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Everything posted by DoubleDose

  1. Money can do no wrong? ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Money (and guns) are incapable of doing right or wrong. It is how PEOPLE use them that can be right or wrong.
  2. So you want to draw a line/point where it is obscene to own "that much". To a jobless uneducated American subsistence living in a dirt floor shack in the deep south YOU (with knowing your income or status) have crossed it!!!! That is the problem with judging and drawing lines.
  3. Middle class is something that cannot be precisely defined in America because it varies by regional economics. Further, whether different economic classes pay their "fair" share of taxes is based on the tax codes/laws which the politicians themselves write and the IRS can audit. The left politicians love to foment hate against the wealthy & successful (divisive identity politics!) but never does anything to create paths for the "poor" to lift them out of poverty. The path is education and trade skills but the Left Pols want them kept uneducated and unemployable, they then vote for them and the cycle repeats itself.
  4. The left demonizes billionaires (except Soros) and deny the trickle down concept. Here is the simple explanation of how these billionaires contribute to the economy versus the average american: 1) 24/7/365 security = multiple jobs 2) Multiple houses = multiple property taxes, managers to maintain them, landscapers, staff, etc etc = multiple jobs 3) Mega yachts = mega dollars spent, on materials, building, maintaining, docking, fueling, etc etc = multiple jobs 4) Bezos new yacht that needs the bridge taken down = jobs to remove AND jobs to put bridge back at HIS expense 5) Private jets = same as boats = multiple jobs 6) They compete one upping each other so all the above and more happens over and over. Billionaires pump millions into the economy.
  5. This is where the Republicans lost an opportunity. She was asked what is a woman and would not answer. Ted Cruz raised the point if he could change his race. She should have been asked in follow-up "Biden said he would nominate a black woman. Are YOU a black woman?" If she answers affirmatively, then follow up with what makes you black and what makes you a woman? If she answers negatively, then Biden didn't do what he said and the wrong person is there. If she refuses to answer, that speaks volume of a (not so hidden) agenda.
  6. This question is a can of worms. ARs are hunting rifles...and target rifles, and self-defense rifles, and recreational rifles, etc etc etc Just like every other rifle.
  7. Agree and will add: There is voter fraud in EVERY presidential election. The question is whether there is enough to change the outcome? To date the answer to that is "No".
  8. Exactly the garbage that comes out of the mouth of a politician who exists by identity politics! Judge people for what they are and not who they are as a person. The exact opposite of what MLK said! So who is the real bigot (racist) here? ...and he is stupid!!! That statement is just more proof.
  9. Sees Kyle Rittenhause defending his life during a riot and calls him a white supremacist. Sees Putin killing women and children civilians in his Ukrainian invasion and says we need to investigate; and will not call him a war criminal.
  10. It's beyond arrogance. This is pathological narcissism. As far as I am concerned, he is in the same league as Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. Rich powerful selfish men who abuse people without remorse or guilt. They are incapable of seeing any wrongdoing on their part and any apology is empty words.
  11. Spot on. I would emphasis "quality" scope and also add that as power goes up, eye relief goes down. Perhaps a quality fixed 2.5x or 4x (at most) scope would be perfect. In the NE woods, a 4x scope is more than enough magnification.
  12. He is a career politician. Say ANYTHING that serves you at that point in time. When backed into a corner about what you said, just say your position has "evolved". Any failures are NEVER your own, there are always other things to blame regardless if they defy logic. More importantly any successes are ALWAYS because of you, especially big ones you had nothing to with! Regardless if they defy logic too.
  13. This administration has been the least transparent in recent history. Past POTUS's (Bush, Obama, Trump) you new what you were getting. They have not delivered what was promised during their campaign, their own party thinks they are not left enough, and they (Psaki) say things that are false and defy common sense. Defund the police went to fund the police. Biden has ALWAYS been promise, say and, do anything to get the power. The post above begs the question why? Unfortunately, this scenario usually means follow the money. How are Biden, Hunter, and their cronies profiting from this?
  14. The entire show is a disgrace and insult to intelligence. The fact that it has the viewership it does is a sad commentary on our society as a whole.
  15. At the UN there is a statue dedicated to this: Where is swords into plowshares in the Bible? — Joel 3:10 or 4:10 in the Masoretic system. He shall judge between many peoples, and shall arbitrate between strong nations far away; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. History has taught that those who do will involuntarily farm for those that did not!
  16. No need to look any further than our former governor and his brother!... and remember it's the Dems/Left that are self-proclaimed pro women and equality
  17. It's truly supply and demand economics. When there are many houses and few buyers you need to make your house look better than the competition. This is fewer houses with many buyers (reckless with cash) who are willing to overpay for houses in as-is condition. The boating market is the same way right now.
  18. As a country, we need to go back to respecting the office/position and exercise proper decorum. If this is not done, we will be headed down the path of good, competent, intelligent people not wanting to participate and bad, incompetent, intelligent people that are outspoken being the choices.
  19. One of the best was FOX News' Pete Hegseth's comment on the SOTU not wearing masks. Covid must be over becuase this was a maskless event in the country biggest nursing home!
  20. Comparing us to Ukraine? What a joke!!! Consider if a foreign country tried this invasion with the US. First, it would be vastly different thanks to the SECOND AMENDMENT! In WWII Japan knew not to try to invade the US because their army would be fighting the entire US population thanks to 2A! Second, if they were still foolish enough to try NY would be a fine entry point since we cannot own true/real ARs!
  21. In the news today, the UN had a meeting and announced they condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That is exactly what the UN does, TALK.
  22. Unfortunately for the Ukrainians, Ukraine is not part of NATO or the EU. The Article 5 (protection) agreement was never worth the paper and ink it was printed on. The $64K question, is Where is the UN Security council?!!!!!!!!!
  23. Remington settled. This may be a a bad precedent for the industry. They were being sued under CT law for the way they marketed and advertised this AR. The litigation assault (pun intended) on firearms, dealers, owners, and manufacturers from all angles is relentless.
  24. Remington settled. This may be a a bad precedent for the industry. They were being sued under CT law for the way they marketed and advertised this AR. The litigation assault (pun intended) on firearms, dealers, owners, and manufacturers from all angles is relentless.
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