Nope.... two previous Rams were great. The only reason why I switched was the potential 3rd Ram would have been the exact same as the previous 2. Wouldn't have felt like a new truck.
Was a GM fan. Had many.. However, my last GM was a clusterf**k(2011).. less than 2k on the OD, and the rear end exploded taking out 1st and 3rd in the transmission. GM replaced the rear axle, but would only rebuild my transmission. So I had a brand new truck with a rebuilt tranny. GM strung me along for months as I was havingissueswiththe tranny. Several times to the dealer, replacing sensor, refreshing. Soon after the lemon law time frame expired, GM basically gave the the finger. Traded that thing fast. Really like the new HD GM looks, but just can't forget how they screwed me over.