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bkln LocationDutchess County

Posted 08 July 2012 - 01:40 PM

"...did you say funny? Funny how? Funny like a clown? Do I amuse you...???" LOL

But seriously, I was watching this pissing match and can't stop laughing....The land owner didn't mind them so why you fellaz get bend out of shape on this one. Trespassing is bad we all know that but it is a part of life so get used to it. If you don't want anyone on your land that is sooo precious to you like your life depend on it, build a freaking Chinese wall around it, like 10 ft tall and sleep in piece or get an electric fence and fry each and every MF that approaches your property..... We live in society where not all people play by the rules, that's just life...

Let me finish my mini-rant in a Kosmo fashion (Seinfeldish) :"...If you don't want to be part of the society, why don't you move to the East Side Jerry...!!!"

Get back to me with that opinion after you've had someone trespass and invade your home where you and your family live and expect to feel and be safe...when your property is stolen and damaged....I'd like to see how your getting use to it...

Bye the way... when those same ppl your getting use to are carrying weapons ...your life or your families lives could depend on it

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Got a pic of a kid and his dad ( I assume it's his father ) on the camera . Don't know why they were on my friend's property .

After going through this thread I find the need to put my 2 cents in. We are on this website to talk about hunting. Putting out cams has now become part of our hunting arsenal. By doing this we see what goes on around our hunting property. This can be good and it could be bad. Some off us put a lot of time and effort into our property and don't need someone scaring off the game. If they are repeat offenders you should try to find out who they are and give them two options: stay off the land or deal with the authorities. This could of been a one time event, you just don't know. Maybe they needed a short-cut to get home and thought going down Eddie's trail would get them there. My neighbors daughter asked me a few years ago if it was OK to ride her horses through our property. I was totally fine with it January through September. I told her I appreciated her asking. They in return have told us we can ride the horses at any time, my both daughters ride. She shows up on my cams now and then, no big deal. Just asking goes a long way in my book. Eddie I hope the father and son don't show up on your camera any more. Just one more thing, Where my trails are visible or connect to a road I lay a big log across the trail. No big deal for me to step over but a bike or ATV would have a hard time, gets them thinking.

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Tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be prosecuted...

Wow glad I stayed out of this one. And I wanted to some day own my own land, just not south of Albany... If not for a few circumstances I would be living in Hope NY right now... Funny I debated getting land in the lower antler restricted area's, so much for that...

One thing I would like to say is be happy you can afford to own the land you have. While dealing with tresspassing is a pain in the neck it is something you have to deal with at one point of another if you are in a area with high population or well traveled area.

How about this sign:

SHOOTING RANGE: NO TRESSPASSING, this way if they get shot they were warned before they commited the illegal act... If I tresspass on a rifle range and get shot who is liable, can I sue or be sued?

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How about this sign:

SHOOTING RANGE: NO TRESSPASSING, this way if they get shot they were warned before they commited the illegal act... If I tresspass on a rifle range and get shot who is liable, can I sue or be sued?

Here's my $1worth: The range may be liable depending on whether or not they did everything reasonable to prevent trespassers from entering the property. i.e. fenced it off, posted etc. Every town or county has their own regulations on what a shooting range needs to do to warn outsiders. In the area of negligence it's called a "duty to warn". Now if the range knows there are trespassers that enter the property on a continuous basis, and they don't do anything to prevent them from entering the land other than posting signs, then the trespasser can sue the range. However, the fact that he/she is a trespasser will still weigh heavily against them. All I know is if I am walking the woods and I see a sign like that, I will skeddadle out of there! Don't want to get shot in the a$$!

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Kinda makes me glad I hunt up North on public land.

After getting banned from a 600 acre property for not likeing the fact that the owner baits. I was kicked off the land as I exclaimed to my friend "I need to find more hunting property" that was after I let the bear go that the land owner said not to shoot, yet he had to shoot it because it was eating his bait for deer... My friend must have told the land owner I wanted to find more land and was enough for him not to invite me back, so be it. This was suppose to be one of my full weeks of bow hunting last year that never happened even thought they knew I wanted to hunt it, SO BE IT. I only go where I am welcome and will never go back to this area, sucks because the land was nice with the golf course and farm below it making it ideal habitat...

Although I have had some instances where hunting up North was no better than being in an orange army it is usually remote enough to have very few instances... And tresspassing is something I do not worry about because I can not hike more than 15 miles in a day to get back to a town...

