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  1. The hummingbird wars are in full force in 3S
  2. go to Brownells for imperial dry neck lube like i said once you use it you won't go back.
  3. do your self a favor and buy the rcbs decapping only die for the 06 ,end of problem also once you go to a dry lube you will never go back
  4. i would think it would be a resizing issue ,if the bullet was hitting the lands you would feel it when closing the bolt or at least see marks in the bullet from the lands. thee only brass I've ever bought that didn't need resizing was Lapua
  5. Enigma God bless you and your son and family, kids like this are what make America great!
  6. now that's a stud deer. good luck, hope you get one.
  7. Very nice, fits the room!
  8. I use them, where are you located i'll take them off your hands. I'm in se. ny.
  9. Good luck finding large rifle primers if you get into reloading.
  10. Savor every minute of it. You kept your cool in the heat of battle, enjoy your reward. great bear!
  11. Be careful, that's a deer magnet if I ever saw one !
  12. I hope she liked the post card i sent her from Alaska, I'm glad to hear she is doing well.
  13. I've been running these tires on several vehicles for over 20 years .I find road noise is better than most ,i wouldn't have any other tire for the type of driving i do (mostly highway and towing my lund ) on my tacoma!
  14. if you read Bryce Towsley's gunsmithing modern firearms book he explains that there is a o-ring that fits in the grove of the action tube , the o-ring is missing on many of the older guns. Its a easy fix and worked on mine. I own several " high end guns" and when i still hunt my 760 is in my arms.
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