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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Go with the Stealth, Wildviews are a waste of money. Been there, done that. I would wait if you can, for the Wildgame Innovations IR4s to go on sale, they are much better cams, especially if you do the external battery mod to them. My Moultrie I60 blows the IR4 away though.
  2. That works for me! How about just create a forum solely devoted to arguments labeled "Enter at Your own Risk"! If you cannot keep it clean and civilized you run the risk of a "moderators time out". As hunting season approaches this site is going to get real busy. A rubber room devoted to emotional arguments may just be what is needed to keep this site interseting. A reincarnation of the "Woodshed" eh?
  3. Me either, hopefully once crossbows are legal the arguments stop.
  4. Cool wrap. Ill have to take a pic of mine, I bsically had the carbon fiber on my CX Maxima Hunters turned into flames backed by red at the end and a skull and rack on the end.
  5. Youre worried about who knows you enjoy shooting? Just because you have a permit doesnt necessarily mean you own a handgun anyway. The list does not contain what handguns are on your permit, or even what type of permit you have. Its nothing more than a list of people that have permits, nothing more. Oh, and the internet isnt the only place this info is available. All I need is your address out of the phone book and I can find out what your house is worth, how much you pay in taxes each year, how much you paid for your house, then from there if I really want to do some digging I can find out how much you owe on your house, who the lein holders are, etc etc. If I want to pay for info, I can get your police records and lots of other data. I think the pistol permit list is fairly unobtrusive and nothing to be alarmed about.
  6. I have started fletching my own. I have custom wraps and I use Blazers. I started because I want my arrows to look different from any others. I am going to start cutting my own as well so that I can save more money that way.
  7. I do the same as you rock, mine is 1/4
  8. Seriously, how is it an invasion of privacy? There is no personal information listed. Saying that list is an invasion of privacy is like saying the phone book is an invasion of privacy.
  9. Burmjohn, yes there are magnified "scopes" for bows. They started out being used mostly for shooting spots, now some use them for hunting as well. Doc, there are crossbows setup for the disabled that have crank draws and such.
  10. Since its just another form of archery equipment, maybe the Bow Hunting section should just be changed to the Archery Hunting forum and people can go in there to discuss all forms of archery equipment, like longbows, recurve bows, compound bows, crossbows, bolts, arrows, broadheads, feathers, releases, etc etc...
  11. Nah, thats more like a list of places you shouldnt rob lol. Maybe this has an up side hahaha.
  12. Ok, first off, do not go on state land with a limb saw and start cutting branches, etc. Its illegal to cut into or damage trees on state land. Secondly, yes, you need the tree to not have branches on it where you want to climb. You also do not want a smooth bark tree, and you dont want a dead one or shaggy bark tree. The biggest downside to a climber is that the tree needs to be pretty straight. I am going to pick up a hang on stand and some ladder sticks this year to use along with my climber. I have a couple spots I need to get a stand in that dont have straight or bare trees. Summit climbers are the best ones out there IMO. comfortable, quiet, light and quality built.
  13. Ive been there too lol. Damn scope screws all get tightened down regularly and a drop of Loc-tite since then.
  14. Dont forget Steve, most of the national as well as international archery associations classify crossbows as archery equipment.
  15. http://www.dec.ny.gov/environmentdec/39747.html
  16. Anything public record is available on the internet. How would you like to be a big wig in a publicly traded company? Your salary info is out there. I just wish I would have known that my name and address would be public record with that, but if you have a home phone, the same info is available in any phone book.
  17. If you are shooting copper sabots out of a shotgun, the bore sight will save you a good amount of money when you are replacing a scope and sighting in. The last box of copper solids I picked up was like 12 or 13 bucks a box.
  18. Id like to pick up the stuff to start reloading, especially for my 223 and 260. My handgun would probably be cheaper to shoot with reloads as well. I usually keep an eye out on Craigslist for used reloading equipment, I just havent stumbled across any at a good time yet.
  19. I have 2 right now, a True Fire and a True Ball. They are both velcro and I hate that, Ill be picking up a new one with a buckle this year.
  20. A bore sight only gets you on the paper, its no substitute for sighting in. They are normally used to install a scope and get it aligned so your first few rounds arent 10 feet away from the target. I used the bolt removal trick to line up the scope on my Remmy 700. It worked pretty good, just had to dial it in.
  21. One of these years Im going to buy mine and one for my daughter. Im not old enough for it not to save me money in the long run.
  22. Cant you get the archery and ML add ons for the lifetime license so you dont pay for them every year?
  23. I have a Blackberry for now which will be replaced with a Droid X before too long.
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