he said crossbows are legal, which is true. Second, he said they are archery equipment, which they are. You FAIL at your lame attempt to twist things. They are legal in GUN season. They are clearly defined as other than archery, YOU fail in your attempt to twist things as though I am trying to twist things. LOL He never said they were legal in bow season, did he? I twist nothing. ;D
  6. So , what's your point ? You want to change your choice , do so ...... I was replying to Faintail.
  7. Nope.....a crossbow is certainly not legal archery equipment. FAIL. Actually, he said 2 separate things in the sentence, not 1. First, he said crossbows are legal, which is true. Second, he said they are archery equipment, which they are. You FAIL at your lame attempt to twist things.
  8. Hey look, the pot is calling the kettle black again. ;D
  9. The name of the thread was changed at some point. Originally it was just action movie.
  10. here, ill save you the trouble http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analogy
  11. Comparing a crossbower's "plight" to civil rights.....equalty for all human beings...is beyond stupid. Reality check, dude. : Reality check, "dude", thats not what hes comparing. Hes using it as an analogy. If you dont know what an analogy is, you can do a quick google search and find out.
  12. also, on this page it says no silencer or full auto lol. I think you are good, but Id just shoot an email to DEC to be sure. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/35010.html
  13. From the Hunting regs guide on the DEC site... Manner of Taking It is unlawful to: Take big game while the deer or bear is in water. Possess a firearm of any description when bowhunting or when accompanying a person bowhunting during special archery seasons. Make, set or use a salt lick on land inhabited by deer or bear. It is unlawful to hunt big game with: A firearm or bow aided by any artificial light or a laser that projects a beam toward the target. An autoloading firearm with a capacity of more than 6 shells (one which requires that the trigger be pulled separately for each shot), except an autoloading pistol with a barrel length of less than 8 inches. A firearm using rimfire ammunition. A shotgun of less than 20 gauge or any shotgun loaded with shells other than those carrying a single projectile. A bow with a draw weight of 35 lbs or less. Arrows with barbed broadheads; arrowheads less than 7/8 inches at the widest point or with less than 2 sharp cutting edges. Dogs. Aircraft of any kind. Bait. According to that, Id say you are good to go. No mention of collapsible stock or pistol grip.
  14. Do you mean legal to hunt with or legal to own in NY? It has a pistol grip and collapsible stock, so it cannot have a detachable magazine, which it doesnt, so you are ok there. Thats for ownership in NY. You could definately use it for small game hunting (coyote, fox, etc) but Im not 100% on deer hunting. It would be best to email DEC with the question. Let us know what they say.
  15. Thats great! I know it was posted before, but I never had a chance to watch it.
  16. Thats because you apparently dont understand the way things like that work in a business environment. They dont hold your $25 at the clerks office, it all needs to be accounted for, on the way in and on the way out. How about the refunds? They arent gonna give you cash back, it would have to be a direct deposit or check, all of which cost money to make happen. While they are holding the money, the need to keep account of it. Like I said, too much overhead. I am going to make a point here like it or not. Now Pat has earned his rep on this board but in the last couple of days has been real good with back and forth talk. Starting a statement saying "Thats because you apparently dont understand the way things like that work in a business environment." is a negative and condescending. Pat's post was good and maybe the response should of been plain and simple-I think there is too much overhead for that, I don't think it will work. Look at what just happened, now Antler and Bubba are joining in on the kill. You as a moderator are asking Pat to tone it down and he's trying. I think you could of done a better job responding to him. Really Burt? I wasnt being negative at all. Apparently you didnt read all of the posts that preceded that comment, because if you had, you would see that I had already said there would be too much overhead, and that Pat made comments to the effect that there woudnt be. I didnt ask Antler or Bubba to comment on anything. If you are going to try and hang me out to dry, maybe you should gather your facts first.
  17. Thats because you apparently dont understand the way things like that work in a business environment. They dont hold your $25 at the clerks office, it all needs to be accounted for, on the way in and on the way out. How about the refunds? They arent gonna give you cash back, it would have to be a direct deposit or check, all of which cost money to make happen. While they are holding the money, the need to keep account of it. Like I said, too much overhead.
  18. Yeah I want to get my new slug gun out and sighted in, then my 223 is begging me to get a few rounds through it before I start going to work on the local chucks. My 30-30 needs a good workout, it has been in hibernation for 3 or 4 years. Maybe Ill even get some sporting clays in soon! ;D
  19. That might work, but there would be alot more overhead to issue the refunds and the additional accounting.
  20. I found it in amongst some brush next to a trail, I think there was a small tree there as well. No rub on the tree though. Maybe he knocked it off on the tree or brush while running. Im just glad to break the ice again, didnt find any last year, but I didnt get out much last year either. I dont think anyone shed hunts this farm, I havent heard any of them talking about it, nor have I seen anyone walking the farm, so I might have a good chance at finding more. I have alot more ground to cover though.
  21. Im good, not excited in the least lol. Yes, it has been a bit of a pain lately. Its ok though.
  22. I have a regular Bushnell Yardage Pro, works great for me. I dont worry about the Arc feature, as I mostly use it to range out objects before the deer show up.
  23. Huh, I didnt realize that happened, never seen that before. Thanks for the info.
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