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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Remember though, none of those are state wide restrictions. They are like NY, with certain areas having MARs and other areas having no ARs.
  2. This is from 2011, so it may be a little different now
  3. I would try top dressing with urea. You will need to apply it just before, or during a rain. Cant hurt, and it may turn it around for you.
  4. Perfect! Now you just need to trap a couple of them!
  5. I found 5 or 6 open scrapes this past Sunday. I put together my first mock scrape and licking branch in an area with no low hanging branches, and set a camera up on it to see what happens. My Smokeys pre-orbital scent is on its way right now. As long as it is here this weekend, Ill be out making more mock scrapes.
  6. Unless its below 40, I try to at least quarter them up and get them refrigerated in less than 24 hours. It doesnt take long to skin and quarter, then you can butcher up the quarters later.
  7. Based on a thread in the past, someone might ask you what color purse you carried the quiche to the table in. Not me though, I love quiche.
  8. There are a ton of deer around. I keep hearing rumors of a couple of big guys running around the area, but so far they have evaded my cams. I have exactly 1 pic of a buck that looked good, but he was too far away to tell what he was. Activity in the plots just keeps ramping up everytime I check cards.
  9. I plant daikons every year. Tubers should start around the 1 month mark or so. I planted Mine on the 5th of August and I expect tubers to start really forming in another week or so. Looks like your stuff is filling in nice. Another few weeks and it’s gonna look even better.
  10. Any idea what the dark red ones are? And the first pic is upside down. Are those the hen or chicken ones I’ve read about?
  11. Well crap. Blanched them already. I’m gonna slice them and dry them. If they are good I’ll go pick more and just dry them and freeze them.
  12. So these should be ok then right? I’m gonna clean and Blanche them tonight and give them a try tomorrow.
  13. Went out and walked a bit of my property that o hadn’t payed attention to yet. Built a mock scrape and licking branch in a place I want To check out. Hung another 2 cams. I also Checked my other trail cams. A ton of activity in the plots and a found a few scrapes that are opened up.
  14. What do I have Here guys? Anything yummy?
  15. I got Home from NC last night and the first thing I wanted To do was see how my plots are looking. I am Not disappointed in the least, they are looking really good! Winter rye is up about 3 inches, clover is filling in nicely and the brassicas are up to about 4-5 inches. I dont Think they will need any urea, but I’ll see in a couple more weeks.
  16. I started getting crazy about tuning things years ago. Drove myself nuts paper tuning, indexing arrow shafts, building my arrows, etc. I even considered buying a press and learning how to work on it myself. I had enough of it and started just taking my bow to a local shop. The guy does a good job. As long as my arrows are hitting their mark, and flying straight, its good enough for me. If I notice an issue with it, I take it back to him and let him go through it. I havent had to do that very much with my Maxxis, but its getting time for new strings and cables soon, so Im sure he will tune it all up when he puts them on. I buy high quality pre fletched arrows of the proper spine and have them cut to length by the same guy. Id rather spend more time scouting and getting things done around the property than spend it screwing with my bow.
  17. Funny thing is, when I started getting into archery, that bow is what I started with. My father bought it brand new. I still have it kicking around. It will be hanging on the wall of my man cave after I am done refurbishing the finished basement. Out of all of the bows Ive ever had, that one will never go anywhere.
  18. For those of you that use shottys for home defense, what do you have them loaded up with? My choice is as follows, the one in the hole is buckshot, the next two are slugs and then the rest are buckshot.
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