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    Southern Tier

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    Southern Tier
  • Hunting Gun
    Browning A-Bolt II .30-06

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  1. Not a .25-06, but I have a .243 I set up for deer and woodchucks. I have a Leupold 4.5x-14x scope on it. Have shot deer 50 yards away and chucks at 350. Scope worked well for both.
  2. Hunted 5 times without seeing a deer! Still enjoyed myself during what normally is slow week for me.
  3. My 11-87 sits in the safe. It has a short barrel with a turkey choke, but I haven't hunted turkeys in many years. The rifled barrel is in the corner of the safe in a silicone sock. I shot 13 deer with it between 1994 and 2003, Used my Encore in 2004 and the next year was rifles here. I also have my father's 12-gauge Ithaca Deerslayer. It gets wiped down once a year. I doubt I'll ever shoot either one again unless I turkey hunt.
  4. I have killed 4-5 with the 85 grain Partition. I then switched to the 90 grain Accubonds and have killed 2-3 with them. No complaints with either. Thinking of 80 grain TTSX if bullets ever become available.
  5. I shot my opening day buck around 10-12 minutes before sunrise. I had doe out one evening 20 minutes after sunset-it was darker than I felt comfortable with taking a shot that night. I have shot several deer in Pennsylvania both before and after sunrise/set. I like the new regulations.
  6. We have weighed 50 + deer over the last 20 years here in the Southern Tier. Our averages are just what Fletch posted above.
  7. Last 10 years-upgraded my clothes (various brands) and bought a pair of Kennetrek pac boots.
  8. Interesting thread!!! I guess I'll hunt. I enjoy it, there's a season open, I'll have time between the holidays and I have a tag-actually I have a anterless tag and could get 2 DMP tags signed over to me if I wanted them. I don't like to post pictures and numbers, but I am sure I've killed my share of deer for some one my age-I am sure there those who have killed more, some less, some have killed larger deer, and maybe some that haven't ever killed 2.5 year or older buck. I not an expert on the deer herd, except for area I hunt-not sure I'm an expert about that, but I don't think I'll stress them too much with a few sits in a stand. My brother may get out once or twice, and there my be 1 or 2 others that may go hunting in the 800-1,000 acre block I'm familiar with (We hunt 155 acres of it.) I won't shoot a buck-because I don't have a tag and I would rather see the smaller ones grow up at this point. If I hadn't shot a buck this year I may feel different about whether or not I'd shoot one next week. May shoot a doe, may even shoot a fawn if I can be sure it isn't a button buck, or I may shoot nothing, even if I see some antlerless deer. My freezer is full, but I do know people that would welcome a gift of venison. I have my preferences-I wish for full inclusion, would like to see rifle season open up 2 weeks before Pennsylvania so I have more time to hunt in NY, have the Holiday MZ season take the place of the traditional one, not have blaze orange requirements, and maybe a few others-heck, when I retire soon I may want the Monday opener back-but the Saturday opener has been very valuable to me as a fully employed person. I don't expect policy and game management to revolve around my preferences, however.
  9. I lost 40 pounds last year and needed some new gear. I bought the Furnace top and bottom. I find them unbelievably warm-too warm for temps above 30. They were wonderful when I spent 6 hours plowing with a cab-less tractor after the 40" snow last year. I bought the Solitude bibs and jacket when they were on sale this year. I have been very happy with them. Not bulky and they have been warm and comfortable for this rifle season-temps between 20 and 40 with a lighter base layer and a quarter zip pullover. I'll see how they do in the late season with the Furnace set underneath.
  10. I have a Remington 11-87 with a cantilevered rifled barrel, Leupold 1-4x scope. I killed 13 deer with it and around 5-6 with an Ithaca Deerslayer. Neither have left the safe since rifles became legal in 2005.
  11. My cousin and his family run a large diary. They all practically live in rubber boots-more wear on a pair in 3 months than most of us would use a boot hunting in several years. 10-12 years ago they all starting wearing Muck boots- first ones I saw. They been wearing Dryshod exclusively for the last 1-2 years. I have 10 years on a pair Muck Arctic sports. When they wear out, I'll be looking for the Dryshod equivalent.
  12. 44 years-that can't be right but it's what the math shows-hunter safety class in 1977 when I was 14.
  13. Pa early muzzleloader- T/C Encore. Ny xbow- parker Centerfire XXT Ny/Pa rifle- Browning A-Bolt II stainless stalker.30-06, Browning A-Bolt II Hunter .243, Savage Model 14 in .250, Remington Model 7 7mm-08, Savage 99 in .308-depending on the weather and my mood. Ny Muzzleloader- the Encore. Pa late Archery- Parker crossbow.
  14. Thanks for the replies. I've had great luck growing rye and wheat on bare ground. I planted 1/2 acre of brassica with conventional tillage and 1/2acre no-till July 23rd. I think the no-till actually germinated better than the other. Based on your comments, I certainty think it's worth buying a few hundred pounds of rye seed to add to the clover. Thanks.
  15. I have 3 clover fields. I'd like to plant some rye or wheat into them this fall. Has anyone had any luck with broadcasting seed, mowing, and cultipacking? I planted some brassicas into a field last Friday that had last year's winter wheat standing by using the same process, using glysophate first, and have excellent germination. I am wondering if the same method, minus the glysophate-don't want to kill the clover- would work on cereal grains? I know I usually broadcast rye and wheat into worked soil, and drag to get them covered with soil. Any thoughts?
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