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Everything posted by mowin

  1. Yuckkkk. Proud to say, I've NEVER smoked, or even tried cigs, cigars, even pot. Disgusting habit.
  2. Probably not good in the snow, lol. https://carbuzz.com/news/meet-the-hellbuggy-a-dodge-challenger-hellcat-with-amish-roots
  3. Congrats. Good looking rig. I did the same thing two yrs ago. Couldn't believe the prices of used machines, so I bought new instead.
  4. mowin


    So sorry to hear this. Fingers crossed for a good outcome.
  5. I had a stack on but gave it to a friend grandson. I've got a non firelined gun safe that my ammo is in.
  6. Gave mine away. Worst food I've ever had. Stepbrat has a insta pot. She loves the thing. Tempted to get one, but worried I won't like it and give that away too.
  7. Gonna be a short hibernation. Bottle is almost empty.
  8. My righ shoulder is shot, but they diagnosed it as arthritis. I can shoot my 42lb bow probably 10-15 times before there's just nothing left.
  9. Looks like big frank is good a napping.
  10. Shes got a heck of a beard. I shot a hen with a beard many falls ago. Her's was a very thin 3".
  11. I live about 15 min from Queechy.
  12. Glad your back into it. Do you or your daughter/SIL live nearby?
  13. I've fished there many times. What side you fishing? Should have looked closer at the pic. I know where your set up. Going after perch or trout?
  14. Wow, how did you score that beauty? Looks great.
  15. So true. But realistically, if someone sends in unused tags, will they be checked to see if there freezer is full? If those tags are called in will DEC follow up to see if Mrs Jones really did shoot that deer? Nope, it would cost too much to implement that procedure, and thus, sadly, never happen.
  16. Like the thread, its the quality of the lint thats in question. Is it dog hair or cat hair... it matters.
  17. Not good quality. Too much hair. Hair stinks when you burn it.
  18. How much lint does your belly button hold?
  19. Sink as needed. Stove Probably a little more especially if I had something in the frying pan.
  20. Fake... not a single person on the lift notices a bear running down a ski slope...
  21. I'd love to sit down with you too and look at pics and listen to your experiences. I've had moose, excellent. Caribou, yrs ago, probably 30+, so really don't remember. Elk is darn good too. The best I've tasted, black buck from Texas. Unfortunately, all these critters were taken by others, lol.
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