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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter
What I was thinking was the long decal being 12 or 14 inches long and an inch and a half or 2 inches tall. You could do a couple of different colors with the vinyl or something. If you need any help finding a place to do it, let me know, I just had some custom vinyl emblems made for my camper when I repainted it.
The scariest thing about the slug holes in the back of my house was there was 2 huge propane tanks against the back of the house less than 2 feet away from the holes. That house wouldnt be standing if the slugs had gone a couple of feet to the right.
Yup, here ya go... http://www.mohrswidowmaker.com/island.htm
Very nice, what region are you going to?
My old rule of thumb was 8 points or better. Ive changed that to 8 points outside the ears unless it looks like a young deer or if its an old looking 6 point thats outside the ears.
I have a pop up ground blind, but I havent tried shooting my bow out of the windows of it yet, I should practice that before season this year. The spot that I put it at my dad's place is in the middle of a huge brush pile, where I cleared a spot just big enough to pop the blind open in. Then I throw brush over the top of it and it pretty much blends right in. In the past, Ive just been using it for when I take my daughter though.
So, for a window decal, it should be simple, and die cut. Maybe even just the web address and the silhouette of NY next to it. Something along the lines of.... Regular stickers or bumper stickers, youre on the right track though. Just my 2 cents...
My old house in West Bloomfield had 3 slug holes in the back of it and a window with a slug hole. Luckily, it was just in the downstairs garage and they had happened before I moved in there. Now mind you, there was a hill directly behind the house that was just about as tall, if not a little taller than the house, so who knows where those slugs came from. I know the group that hunts the land behind there is really into doing drives and opening up on any deer they see. I got permission from the land owner to hunt there, but only did so a few times for one season. Ive not run across too many groups of slob hunters like those guys.
My advice would be to go to different shops that handle used bows and shoot as many of them as you can before you plunk down your money. Unless you have $500 to $1000 to burn, theres no reason to spend that for your first setup, heck you dont even know if youll stick with it. My first setup was a decent older PSE that came with all the accessories. I ended up putting a new sight and rest on it and in total I had maybe $300 into it. It served me well for 4 years before I bought a new bow.
Thats a nice buck. Do you have trail cams around?
Im not sure, have heard alot of theories, Im still up in the air about it.What I should do is take note of where a buck walks under my stand and where a doe walks so I can compare. You cant tell for sure by antlers on their head either, my uncle shot a doe one year sporting a pretty good 8 point rack.
In the 2nd pic, the one on the left is older, at least 4 1/2. The one on the right is probably 3. The deer that those sheds came from is probably an older deer, but its tough to tell from just antlers.
I love that magazine....
My daughter has been picking them like crazy at my Dads place.
Im not 100% sure on what the serrations do, just took a guess, sounds like Steve has the low down on it though. I probably wont get a chance to test the stingers this year, Im playing with Grizz-Tricks now. Ill be interested to see your results though.
Don't put words in my mouth. What I am saying is that the way to get the biggest bang for your buck is to work through an organization. Chances are pretty good that those organizations will be asking members to write letters and emails in addition to their own behind the scenes negotiations. That is the way to not only get attention, but actually demand attention. One lone guy out there writing a letter that may or may not be focused with anyone else's is definitely not going to get any attention and it is totally naive to think that it will. Doc Im not putting words in your mouth, just summing up your sentiments. Really? Then tell me, if your opinion on this is true, how did a crossbow bill get as far as it has in NY when there are no crossbow organizations here?
Im not compromising the definition of archery season. Since the crossbow is archery equipment, it should be included in archery season. Its as simple as that. FITA, the National Archery Association and most other archery organizations classify them as archery equipment, why is it NYB is allowed to say that they are not or should not be considered archery equipment? So in turn, elitist fits perfectly in this case.
I agree with ya, it can be a pain. I actually tend to strap my quiver onto the side of my backpack when Im walking in or out of the woods anyway. The mount for my quiver is there pretty much just to keep the two things together when they are hanging on the hook at home lol.
