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You are better than I...I hauled some brush ...came in...went out and watered animals ...came in...took the dog down to the creeks to cool off and check to see if they were all flowing...yes to my serious surprise...came back in sopping wet..from sweat...each time I recieved more deer fly bites...Wish I wasn't to allergic to DEET...I've drank a gallon of plain tea and half a gal of water

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Yea, today is brutal. My day off and i really wanted to head to the property and get some things marked off the list but i don't think so.. Supposed to maybe rain later. I sure hope so. Looks like i may be sitting here in the AC posting useless info on here most of the day. LOL sorry guys.

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I cleaned out the rain gutters yesterday WOW those dam bugs bread in thier!!! I was going to finish the rest of the house today but with this heat I think I will bring my cats in my room and turn on the AC and post on here like dave... Days like today I am happy I decieded to switch trades over 15 years ago, because working on a 230deg + vehecle in this heat sucks!!! And dealing with chevy customers was not much better mainly due to horrible products... I think I will stick with working on computers, they do not talk back, everyone who see's you says YEA the computer guy is here and I get to work in the A/C and post on the internet while working, yea computers ROCK!!!

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Scarey stuff!!! Went down this morning to cut more trees and clear brush...grabbed a bottle of water on the way....worked along and started sweating bad enough the salt was stinging my eyes....water all drank decided to head back up the hill....had to stop and rest a couple of times...bent over to pick up saw...stood up too fast...Thank God I side stepped twice before blacking out...came to with flys in my mouth and all over my arms WTH...eeewww...glad I was on the side of hill for I fell forward and not on saw....got back at 1pm...took BP.....fine...and am sitting here with iced water and a sheet of cool pops...so much for driving to town...bear got the chickens food garbage can yesterday...dragged it up into the neighbors woods...need to go buy them more food....hhmmm don't think I'll tell Mr B..prefer not getting chewed out to boot...nice cool soak sound good about now...be care today

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Spent the day cuting tree's and clearing the field where I have been working.Hotter then a texas tool shed in august,to dang hot but have to make a pay check.Time for a ice cold beer topped with salt.Try to keep cool everyone.

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It's summer....why is everyone making a big deal out of it? It's 95+ degrees here in NYC and I'm in a suit. It happens every summer. Why is everyone crying?

Gee biz, don't break a sweat while your walking to your air conditined office>> Come on over after your hard days work in the city and help me move this 10 yrds of top soil. You know how to use a shovel right..
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It's summer....why is everyone making a big deal out of it? It's 95+ degrees here in NYC and I'm in a suit. It happens every summer. Why is everyone crying?

Did'nt sound like we were crying,just some chating.I love to be outdoor's no matter what the weather is would'nt want to be in a stuffy office all day.
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Gee biz, don't break a sweat while your walking to your air conditined office>> Come on over after your hard days work in the city and help me move this 10 yrds of top soil. You know how to use a shovel right..

Yup, did landscaping, etc when I was in college. Played a double header in men's softball last night, it was a beautiful night.

Did'nt sound like we were crying,just some chating.I love to be outdoor's no matter what the weather is would'nt want to be in a stuffy office all day.

I agree. That's why I am happy I only work a 35hr work-week with 6+ weeks vacation my friend. The rest of my time is spent outside, fishing, golf, hunting, softball, etc.

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Just went outside for about 20 minutes to cut the stuff that is going to seed on what is left to the front lawn.My butt is soaked from just sitting on the seat of the riding lawn mower.Weather channel said it is 86 my two thermometers on the shady side of the house read 90 degrees.

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