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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Nothing, but mosquitos and deer. Had a doe bring in her fawns. Tails flinching like mad. Cut it with a knife muggy. Looks to be a threating kind of day, weather wise. Came in for breakfast and a thermocell refill. Good luck, everyone out.
  2. You know that spiders pay a visit in the middle of the night to get moisture.
  3. We're on the decline list. Hopefully, this year will be a rebound.
  4. Hopefully, she'll have to miss ballet class for a nice big turkey.
  5. Your camera's just fine. Looks like a young bird. Been told bearded hens are rare. Seem more common as of late. Do turkeys visit the feeder on a regular basis?
  6. Potatoes like soils around 5.5 ph.. Five hundred pounds of 10-20-20 to the acre min.. If you want a giant, hollow free verity; try Kennebec, in the white rounds Long french fries, LOL. Chippawa makes a great tasting potato. Looking for red rounds; try Norland or Pontiac. Watch your damp cool nights; as grow said, blight is your enemy. Dam weeds also. Last on my like too do list. Well drained ground is a must. One wet year, we grew potatoes on top of the ground under mulching hay. One last thing, avoid manure; causes scab on the skin. Good luck and happy spuds!
  7. Humid in the woods today. Turkeys picked a shade tree and parked, LOL.
  8. Thinking I might be plowing soon, if the rains hold off. I did plant a few early potatoes in on the sandy flats. Hope to get in an acre of pumpkins and squash, in June for the deer. I have a flat on the front of one of my tractors; only a 13.6 x 28 though. Pump calcium, retube and good to go.
  9. Doe hit on the roads, many newborn fawns gone. That should help the DEC. with their deer reduction efforts. Most likely already figured into the formula.
  10. The tractor 3 point hitch pto tillers are super nice. I plow first, then go on with the tiller. With the plow furrow first, then corner to corner to get three passes. Needs rolling as the seed bed is to loose. I notice the plants grow better and quicker. I need to get another as I sold mine after three years of use for a nice profit. Helps to get them wholesale, but the freight is a killer. We also use a smaller version. My son just picked up a couple year old Husqvarna 300 a some cc. Third owner as it had a problem eating drive belts. Tuned out the dealer never adjusted the belt guide, as was rubbing the belt. Quick fix and runs like a charm.
  11. Neighbor brought me over some homemade mead once. Milk white in color. That drink kick my butt. Smooth going down and I was paving shingles the rest of the day, LOL.
  12. Is this a pto. driven tiller for behind the tractor or a walk behind?
  13. The Y and the J key are pretty esolc.
  14. That makes me about sick; when it happens. Their put"em right in the heavy legumes well hidden, here.
  15. Nah, it was very bright this morning. I have turkeys skip the trees before. Full moon tonight, I believe. Those rascals always make ya work for it. Wouldn't be no fun, otherwise, LOL.
  16. I roosted birds last evening, just before dark. All I know is the birds were gone at 4;10 this morning.
  17. Cherries blossomed to early; frost got them. Pears and apples look good but, the wilds are on the off year; not expecting like last. Drawfs are full of blossoms right now. Had a honey bee swarm come in little after 11 this morning. Bees all over the place; went right for my pear. Tried dropping with a chain saw. Counted my chickens before they hatched, LOL. Early. Somebody up wind lost nice Italians. Mast crop looks encouraging. Spring has sprung, lifting my spirits. First swarm of the year always get me excited!
  18. What's the morel to this story? LOL.
  19. I'll do the same, plant what isn't being planted. Looks like corn, corn, corn around these parts this season. I know one thing that is increase acreage on my property this year; radish.
  20. Time to make a new driveway? I'm getting newly heaved rocks in certain areas. Funny, didn't think their was a deep frost line last winter. Must be from the two winters prior.
  21. I don't judge natural wood an eye sore. People pay big money for old barn boards in some areas of the country these days.. Looks like good quality design and workmanship to me. Of coarse Clarence are is still country oriented. Beautiful community.
  22. Nice job. Thinking of building one for firewood storage. Pallets are a dime a dozen. Nails are expensive enough and quality isn't the best. Have to drill pilot holes though. Come in really handy keeping a couple cords dry. Keep it under the size requirements for a building permit.
  23. Little late in seeing this. Nice clip. Not much posted in this area for some reason. One would think with all the deer entered each year, more would be mentioned.
  24. I was just being nice. Something this site could use a lot more of!
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