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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Seen a few birds in a corn field yesterday. Nice to see a turkey again, since October 18th, LOL.
  2. Deer were non stop in the radish from early bow to present. Best $100, I ever spent. Know what top on the list for seed this year, LOL. Hopefully, their not a shortage. I haven't got my Welters catalog yet.
  3. My turnips are still untouched. Their choice is the radish and the wheat under a thin layer of wet snow. No frost in the ground, I pulled some turnips, fixing for super. I'll eat'em since the deer don't, LOL.
  4. If the weather is right next week, hope to get some plowing done. Turn the snow under, right with the ground.
  5. The neighbors cows were in my acreage grazing, more then the deer, during archery and firearm season. They were never shot. I mention that his fencing needed some repair, he didn't seem to concerned. He then showed me a cam pic of a fair size rack deer; I forgot about the cows.
  6. Sometimes the angle of the shot makes it appear that way. His antlers are in the normal area of the skull. Did u get any more pics of bucks later on to compare. That speads the frosting on the cake. Like how he's waving the white flag in the last pic.
  7. Think the light snow all day kept our temp, up, balmy 30 degrees. A year ago on the 3rd, we were 10.
  8. One would think a school parking lot would be included in this. The factory and church definition is worded differently also.
  9. More pork, added to a plan that was suppose to cut spending. Believe it cost the American people 74 million in increases. The one u mentioned is suppose to encourage movie companies to film in depressed cities. The race car industry and wind power is also getting a big piece of fat. Their was one other that I don't recall. Fiscal cliff, this country has already gone over, head first. It just hasn't hit bottom yet.
  10. Over 56 million voted for him, 56 million! We're in "serious' need of any overhaul in this country. I don't go to the movies, Netflix.
  11. Don't know where I got the $1200 figure. That's maybe what it was back when I was 15, ah, so many moons ago. Thought I had the sheep by the horns if had $250, LOL. My 1st car, 73 Chevelle cost me $250, come to think of it.
  12. The President and senate continues to fail the American people. I had high hopes that Congress would stand their ground. They failed us too.
  13. Don't now watt you taking bout , mines bin grate.
  14. Now that brings back some memories; newer equipment, of coarse. Those trucks really took a pounding, along with the men inside. Remember riding wing during Blizzard of 77, 1960's Oshgosh 4 wheel drives with V's. When you hit the snow, your insides try to come up your throat. When the snow stops rolling, it's time to leave, get the bulldozer, LOL. Trucks all went down, one by one until their were none. Retired the fleet, the following year.
  15. You answered correctly. One would think a space should be included on this form for the persons name and address, receiving the weapon, along with a background check. Seems like federal, NY loophole.The person, signing the form is liable for the weapon.
  16. Blackberry brandy, just to sooth the pain. Did u get that off a fresh shed? LOL.
  17. This is just great; what we need, more laws on the books, for the law abiding citizen. Do any of u, think for 1 minute, criminals think about or follow any laws. Come on people, wake up! The politicians need to get a job. It's time they start digging for the root of the problems, and solving some for a change. Happy New Year? And if some of you think some of these don't have a chance to fly, maybe not now, but they will always be knocking on the door. One more step into socialism.
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