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Vietvet, I havent served. I am legally blind in 1 eye, and tried twice to get in, once to the Army and again to the Marines. As for your comments to keep my mouth shut and that im ungrateful, well, you sir dont know a damn thing about me, what I am grateful for or anything else. Go ahead and say whatever you feel you need to, but its nothing but assumptions and BS. Make sure to let me know when youll be here, Id be glad to say hello.

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You know what, a few of you guys jump to conclusions all the time. See a lick or an apple or a kernel of corn and its automatically bait pile. That camera could have very easily been set up in a wooded pasture and the mineral lick could have been intended for livestock. Deer hit my old man's salt lick (beef animals) all the time and it is in the middle of a wide open 10 acre pasture. Rather than give a benefit of a doubt, people get excited, grand stand on a soap box and for what? A mineral lick in May. Something benificial to the wildlife and an offense that even a rookie ECO won't go out and ticket. The self righteousness on this site is just too much at times.

I learned my lesson about posting pics on this site and won't do it again. Now we have another person who probably won't post a pic. Its this type of thread that hurts the site.

I also agree 100% with 33canuck and NFA's take on things.

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You know what, a few of you guys jump to conclusions all the time. See a lick or an apple or a kernel of corn and its automatically bait pile. That camera could have very easily been set up in a wooded pasture and the mineral lick could have been intended for livestock. Deer hit my old man's salt lick (beef animals) all the time and it is in the middle of a wide open 10 acre pasture. Rather than give a benefit of a doubt, people get excited, grand stand on a soap box and for what? A mineral lick in May. Something benificial to the wildlife and an offense that even a rookie ECO won't go out and ticket. The self righteousness on this site is just too much at times.

I learned my lesson about posting pics on this site and won't do it again. Now we have another person who probably won't post a pic. Its this type of thread that hurts the site.

I also agree 100% with 33canuck and NFA's take on things.

Probably was jumping to conclusions in front of a camera with a ladder stand in the near background. How on earth could someone make that mistake. and FYI if it was out for livestock and you shot a deer off it it still is a ticketable offense as baiting.

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"FYI if it was out for livestock and you shot a deer off it it still is a ticketable offense as baiting."

You're only partially right on that one Culver but I'm not going to argue baiting law, do's and don't's.

Long story short, too many people seem to jump up on a soap box and preach the law. I've worked in law enforcement for more than 15 years and at times I have worked very closely with Encon Officers. I can tell you that the picture that started this thread presented alone is not a smoking gun of baiting, especially in May or June. I go back to jumping to a conclusion or simple assumptions.

And can someone explain why this thread should be locked? No one has been disrespectfull or vulgar. Its a simple debate or discussion that I wouldn't even term as heated.

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"FYI if it was out for livestock and you shot a deer off it it still is a ticketable offense as baiting."

You're only partially right on that one Culver but I'm not going to argue baiting law, do's and don't's.

Long story short, too many people seem to jump up on a soap box and preach the law. I've worked in law enforcement for more than 15 years and at times I have worked very closely with Encon Officers. I can tell you that the picture that started this thread presented alone is not a smoking gun of baiting, especially in May or June. I go back to jumping to a conclusion or simple assumptions.

And can someone explain why this thread should be locked? No one has been disrespectfull or vulgar. Its a simple debate or discussion that I wouldn't even term as heated.

Come on man, its a mineral block in front of a tree stand in the center of a food plot. Theres no debate on what the NY baiting laws are:


The law is not in effect only during open hunting seasons.

I find it quite amusing that we have people on this site that pump that "ethics" fist like no tomorrow on some subjects, but now choose to say "hey, nice pic" and/or blast those of us who point out the laws to the guy for being "mean".

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Come on man, its a mineral block in front of a tree stand in the center of a food plot. Theres no debate on what the NY baiting laws are:


The law is not in effect only during open hunting seasons.

I find it quite amusing that we have people on this site that pump that "ethics" fist like no tomorrow on some subjects, but now choose to say "hey, nice pic" and/or blast those of us who point out the laws to the guy for being "mean".

Then explain this

Why did DEC place restrictions on deer and moose feeding?

The rule was issued in response to the threat of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) being introduced into New York. The nature of CWD requires prompt and extraordinary actions to address the threat posed by this disease.

So why haven't they closed these private deer encloseres where they found the CWS in the first place? So the sportsmen pay the price for their mistakes and so do the deer in the wild.

