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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. We have 30 acres of creek flat flood plain. Floods in the winter. spring and sometimes the fall, like last year. Heavy clay poorly drained soils with a lot of surface drainage needed. Surface drainage is the key to grow anything on it. We grow Red Clover, Birdsfoot Trefoil, Harry Vetch, Buckwheat Timothy, Red Top, Bluegrass and other weeds. Hay forage land to us. Frost seed the legumes in the early spring in previous fall wheat planting, grasses in early fall after wheat is planted. Legumes need a season to get growing good. Needs to be cut a few times in the late spring early summer, after it gets growing good..
  2. Breeeding has slowed way down here. Not saying it's stopped. Maybe a few left overs. Towards the end of this month, we'll look forward to another closed session cycle.
  3. You speak for those of us with no gall bladders, LOL.
  4. It all depends how one looks at the weather. Weather is never first on the list when I ask people why they leave- left this state. I got news for the people leaving; it's not all peaches and cream in those other states.
  5. Memories to last a lifetime. A couple real proud people in that pic.. Congrats.
  6. Hope you get a crack at a nice one; play it safe and good luck. We seem to be seeing a higher volume of fresh antlers this season; not like the last couple years. A lot of nice young potential.
  7. I would of thought a drone falls under a slightly different category, situation or something; because it has a camera mounted on it.
  8. Fits right in for Mr Cuomo running for president doesn't it? Two in three Americans (?) favor stricter gun control laws, if one can believe any poll, now a days. What these pools don't say is how deep of gun control.
  9. Dutchess County, 917 acres, WMU 3G. Looks like a nice area to hunt in. Anyone hunt it?
  10. No surprise here. Republicans never have a strong enough candidate to run against Mr. Cuomo. He's hard to beat in a Democratic state. I still say term limits.
  11. Happy Election Day birthday; nyantler has my vote.
  12. Yeah, kinda be tough with the chickens there and all. It good you say something though. One would be surprised how many really don't know it's against the law feeding deer or even care in breaking it. It worth educating people on the fact, just the same.
  13. A hand full for each chicken a day; I'd say he's baiting deer. Have him arrested!
  14. Quick high pressure system. Great deer movement this morning..Be in the stand this afternoon, before the next bout of rain comes in.
  15. After eating those pumpkins, that moose must have been really pumped up.
  16. At worst, you may feel a draft going down the stairway. With two more upstairs, you may just have to balance the system, if it was ever balanced to start with.
  17. The strap get to be a real pain in the ass, after a whlie.
  18. None here. We took a trip over to the Village of Middleport last evening. The people on the east side of the village really go all out celebrating Halloween. A lot of houses decked out and even a fun house on State. Even scary clowns that want a hug and lunged out at ya. Fire department puts on a great party.
  19. Dedicated user of one right here. Similar to yours above; about 10 years old now. I had a small sapling catch between the sting and cam while pulling my bow up into the stand many years ago. Violent release of the bow string off the cam. I do mean violent. Roy says I was lucky the bow didn't crack. He drew that puppy back with extreme caution to put the string back on. Bought one right after, think it's a soft sided Primos. Best money ever spent. It's on it anytime I'm not using it now.
  20. The Red Purple one has more of a radish leaf on it. Wonder if the white radish could mix with the turnip to produce that color? They also make a great spicy cold slaw.
  21. That is really nice. I enjoy your carvings.
  22. Sounded like WWIII in the Alabama Swamps this a.m.. I hope they got a couple, LOL.
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