You have a very naive and overly optomistic view on the power of individual letters. We don't have lobbyist simply because people want to throw away money. And NYB just like NRA and any other sportsmen's organization is a lobbying group. So while it may be a feel-good activity to write letters and such, the real influence is wielded by organized groups of people and of course lobbyists with financial influence. Don't get me wrong, I too write plenty of letters and more recently freely use the email to forward my thoughts and concerns to lawmakers and other movers and shakers within the government, but I have to tell you that the results have been a bit disappointing. Some have actually been a bit comical and have ranged from answers regarding totally irrelevant and unconnected issues to some rather "in your face" replies basically saying, "not interested". Further I have sent in some letters that offered opinions that differed with the NYB and received a reply that was exactly the same as those that sent in letters agreeing with the NYB position received. So I think that politicians have learned that constituent opinion is not really all that important to their re-election campaigns. The only time there is a significant difference to that is when you happen to be writing in concert with a vast majority or your opinion happens to agree with other financial interests that the politician values. Yes that seems like a cynical look at the world of politics but unfortunately it represent the real world. So one man standing alone writing his little letters may feel real good, but he is not nearly as significant as he would be if he was part of a larger block of people with the same opinion. I hate to tell you, but it is just a fact of life. I would suppose that that is why you spend the money to be a member of the NRA. My guess is that you really do understand the value of organization. It just doesn't happen to be convenient to admit that belief when it comes to the NYB vs. your crossbow campaign. And you still will not admit that the NYB has and does speak for you and on your behalf even though I have proven it to you. That's funny. No, that's stubborn....lol. But you have no problem taking advantage of those things that they have fought to win for you. And then bad-mouthing them to boot. Well, what the heck, I guess there simply are some people like that. That's what makes the world go around. Doc I wrote out a whole reply to this, but its all pretty much the same stuff I said a few posts back. No point in saying it to you again, you obviously cant or dont want to understand for whatever reason. The thing that cracks me up the most about your argument Doc, is that you sit here and basically say to people that if they are not a member of NYB, then their opinion doesnt and wont count. You couldnt be further from the truth.
I forgot to address this crock that you laid out there with no explaination. I guess you are still talking about the crossbow issue. First of all, there has been no attack on sportsmen. There is a well publicized stance against adding crossbows into bow seasons. This is a stance based on the fact that NYB believes that crossbows are inappropriate weapons for an archery season. Wether or not you agree, the NYB has the right to reach that opinion. That's not an attack on anybody. You might call it an attack on crossbows .....lol. NYB has gone much further than stating that crossbows are not appropriate for use in archery season, they have gone so far as to call it the weapon of choice for poachers and insinuate that users are not real sportsmen, etc etc. No, I wasnt referring to that, but now that you mention that whole can of worms... ;D Maybe its because I see myself as a hunter/sportsman first and a bow or gun hunter second. I am not an elitist in any regard, and I would much rather see individuals be given a choice in what weapon to use in the designated season. I just happen to believe that crossbows are appropriate for use in archery season for many reasons, but the biggest one being, they are archery equipment.
By the way, speaking of effectiveness, you might want to take note of the fact that the legislation as passed did indeed get changed to exclude crossbows from the bowhunting seasons. You don't suppose that that happened just by accident do you? I don't care how small the organization is, they are the only ones who have the lobbying mechanism in place. They are the ones who fight for all the goodies that you so eagerly take advantage of. Go back and review that list of NYB accomplishments that I posted. How many of those did you write letters about? How much of ANY of that can you individually take credit for? Yes, by golly those people did speak for you and all bowhunters, and through a forum that actually has some meaning and effect, (not some individual lone e-mail). And yes you and all the NYS bowhunters have been very quick to take advantage of those things that they spoke up for on your behalf. Doc How many times do I have to say that NYB has done some good things before you get it? Who taught you about how government is setup to work? The system is setup so that each and every person has the ability to lobby their legislators, not just groups like NYB. As far as the list you presented, I wrote zero letters about any of those, most of them happened either while I lived out of state or before I was even participating in archery at all. So no, NYB did not speak for me on those issues or any other, nor will they ever speak for me. If you are willing to let a small group of people speak on your behalf, even if you dont agree with what they are saying, then you deserve whatever you get. I, on the other hand will continue to write letters and emails to my legislators on issues that I feel are important, and I will also continue to encourage others to play an active role in their government, even if they do not wish to join up with a group they do not believe in or agree with. Oh, and just like before when I said "mark my words, crossbows WILL become legal in NY" on the old Empire site, mark my words, crossbows WILL be allowed into archery season before you know it. Getting them legalized for use in NY is only the first step in getting them to be allowed in all hunting seasons.
Coming from you, the king of no proof, that statement is pointless.
Show me proof of these so called attacks before you slander an organization that has done so much good. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be defensive action rather than attacks. Your lone objective to push the crossgun agenda has clouded your judgment unfortunately. Oh please, the whole crossbow issue is in itself an attack on fellow sportsmen by NYB, theres nothing defensive about it. Ill waste my time giving you about as much proof of anything as you have ever offered up to anyone that has asked you a direct question.
More tissue damage, more bleeding. Personally, I dont think Id use the Buzzcuts, but I have been eying the regular Stingers and may grab a pack to see how they shoot.
It would just add weight and bulk to the bow. Kind of defeats the purpose of compact, lightweight bows.