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Everything posted by corydd7

  1. I'm way behind my usual pace. The price of fertilizer, gas, plus time and effort has me slacking. Power plant will be planted sometime next week. I'm a little late but still have high hopes from previous experiences with that particular seed blend.
  2. Cantaloupe in a have a heart trap will solve the woodchuck problem quickly.
  3. Homemade lobster roll with picked lobster we bought on the way home from Maine. Delicious
  4. Great to see some early collecting of veggies. Garlic didn't perform near as well as last year but I have garlic. Weeds definitely suppressed the bulb size. I still have about 60 cloves to pull. My first tiny celery stalks were cut and I missed an okra somehow yesterday.
  5. Came home from a couple days away thinking I might need to water for the first time this year. Nope all looks good except for minor leaf damage, eggplant is under attack from flea beetles. Throw some de tomorrow and hope they recover. Still no tomatoes but plants are huge.
  6. Boothbay Maine-Mine Oyster Oysters then a lobster paniani. Cup of clam chowder to go.
  7. Hungarian wax peppers leading the way. Jalapeños are abundant as well. Just a couple banana peppers and I snacked on the two pieces of okra that were ready. My tomatoes are just like Biz, Four feet high flowers but no fruit yet. Garlic is ready but I'm headed for a pool day today then maine till Thursday. Hope the garlic hangs in there.
  8. Btw I speak for others, this forum (website) is better when your active and post as much as possible. Please stick around .
  9. It worked and what an amazing picture.
  10. I'm not an apple guy but for android I would go to settings,apps, find safari and clear data and cache. Then forcestop. Not sure if Apple has the same options. Honestly if that doesn't work call Apple they will give you a simple fix. Also check settings then notifications and make sure safari is turned on. But for it to turn off by itself would be weird. If you mean just for this site delete browser history and do the steps above.
  11. That sucks guys. Before my fence went up the deer got to four of my pepper plants. Two are not really recovering but the other two grew back thicker and healthier then prior to the deer pruning them. Hope they grow back for you guys. After fishing yesterday I came home to this girl in potatoe garden. They are suppose to be toxic for deer so hopefully she wasn't the culprit and it was the racoon I caught that morning.
  12. Self admittedly not a good fisherman but I made it a point this year to make improvements. All my fishing so far is via kayak and my back will attest to that. Had a good day today at my favorite small lake. Fished four to six thirty and caught 5 bass and 3 pan fish. Spinner caught all the panfish then switched to a swimbait which caught a few bass. Found my way to a super weedy area and used a six inch sanko on a Texas rig. Two cast with that two bass. I lost a 3ish pound bass at the kayak with a swimbait, on a boat it would have been landed. All in all a good day for me and I hope to keep it going. If my back can handle it I'll head out tomorrow evening then no fishing for a week do to a trip to Maine and a couple days of work.
  13. That's cool John. What do they taste like? I need to do this or make more butter tomorrow before mine go bad. On a side note my garden needs some heat! It's hard not to pick what i have but another week and the heat coming this weekend should make the garden pop. Also cucumber crisis 2022 has been avoided. After a second planting I have some healthy seedlings.
  14. Wow that's an awesome property Dino good for you! Sometimes when your a good person the world goes round as it should.
  15. I'm on the board as far as eggplant goes. Same as last year asian eggplant is early and plentiful. Two different types, I'm interested to see if there is a difference in taste. Zinnias and marigolds are abundant. First year doing lots of flowers and I will do even more next year. Lots and lots of Jalapeños but gonna wait till my God daughter comes on Saturday to pick them. Cukes didn't germinate so I replanted yesterday before a good rain.
  16. Are season is already done in Orange County. We did play one game in snow flurries but we must have started about six weeks earlier then you guys.
  17. Good luck KP we are going to need some pictures regardless of the catch.
  18. It's called trt for us old people. Ped just sounds bad. Crappy, good luck to your son. Looks like a big solid kid, good for a pitchers frame.
  19. That's interesting brussel sprouts were one of the few things the deer wouldn't eat in garden last year. Are you already getting okra pods or it just sprouted for you? Okra is slow so far but it wasn't in great shape when i planted it. Same with tomatoes. Harvested about 85 scapes today. Elephant scapes are huge. I don't think my bulbs will be as large as last year. I tried some new varieties this year that I probably won't do again unless they taste amazing. Just not getting the stalk size I'm looking for. Going to make some scape butter and a cream scape sauce tonight to top some grilled salmon.
  20. I second this except red and white. I'm not a good fisherman at all but did research before a trip up north a few years ago. Bought a couple of these and had a blast, five in one day. Second best fishing day ever for me.
  21. Everyday for a week. Showed my wife, she had no interest.
  22. I caged squash last year and found it made harvesting easy. Also saved space but you might break branches if they get to heavy.
  23. Everything but brussel sprouts look good. Hungarian wax peppers are loaded this year. About a month ahead of last year.
  24. Congratulations! My wife is at her first prom in 20 years tonight. If she goes to Goshen they might run into each other.
  25. First ever spinich harvest for me. Plenty left to pick before it bolts. Cucumber seeds went in today, zucchini and squash seeds just broke ground. Nice storm tonight will be good for all the plants.
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