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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Regardless of trail cameras Im surprised you have never seen a buck bigger than a 5? Many people dont use trail cameras, but if your putting your time in hunting the correct way, I just find it hard to believe you havent seen a 6 or 8 pointer in 8 years.....?
  2. what is your 22 acres of land made up of? Maybe your lacking a solid food source than be easily found close by?
  3. just came across this topic.........my opinion is, as follows: He shot the spike, congrats. Then his son didnt get a buck, and decided not to hunt anymore because he didnt get a deer, and hunting is boring, and he doesnt want to wake up early anymore, etc....and gave the tag to his dad. Daddy shoots the "slammer" on his property using his son's tag because he knows its safe on his property, nobody will know. Daddy is so happy about this "slammer" he cant wait to post it on this forum....totally forgetting he already posted his archery buck......OOPS! POACHER!
  4. What outfitter? I might be going to the same one...
  5. the key is to have the caller a good 30-70 yards from you depending on where your hunting........there are videos of predators actually attacking the E-Caller, pretty funny stuff.
  6. predator hunting is addictive....the spitfire is like $200 lol, but if you didnt want to spend money you could simply kiss the back of your hand and you could have a fox/yote come walking in. Its been done before many times.
  7. Yea, I dont know much about Moose Hunts, was just going by the prices and success rates of guides I have hunted other species with in British Columbia, and they ranged 7-10K, not including travel, tags, licences, ect.
  8. FoxPro electonic E-Callers work great. I have the spitfire and used it in sub zero temps up to 50 yards away from me.
  9. Maybe they were born like that? or stuck like that? haha, that would be crazy...
  10. 2013 = Crossbow will be allowed in NY during archery season. My Excalibur Vortex (Recurve Crossbow) is ready to go!
  11. Agreed....for years I didnt see red fox, now I see multiple red fox every hunting season in Putnam County. Never seen a bobcat though....have you?
  12. You think Dutchess is bad? lol......look at Putnam and Westchester. People selling under 2 acres in Putnam now for $200K. $190K for 1.79 acres in Mahopac > http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/reb/2611489683.html
  13. 50 acres for $200K > http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/reo/2620386310.html or you can buy a nice 1 BR Co-op 900sq. feet in Westchester for $200K or http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/reo/2610435400.html 144 acres in Kansas for $200K
  14. or you can just hunt NYS Land, DEC watershed properties, etc. There are so many places to hunt that some people have no idea about. I have been on watershed property hunting many times and never see a trace of another hunter on a piece of land 100-400 acres. I hunt on private property (8 acres) and can get a buck every year. I also hunt watershed properties where I see bucks every year and no hunters. Heres a whole list of properties! http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/recreation/recreation_maps.shtml Many of these receive little to no pressure from hunters.
  15. Agree. Unless the property can turn you a profit someday or you plan on living there, whats the point just for deer season? you can only shoot 2 bucks anyway. You're better off buying property in CT, where you can shoot like 6 bucks or whatever the laws are there with landowner tags lol. even just $50K is 10 nice $5K hunts or 5 nice $10K hunts, or 1 insane $50K sheep hunt! I like variety, but thats just my opinion. I'd rather go on Elk, Muley, Antelope, Grizzly, Sheep, Wolf, Mt. Lion, etc hunts than just own a piece of property in NY for Whitetails.
  16. I go to zillow.com and type in a county and your price range. Then you will see some properties available. I also look at craigslist (hudson valley, albany, etc) and try hunting land, hunting property, etc under for sale, and under housing. Good Luck. Seems like there's a bunch for sale in Sullivan County and as always places like Oswego County, etc and those other depressed counties near Lake Ontario.
  17. nice buck. extremely symmetrical.
  18. BizCT


    Nothing stops me. You only get a few weeks each season. Actually filling my tag stops me from hunting, but If I get a buck opening day, I still go out and watch my dad hunt, or vice-versa.
  19. Looks awesome! wish I had land to plant a food plot.
  20. I prefer a scope but thats just my opinion. I hunt in Putnam County (shotgun only). I use a Browning BPS Pump Shotgun with a scope and have taken deer up to 80 yards without a problem.
  21. Yes, I have hunted at night as well. Usually I go from 10/11pm - 2/3am in January/February. I set my E-caller about 20/30 yards away from me. One person with the spotlight, the other with the shotgun.
  22. everywhere is different, but if you have called them in before with a turkey call, try it again. Now is the time the young yotes can be called in easier than the winter. For the young yotes, this is their first fall hunting on their own and they havent heard humans calling yet. Anything distress could work. Use what is in your area (rabbit, turkey, etc). I have called in fox to a doe bleat call numerous times. Makes me wonder what the fox would have done if it was a doe and not me? Also check out this site > http://nypredatorhunters.proboards.com/index.cgi lots of info for NY.
  23. BizCT

    October 1st

    yea I never got into bird hunting. I plan on going to state land on 10/1 that doesnt have pheasants so hopefully its less crowded and I will call for some yotes.
  24. lol, I hear you....but its just a personal preference, like a car, like a house, like a pool, like the neigborhood you choose to live in, the type of clothes you wear, etc....anyway, Tio good luck hunting with your son!
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