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Its killin me!!!!!!!!!!!


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This is quite possibly the most painful deer season i have ever endured.

Work was crazy the first week of the season so i couldn't get out.

Then i had a three day trip to Ohio (got back yesterday). And no it wasn't hunting related.

I just got done with work for the day, i have to go to a church fundraiser meeting later, and then back in the office tonight to get some more work done.

Tomorrow is going to be a 12+ hour day.

Thursday i have to hold a meeting for my staff which will be another long day and then we leave for Pittsburgh that night.

I will be in PA thru Sunday and then come back.

Monday morning i have to leave for Long Island bright and early for a three day work trip.

I will be behined on my normal duties when i get back so that will mean two more long days and then i am supposed to go to a buddies house (who i have not seen in two years) in Skaneateles for a weekend bird hunt.

Truth be told only thing i want to do is sit in a damn tree and i have no clue when the hell its going to happen.

At this rate its going to be the last weekend in October before i see the deer woods. :fie:

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I understand a hunter wants to,needs to ? hunt. You'll get there. There was a time when my wife worked full time M- F and i worked half the week ends, our kids were young,i had tons of time off from my job but did the Mr. Mom thing and got out when could, and ,thats but a distant memory now .

We are hunters for life .

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Look at the bright side, this all could of been happening further into the season. Plenty of time to get out there.

Good luck.

That is what i keep telling myself

Where on LI ???, we could do happy hour and talk about hunting....


I don't know how to explain it. Its like an itch that i cant scratch. Of course i don't think being on here helps any. It feels like a mosquito bite but all these photos of dead deer is turning it into a case of poison ivy.

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Sounds like you timed it perfect if you ask me!! Keep in mind season would not even open till this weekend. And besides its been kinda slow out there anyway. Get all your stuff done and out of the way now So when that magic time comes around like end of October you can enjoy just sitting in a treestand. Good luck this season!!

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I know how you feel. Being self-employed and only just starting out (again)I cannot turn down any work. This year fortunately (not for my hunting though) we are swamped. You know the old feast or famine thing. I go on a 10 day hunt early to mid Nov every year. Come hell or high water I'm goin even if the homeowner has to use a watering trough and hose for a bath ....JK ....sort of...lol

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