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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. Im going for a buck in 2G this year with the crossbow. 1st time hunting in PA
  2. you want a rifle that will last you for life? buy a weatherby!
  3. haha, not even close. a head is not 1/2 of an entire deer. If the head is $525, then the full-body of a whitetail is more like $2500-$3,000!
  4. skin mount attached. NO COMPARISON!
  5. A full-mount fox for $200? thats insanely cheap. A good deer head mount will be like $500-$650 and should take several months before you get it back. I use Kurt Fox http://www.foxstudiostaxidermy.com/index.html His work is outstanding. I am not familiar with Fins to Feathers, however I do disagree with the statements regarding fish. Repro mounts are nowhere near the quality of skin mounts. I have many large trout and salmon skin mounts that have held up for years. Also why do a repro mount and throw the fish back, then someone could catch the fish and have the same mount as you? doesnt make sense to me. Its like doing a repro mount of a deer head you took a pic of on a trail camera. Anyway see the pic attached from Fins to Feathers. I have never seen a LM Bass that looks like this. Its so fake looking lol. Skin Mounts are the way to go.
  6. Do a Lake Trout fishing charter in the AM and Bass Charter in the PM.
  7. I got 2 DMP's for 3N. Now just need a place to use them!
  8. BizCT


    I got 2 for 3N.
  9. Where do you hunt? My father and I have taken some small bucks on watershed land > http://www.nyc.gov/html/dep/html/recreation/recreation_maps.shtml
  10. Obviously this a shot in the dark but here goes. Looks like the private property in Carmel, NY my Dad and I have hunted on for the past 20 years will no longer be accessible for us. The property has been for sale for years and someone finally bought it and has moved in with kids I assume, since there is a brand new swing set, etc. We are now in the search for a piece of property to buy in Putnam County to use for hunting, but will not buy something in time for this years deer seaon. Does anybody know of anyone who would allow 2 hunters to hunt their Putnam County land this November? Putnam County is Shotgun only, no rifles allowed during season. My Dad and I have hunted our entire lives on other people's private property and have always been 100% safe and respectful of the land. Let me know if someone wants to work something out? or if anyone knows anyone selling or leasing their land? Obviously we can still hunt NYS land with the rest of the orange army, but we are trying to avoid that at all costs. Thanks!
  11. I'm 27 years old. I bought an Exaclibur Crossbow (No Cams). I am going to PA to hunt whitetail with it during the Archery Season. Then I will come back and hunt Putnam County with a shotgun during the regular season. Then use the Crossbow for the late ML season in Putnam County. Maybe and hopefully 3 bucks this year between NY and PA!
  12. Jesus christ.....must be nice man.
  13. BizCT

    Trail Cam Pics

    Anybody have any trail cam pics from Putnam County?
  14. Travel to wherever in the world hunting is legal at any cost.
  15. looks like a lot of deduction points there. Definitely want to have someone take him so the genes aren't passed along.
  16. Human Growth Hormones have been around for years. If you follow sports, you know what they are.
  17. relax...its from velvet. you can buy it anywhere and everywhere http://www.21stcenturyhgh.com/hgh-plus-igf-1.htm
  18. Old news guys....athletes have been doing this for years.
  19. Not 1 picture on their website of someone with a bull moose....is that weird?
  20. I'm happy if I see a tight-racked 8 pointer once every few years...Be thankful my friend!
  21. 8 and 9 pointers, nothing to complain about!
  22. I shoot a .243 Weatherby or .270 Weatherby Magnum with no complaints. Have taken Whitetail, Mule Deer, Elk, Bear, etc. throughout the U.S.
  23. BizCT

    Black Bear

    Please send me GPS coordinates lol
  24. BizCT

    Black Bear

    so Black Bear is now fair game in Westchester, Putnam, etc in 2011....anybody ever see any bears?
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