Tree Guy You are FUNNY!!! Thanks for the laugh!!! I need that today.

Edited by NFA-ADK
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That's real sweet Bubba, what do you give for Christmas presents, live grenades.

Coming from an instructor, you should be banned.

Sorry I didn't read the disclaimer, let's cover all the bases and preach what you want to preach, doesn't work for me though.

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Could you please clarify your post. Particularly the part about this treeguy fella.

" funny as hell "

Hell per Wikipedia is " In many religious traditions, hell is a place of suffering and punishment in an afterlife, often after resurrection. Religions with a linear divine history often depict hells as endless. Religions with a cyclic history often depict a hell as an intermediary period between incarnations. Typically these traditions locate hell under the Earth's external surface and often include entrances to Hell from the land of the living. Other afterlife destinations include Heaven, Purgatory, Paradise, and Limbo."

I am confused, ( often ) so help me out..... treeguy is funny as eternal damnation / not very " funny " or tree guy is funny like comical and when u read his posts you sometimes tinkle a bit from laughing " funny ".

Listen, I'm just trying to save some bandwidth and another 10 page argument, so lets just talk this one out like grown folk and get to the bottom of your statement.

You really are a funny guy!

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Sorry I didn't read the disclaimer, let's cover all the bases and preach what you want to preach, doesn't work for me though.

I truly do not care what works for you. I am not here to impress you or anyone else. But feel free to continue to tell me how I should think and act. I truly enjoy the input regardless of the validity.

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Unm when we teach we teach do not trespass. And if you can not take a joke, you should be banned. Geesh get over your bad self.

Gee Bubba , I thought I taught you better . You have to put a "lol" or "smiley face" after some posts so folks wouldn't take a joke as something serious . lol ,,,,, B) ,,, :fie: ,,,, :girlcrazy: ,,,, :spiteful:

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How bout we market some of these great ideas..... new posted signs.... instead of " posted " which is kind of stupid anyways... " live mine field, stay out " or " caution, property over taken by poison ivy " or " land has aids, if your going to tresspass wear protection " or " owner is blind and shoots at anything he hears " or " trespassing will lead to immediate removal and a million dollar fine " or " beware of dog, especially the ones we trained to fight " or "beware of da Bubba, Bubba hungry - he eat human " or " tresspass and you legally agree to marry my wife " or " watch out for exploding cow crap " or " we just fed the kids some bath salts.... enter at your own risk "

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"Caution, live filming for predator 4" or reverse pshycology --- put a sign pointing to your neighbors house that says " free breakfast with all day tresspass " or " out of town for deer season, please don't kill the 160" that stays behind the house " or we could put out a scoreboard type deal showing stats.... "so far we have killed 15 deer on this property this year, haven't seen one since last Tuesday " or " DEC convention this week " man, there are alot of ideas to change up the typical " posted ". If i think of more ill be sure to add later, so join me creative minds, lets change the future of tresspassing together !

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LMAO Tree Guy..!!...

Those are some GREAT suggestions...

How about THIS sign ??...

" Trespassers will be restrained and forced to look at nude pictures of Janet Reno "

Or THIS one...

" Trespassers will be locked in a room and forced to listen to 24 hours of Barry Manilow's Greatest hits"

Or this one....

"Trespassers will required to spend an entire weekend with Growalot viewing 8MM home movies of her goats".....

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Adj. 1. tactful - having or showing a sense of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "she was tactful enough not to shatter his illusion"; "a tactful remark eased her embarrassment"

considerate - showing concern for the rights and feelings of others; "friends considerate enough to leave us alone"

tactless, untactful - lacking or showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others; "in the circumstances it was tactless to ask her age" 2. tactful - showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with people; "by diplomatic conduct he avoided antagonizing anyone"; "a tactful way of correcting someone"; "the agency got the kid-glove treatment on Capitol Hill"


diplomatical, diplomatic - using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people; "the hostess averted a confrontation with a diplomatic chenage of subject"

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Tactful - full of tact.

Most 70's furniture is tactful. Or- it is held together by many tacts

when people put up posted signs, they use many tacts to hold them, making them tactful, possibly so much that fat kids riding bikes may not be able to read the sign.

When a hammer tacker is low, it is tactempty vs tactful

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We all have to agree that posted signs makes an excellent rifle rests.

The fight is still on but now its looking more like a tournament. How about a 4-man round robbin style? Don't worry treeguy, you don't have to worry about tripping over the posted signs.

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