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Dave, Im not debating the reasoning behind the baiting laws, Im just saying that there are laws against baiting and that they dont only apply during hunting season.

As for my opinion on baiting, I dont really care if it was allowed. I can see situations where its use might be warranted, but its not my style of hunting. If it were legal in NY, I too, would have said "Hey, nice pic!".

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I've been trying to think what the proper response should be when we think we have found something that we think is inappropriate or in this case illegal. My sense is that vietvet50 probably was unaware that the setup is illegal. Not too many people knowingly document their illegal activities through pictures on a public forum.....lol.

Probably the best way to handle that would be via a private message informing of the illegality along with an offer to take the picture down. That avoids inadvertant embarrassment and perhaps the loss of a member or the perception that we are just waiting to pounce on anybody who makes a mistake (which in turn loses even more participating members).

At this point, it is probably best to just let the issue quietly fade off into oblivion.

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Dave, Im not debating the reasoning behind the baiting laws, Im just saying that there are laws against baiting and that they dont only apply during hunting season.

As for my opinion on baiting, I dont really care if it was allowed. I can see situations where its use might be warranted, but its not my style of hunting. If it were legal in NY, I too, would have said "Hey, nice pic!".

I am not questioning your views or judgement of this issue. Just questioning the DEC rational.
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I've been trying to think what the proper response should be when we think we have found something that we think is inappropriate or in this case illegal. My sense is that vietvet50 probably was unaware that the setup is illegal. Not too many people knowingly document their illegal activities through pictures on a public forum.....lol.

Probably the best way to handle that would be via a private message informing of the illegality along with an offer to take the picture down. That avoids inadvertant embarrassment and perhaps the loss of a member or the perception that we are just waiting to pounce on anybody who makes a mistake (which in turn loses even more participating members).

At this point, it is probably best to just let the issue quietly fade off into oblivion.

If we only discuss such things behind closed doors (PM), then it does somewhat of a disservice to the site. Part of the reason these sites are great is because you get lots of info that you may otherwise not know about. In this case, Im sure there have been people that read this thread that didnt know what the baiting laws were, now they do.


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I still say who cares if he was doing something illegal thats his business no one elses

I have to disagree with you on this. I think thuning our backs on those that break the rules is just one step below doing it ourselves. It really is a "where do you draw the line" thing. is it ok to know someone shot a deer out of season and not say anything? how about over limits? What do you call someone on or do you just let anyone get a free pass? Just wondering?

To be honest I don't have a huge moral upset on the feeding out of season. I know there are tons of non hunters that do it and even during the season. I have reported 2 cases and NO DEC response. so hey...if they don't care shoudl I? I don't know....maybe I shouldn't care.

Just seems weird to me some of the responses on this thread. everything from it is illegal to no biggie. But it seem funny that someon could take a who cares view of this but thinks the introduction of crossbows would cause the end of the world. or this is no biggie but you are a tool if you shoot an immature deer. ---Oh high fence---that ian't fair chase......head down on a salt block....no biggie.

I guess fo me it is ---if it is illegal is is not good and you should be called on it. ----if it is legal and your choice...have at it and enjoy yourself.

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Culv, I'm not saying illegal things are ok, I just think this guy got his lumps and that should be the end of it. I walk a pretty straight line in life but do wonder off the line time to time. ie talking on cell phones while driving etc... DEC states no salt blocks or mineral blocks can be used at anytime but what if someone doesn't use a block but makes their own mix using granular material? Would they get ticketed? Probably yes, but they also might win in court? A lawyer would have a field day with it, no? What determines a block? Is this being silly? maybe? Just a thought.

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Oh me too. I am a serial cell phone abuser...lol. A lot of people just don't know the rules and I don't mean just hunting rules. as bad as that is imagine these poor non hunters that feed the deer to see them out there dining room window. then bam they are breaking the law because it changed. Even if we had the written laws in front of us , good luck understanding them. Try reading the laws to see if your 17yo can shoot your hand gun at the range. well they can if they do this or that but only if you have done this or the other and only if it is at an incorporated range on monday wednesday and friday in a month that ends in an R.

I think the OP took a little offense to being called on the mineral block whether he knew or not. He says he didn't and that is good enough for me. I don't think he responded well and given his past circumstances I can understand his being teste. He cam across pretty offensive to me in PM and then we actually discussed it and he seems like a decent guy.

Let's fac eit....Hunters are an emotional bunch. No matter what we say or how we type it someone is going to get a case of burn a$$.

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