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guy at work just getting into hunting I refused to go with him


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So my Immediate supervisor at work just decided to get into hunting. Which is a good thing for the sport to add another hunter. However. He received this 30-06 rifle from his father in law, never shot a rifle before, and plans on just going to a store buying ammo and going hunting with it without shooting it first or sighting it in for him. I then asked well where are you going to hunt. he replied at ed's house ( Ed is the VP of our Dept.) He then asked me to go with him and teach and show him things. Normally I wouldnt have a problem with this, this way I can teach a newbie the right way and start him on the right foot and doesnt make a bad name for the sport. but We dont talk at all at work as it is because he is full of sh** and thinks he knows everything besides that we just dont get along. I said well, I have plans and I dont know when I would have time to take you into the woods but I can try to work something out. I continued to say, read up on hunting tips and tricks and tactics I can help you find a nice tree to lean against. He then came back and said in these exact words "NO NO my A$$ aint going into the cold woods and sitting in the snow. Im going to use the back porch with a heater next to me with a few beers" I politly said well . Well then No Im not going with you and your not going with me at all. he got all pissed and said y the hell not. I replied because thats not how you really hunt and I dont want any part of being with you with a gun you never shot before.

Edited by apoallo
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Does the VP hunt?...If so this guy may find him self in a pickle ,trying to act like that on the VP's hunting land....

Your aggravation towards him may turn into a satisfaction grin all said and done...ppl like that tend to hang them selfs in the end...lol

The VP does not hunt anymore. I spoke with him last night and he was telling me he saw a 19 point on the VP's property.... i dont believe that . although possible I tend to lean towards Bullsh** ive been hunting almost 9 years and havnt seen one with that many points. It can happen, but I know the neighbors bordering the land he saw that buck are big hunters. Im sure one of them would have killed him in the past years if he did exist. When I asked him after you shoot the buck are you gonna get off the porch and drag the deer out? He said No ill drive Ed's Jeep in and get it out that way. Growalot your right I probably will grin in the end. I cant wait for if he does get a deer for him to cut the stomach the first time he guts one. Thinking about him possibly throwing up makes me happy. Edited by apoallo
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Sounds like the guy that was hunting near me last year. Sitting in my stand and had deer all around me but it still wasnt light enough to shoot so i let them go. 10 mins later i hear a shot not that far from me. Nobody is supposed to be on the property but me. After the season i went walking over towards where the shot came from and found his shitty little stand with beer cans and bottles all over the place and not far from the stand i find a nice dead deer. what a waste,

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guy sounds like a real tool bag... hate guys like that, they do nothing for this sport except parade a bad name for hunters. its sad because he is not the only guy out there like that and wants nothing to do with the real angle of hunting. drinking beer while handling a gun is remedy for disaster. i mean i can see coming in from a morning hunt and having a beer at the cabin before your evening hunt, ok... but sitting on the porch drinking beers waiting for deer is retarded...

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