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Texas Judge Preparing For ‘Civil War’ If Obama Re-Elected

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A Texas leader is warning of what he calls a ‘civil war’ and possible invasion of United Nations troops if President Barack Obama is re-elected.

Lubbock County Judge Tom Head is convinced that Mr. Obama winning a second term would lead to a revolt by the American people and he’s is pushing a tax increase for the district attorney’s office and the Lubbock County Sheriff’s Office. He says the money is needed to “beef up” it’s resources in case President Obama wins the November election.


Judge Tom Head (credit: Lubbock County)

In the event of civil unrest Judge Head said he’s concerned the President would hand over sovereignty of the United States to the U.N. and that the American public would react violently.

“He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the U.S. to the United Nations, what’s going to happen when that happens?” Judge Head told FOX 34 in Lubbock.

“I’m thinking worse case scenario,” Judge Head explained. “Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe…we’re not just talking a few riots or demonstrations.”

The West Texas judge’s proposed tax increase is to help the sheriff’s office hire a law enforcement large enough to protect the county and to drive away the invaders.

“I don’t want rookies,” Head said flatly. “I want trained, equip and seasoned veteran officers to back me.”

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Opps didn't notice that section.

When I said your thoughts, I was more less asking on the hole civil war thing.

I mean I know a lot of people think that different things are going to happen as far as war and such but civil war is news to me. I'm more worried about the hole China and Japan thing personally.


Edited by HuntOrBeHunted
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Well I had to point it out so WNY wouldnt have to for the 16th time this month lol. You lost me on the civil race war as I read that nowhere in your original post. Im in no regards an Obamma fan and I truly fear we have not seen this guys true intentions at all. But on the other hand it sounds like Tom Head is looking for a reason to raise taxes and is trying to justify his reasoning. So if he gets his tax increase and when Obamma is not re-elected does he have plans to give it back since he wont need it for the reasoning he is asking for it in the first place. I highly doubt it.

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Well being pretty new to this site I can say I didn't see it 16 times lol, it only took one and I'll make sure to correct my mistake. And I commented on the 1 thread I did see and let him know that i'm aware of the mistake and it won't happen again!

I had meant to say civil war, not race war, I corrected it that.

But he has to on to something other then just taxes to make it so public. Idk lets hope all is well.

We are at war allready and with the hole Syria thing going on we have enough on are plate..

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I dont see a civil war happening, it would have to get alot worse than it is now. But I do see radicals from the far right being stupid. Especially if he go's after gun's and signs that arms treaty with the UN and continues to piss of religious people. Someone will lose their mind and start some sh--. You can only push so far before someone starts pushing back. No matter from the left or right. The Prez has gotten himself into a nice mess with his welfare government. The last thing we needed during a recession was a tax and spend on everything but the economy Prez. We Need someone who knows how to run a business of which Obama has never been successfull at. At this point I would rather have had that witch Hillary elected. Atleast she is smart. I dont think I could take another 4 yrs of that Bidden joker either. Could you imagine if something happened to Bammmer and we got stuck with that POS. Then you could almost count on a civil war. The american people will choose what they deserve. Hopefully they choose right.

Edited by erussell
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It may sound crazy but I have to agree with some of what he's talking about. Obama has already started handing over this country to the U.N. Have you heard of the Small Arms Treaty that Obama and Clinton are trying to ram through? If this goes through other countries will have a say in our 2nd amendment rights. Civil war sounds crazy as all get out but ask yourself what will you do if the UN knocks on your door demanding you turn in your firearms ? We are headed for some very scary days if this man gets re elected.

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I think this guy should step down and go hide in his bunker.

The rebuplicans have done an excellent job putting fear into people this year.

Please!! fear mongering is a tool of both parties, Like the democramps statements that repulicrats are for dirty water and air and killing old people. Please lets not be dramatic. But yes the guy is a nut job, there are lots of them on both sides of the aisles. Sad thing is people keep putting them in office and they keep breeding!!

Edited by erussell
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Civil war sounds crazy as all get out but ask yourself what will you do if the UN knocks on your door demanding you turn in your firearms ? We are headed for some very scary days if this man gets re elected.

If the UN nocks on your door asking for the guns, Shoot the three soldiers from the democratic republic of the congo and the french soldiers will throw down their guns and surrender. :spiteful: Everyone else give them your guns one bullet at a time.

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post-31-0-87293600-1345799196.jpgi think i might have said this before, this country is getting stupider by the day. and its because we even entertain stupid comments made by stupid politicos like this guy in Texas.

heres one for you, how about a civil war between all good hard working middle class people and dumb arsed rednecks like these idiots down in Texas.

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You guys all realize that the UN treaty doesnt mean that anyone can come get your guns right? Even if the US enters into it, they cant do anything to your guns.

Yes, some of us do realize this. But, again, why let the truth get in the way of good fear mongering propaganda.

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post-31-0-87293600-1345799196.jpgi think i might have said this before, this country is getting stupider by the day. and its because we even entertain stupid comments made by stupid politicos like this guy in Texas.

heres one for you, how about a civil war between all good hard working middle class people and dumb arsed rednecks like these idiots down in Texas.

I know alot of " dumb arse rednecks" from Texas, Lousiana , and Alabama. The US military is full of them and one thing I know is Joe shmo overweight hard working middle class wouldnt stand a chance against one of them.

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