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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Please, organized religion has been the #1 cause of almost every single war in the history of man. Guns are like hammers, they are tools, religion is not a tool or a machine, it is a system of beliefs. Throughout history, people have used those beliefs as excuses to murder, rape, steal and benefit financially. Islam is just the one that blatantly professes it. Dont ask me to get into my religious beliefs lol.
  2. Stupidity plagues our society, doesnt matter what side of the fence you are on.
  3. I had 12 deer walk out of the woods, single file, 50 yards away from me the other evening when I was out coyote hunting. They crossed the field, went down into a draw and headed for the cut alfalfa field a couple of fields over. Pretty cool to watch them.
  4. I think anyone in prison with no chance of parole should be killed to save the taxpayer money. Its what, $1 at the most for a bullet vs how much it costs per year to keep the scum alive? But hey, thats just the opinion of a paranoid zealot.
  5. Its been a while since I was able to get to the cam because of all of the snow, but I went out yesterday and pulled it. This is the last set Ill be getting from it for now, there isnt much left of the deer, just bones and a bit of skin.
  6. Let me fix that for you.... A bill is a lot different than a law. There are many ridiculous bills floated every year that do not have any realistic chance of becoming law. It is how politicians pander to their constituency. Anti-hunting bills are one example. Anti-Crossbow bills are another. And gun control bills fit the same mold. Should we remain vigilant? Absolutely. Is it realistic to state that just because a bill is floated that it is a dire threat to our guns? Absolutely not.
  7. Thanks for showing your leaning toward socialist beliefs and limits to our first and second amendment rights.
  8. Thanks for the tip Bernie, Ill see how it is when I sight it in. Last night I picked up a set of Weaver Grand Slam rings and a sling for it, so shes all set and ready to sight in. I am happy with the way it looks all black and may not bother getting it camo dipped.
  9. Looks like a great day hunting to me. Is that the north or south side of Lima? My dad has property north of town.
  10. I have an Extreme Dimensions Mini Phantom digital call that I dont need any longer. It works great, Ive called fox and coyote in with it. I have 2 predator calling memory sticks that go with it. There are many other memory sticks available as well. New they are @ $30 and the memory sticks are $10 to $15. Ill let this go for $25.
  11. It looks like it may be a buck just by the tarsal staining on the rear leg. His back has a bit of sway to it, so he might be a 3 1/2.
  12. See, this is a prime example of your problem. I did nothing more than ask you a simple question, and automatically now I am brainwashed and paranoid? Are you serious? I quoted nothing or labeled none. You dont know my thoughts on Palin, I have never expressed them on this site. You sir, are the joke with your assumptions and pretenses. You cant even answer a question with anything but the most vague of answers. Somehow I dont believe your hat story, typical anti-gun slanderous nonsense, and to use that to compare or associate anyone on this site or the pro gun stance to racism is just plain ignorant.
  13. I didnt realize the e-callers were fine for deer either. I just bought a new e-caller for fox and yotes, guess I can use it for deer now.
  14. Im boring you? Because Im asking for clarification on something we are discussing? I see you are another one of the typical dancers that cant or wont back up their lip service. :
  15. They dont hurt the deer. No reason to shoot the deer out of "mercy".
  16. First of all, Im no zealot. Second, I asked twice, go back and read. Third, I never "clarified" opinion, I merely asked for yours. Now could you clarify exactly what you mean by "calibur or capacity exceed the reasonable needs for hunting purposes" because that is a pretty vague answer.
  17. I like them. IF (and thats a big if) I bought a crossbow, it would probably be an Excalibur. I have read a ton of great reviews on them. I have looked at them a bunch of times and the fit and finish is great. I have yet to shoot one though. If you watch Deer City USA, they do toss them around and bounce them off the ground, then shoot them. That was a commercial for them though, so who knows.
  18. I guess you arent paying attention as I have asked more than once lol. ;D What is your definition of an "assault weapon". Please do not just copy and paste what the state's definition is, I want to hear your opinion.
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