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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I take my Beretta NEOS when Im out scouting or doing deer stuff just in case an angry squirrel takes a run at me.
  2. I actually do not like the vest style ones. I have a Gorilla G30 and love it. The Tree Spider Speed harness would be my second choice. I always wear mine under my jacket, I hate having it on the outside.
  3. I started using pre-orbital scent for mock scrapes this year, and the trail cam pics dont lie, since I started using it I have deer hitting the mock scrapes and using the licking branches 5 times more than before I added it. I use my own pee in the scrapes. During deer season, I use Evercalm on my boots, and a dab on the tree Im sitting in. It seems to work, I havent had any deer spook from it, and some will sniff where I walked through and then continue browsing. As things start heating up at the end of October, Ill use buck urine in drippers on some scrapes. Lasy year was the first for me for that, and the trail cams told the tale. Bucks, younger and more mature, hit those scrapes quite a bit. Once we get into the first week of November, Ill do drags with Code Blue when I walk in, and then hang them in a nearby tree. I killed my archery buck the year before last as he came in from down wind with his lip curled, in the direction of the drag I had hanging 20 yards in front of me. Last year my crossbow buck came through and I had some Code Blue hanging and had done a drag. I cant say if he came in because of it, but it didnt seem to spook him at all. I rarely used it up until two years ago, and never had any luck with it, but I dont think I was using it properly. All I know is that Ive killed 2 nice bucks in the last 2 years using it.
  4. This past weekend I got another 2 sets hung, freshened up my mock scrapes and checked trail cams. Plots are really starting to grow now, with bulbs and tubers forming in the brassica plot. When I was freshening up one of the mock scrapes, and trying to decide which tree to hang a stand in, I heard a rustling and looked up the hill to see 2 big doe and a fawn browsing my way. I backed up to the tree I was need, leaned up against it and remained still. The wind was in my favor as long as they continued in the direction they were heading. All 3 of them ended up slowly walking by at 15 yards, barely taking any notice of me even though I was in blue jeans and a red sweatshirt. I kept still until they were gone and then looked at the tree I was leaning against. That was right where I was putting my stand lol. When I checked the trail cam in that area, I saw alot of buck traffic. In fact, all of my cams had a large increase of buck activity on them. The food plots in particular have become hot beds of deer activity. I have added 3 bucks to my "hit list" for at home. Haley has a bunch more to choose from. Activity at the other farm is picking up as well. I am seeing some good bucks pop up on my cell cam, but only 1 so far that Im at all interested in. I had added my trail cam app to Haleys phone so that she gets the pictures also. Every time one of the bigger boys steps in front of the cam, I get a text from Haley saying "Oh my god Dad!!!!! Look at the pictures that just came through!!!!!". Makes me smile to see how excited she is for this season. I also took a drive over to one of the farms I wont be hunting much this year and yanked one of my stands down to use at home. It was hung over a plot that I had planted a strip in winter rye and Ladino clover last year as an experiment to see how well that works. The rye had been mowed and the clover was thick and lush. If my plot at home turns out as well as that one, I will be ecstatic. Below are pics of it.
  5. Youre taking it the wrong way. It doesnt make villians out of people that set their own standards, quite the contrary actually. What it does mean is that people that force their personal standards upon other people, and ridicule them from not having the same standards, are the problem.
  6. Holy smokes, yours is way ahead of mine. Mine got slowed down a bit with all of the rain we had. I noticed the beginnings of tubers yesterday though. Just a tip, grab some of those purple top turnips and eat them. They are yummy at that stage!
  7. I spent Saturday hanging stands and Sunday doing work around the house. It was a perfect weekend for that stuff. All I have left to do before the 1st is to trim some shooting lanes.
  8. Looks great! Yeah we have a patio below the deck now, but its wood and it all needs to be replaced. Next year the wood gets ripped out and replaced with concrete. There will also be concrete at the bottom of the stairs that are on the left side, which you cant see in the pics, along with a pad for a hot tub. Between the two concrete pads will be white stone, and then the whole thing will have flower beds surrounding it. The concrete foundation walls (below the main deck) will be finished off with field stone veneer to match the chimney. The deck supports will be replaced with 6x6s, and a small deck will be added off of the master suite, which is to the left where the old small satellite dish is now. Below that deck, on the main deck, will be a patio living room set, which will be shaded by the deck above it. Lots to do.
  9. The “honey do list” is just a term for the list of projects around the house that are there for me to get done on top of the normal stuff. I dont count repairs, as those are things that absolutely have to happen. As long as those things get done, I dont Have any issues disappearing for a couple of months to hunt. When we bought the house, we agreed that we would have a list for each year, and that’s what we would get done for that year. What I did this weekend wrapped up what we had on the list for outdoor projects. The rest are indoor and will get done over the winter. As far as the lawn goes, I pay to have mine cut, and have no issues with it. I just Don’t have enough time for all of it between work, kids, home and car repairs, projects, caring for my dad (who is probably not going to be here much longer) and trying to have some time to do some fun things here and there. It’s nice to come home and the lawn is freshly cut.
  10. Some pics of what I’ve been up to...
  11. I’ve been working on plenty of outdoor projects lately, trying to get everything knocked off of our long list of things to do with the house. The previous owners were old, and the gardens they used to have were all extremely overgrown and all needed to be redone when we bought the place in January. Earlier in the summer I ripped out an old deck and stairway in the front of the house and put in a terraced flower garden and put in all of the stone work. Today I cleared out the mess of very overgrown rose bushes, raspberry bushes, vines, wild trees and stumps that was under our back deck. When I started, you couldn’t hardly see under the deck, the rose bushes were starting to touch the bottom of the deck. I also planted a couple of peach trees and re-seeded the lawn where the tractor tore things up. It was a nice cool day for it too. What have you guys been working on to buy yourself more time in the woods this fall?
  12. I actually only know of 1 possible shooter, but have heard there are more. They just havent posed for my cameras yet.
  13. They shed their velvet, and they shed their antlers. They also shed their fur.
  14. Had this come in from my cell cam this morning. Shedding time has begun!
  15. Damn Eddie, sorry to hear about that. I hope You have a quick and easy recovery.
  16. Could have been for a fence that was taken down.
  17. Spent the afternoon doing a little bit of deer stuff around my property today. I built Some mock scrapes near stand sites and the food plots. To build the scrapes, I cut Down some small saplings and wired them to trees, then I snapped Some of the ends of the branches, applied some pre orbital scent, and scraped up the ground beneath them. I have Cameras near all of them, so I should See if any deer use them.
  18. Spent the afternoon doing a little bit of deer stuff around the property. here’s some pics of my plots, they are coming along nicely. I noticed My oaks are chocked full of acorns, so between great mast, and the buffet I laid Out, I should Be seeing some good action this year.
  19. I dont bother packing in winter rye, just leave it on top and it will grow.
  20. This one? The only other camo one on New Era's site is a womens hat that has a green logo instead of the black and orange.
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