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Doewhacker, I completely disagree with your shame me quote. The pictures already out in the internet world for everyone to see, this area is here for us to discuss it. Could the deer have turned yes but he said he took a questionable shot and the reason was because he spent $100 so he didn't want deer to walk by. Just a statement like that displays poor ethics. I'm sure if you feel strongly enough about the photo you can contact a moderator and have it removed from this thread and the harvest thread.

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I think you are reading into his comments a little to much, I don't think saying he shot a deer because he paid for his tags means he made a bad shot on purpose. Did you bother to PM him to see what happened before starting the bash fest here?

And for the record I have seen plenty of deer shot quartering too (not by me) and even head on that were killed just as dead and ethically as a broad side shot. Absolutely not the best choice but can be done right by an experienced shooter.

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I think the majority would cringe if that happened to them and be thankful it didn't turn out worse. They also would not put it out there for the world to see.........the minority would have that happen and say "whoa that's cool",and "hey, at least it's dead."....................

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I did not private msg him but it is up here for him to explain. Also I didn't open this for a bash fest he did that himself I just relocated it to save the harvest thread and save moderators time of deleting all the comments

Don't worry I sent him one, hopefully he comes back and explains things for us. You started this thread so the bash fest is on you, its on him for posting images in the first place.

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Some guys see a deer and just can not give the deer time to give him the shot. They HAVE TO fire an arrow at the deer in hope of killing it. a head shot with a bow is a crap shot and low percentage shots should not be taken, thats my opinion. thats why they call it hunting not killing. sometimes watching the deer walk away is part of the game, sport and thrill...

that is a horrible shot, a quartering to shot with the bow is very low percentage...

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I wasn't going to say anything or add to this thread, but seeing how so many of you experienced and elite hunters are bashing on the guy, I can't help but think you guys must have been born hunters, every shot was perfectly DRT shots and the deer never even twitched.

How about all those "wrong site pin" missed shots that's out there, why not bash on those guys? Heck, some of those guys are posting right here I bet. Those shots could easily could have turned out MUCH worse than this. Was a new thread created for those instances?

Most of "elite" hunters are so full of yourselves it's unbelievable. Instead of encouraging ethical shots and finding out the truth, most of you are quick to crucify. Really a sad sight to see amongst fellow hunters.

Who's to say he was not aiming for the jugs? Hunter's Ed taught us that there is more than one kill zone, and as stated already, the jugs is a real fast and painless way to drop a deer. The arrow through the lip could very well be the deer jumping, can any of you nay Sayers be sure he was aiming for the head?

Bottom line is, he may not deserve praise for the shot, but he shouldn't be crucified for it either.

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I was under the impression this thread was started in order for us to comment on the decision to post a picture of a deer with an arrow sticking out of it's head and the response of the hunter when he was criticized on his shot choice............maybe I was wrong.

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I wasn't going to say anything or add to this thread, but seeing how so many of you experienced and elite hunters are bashing on the guy, I can't help but think you guys must have been born hunters, every shot was perfectly DRT shots and the deer never even twitched.

How about all those "wrong site pin" missed shots that's out there, why not bash on those guys? Heck, some of those guys are posting right here I bet. Those shots could easily could have turned out MUCH worse than this. Was a new thread created for those instances?

Most of "elite" hunters are so full of yourselves it's unbelievable. Instead of encouraging ethical shots and finding out the truth, most of you are quick to crucify. Really a sad sight to see amongst fellow hunters.

Who's to say he was not aiming for the jugs? Hunter's Ed taught us that there is more than one kill zone, and as stated already, the jugs is a real fast and painless way to drop a deer. The arrow through the lip could very well be the deer jumping, can any of you nay Sayers be sure he was aiming for the head?

Bottom line is, he may not deserve praise for the shot, but he shouldn't be crucified for it either.

i dont know how you were taught or any other hunter here but i was not taught to let arrows fly at un ethical angles. if the deer is calm give him time to give you the right shot. Im sorry, there is nothing ethical about slinging an arrow through a deers mouth, you agree???? would you consider throwing an arrow at a deer quartering to you? WITH YOUR BOW? and you are right there are more then one kill zone, each having a lessor percentage of 1 killing a deer and 2 recovering it with a good blood trail.

people miss deer all day long and wound them, granted... i think this is a prime example of a shot that should not have been taken, period. WTH are you aiming at with an angle like that? that is what you call a hope and prayer. hope you hit it good enough to kill and pray you find it. mo one is claiming to be en "ELITE" hunter, its very funny how guys are quick to think someones is portraying themself to be better then someone else when someone has something to say about a bad shot decision. If you think we should all be happy your wrong. the only thing im sure we are happy is the deer died and he was able to make the harvest other wise, CRAP SHOT....

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i think it would be different of the deer was broad side and a hicup occurred and the arrow hit him in the head, at least we know what the intent was but there is notthing left to the imagination with the pic. the deer was facing him and a chest shot was all he let the deer give him plain and simple. i dont care what people choose to do but i would not brag about a shot like that whats so ever... guys see horns and freak out and sometimes judgment goes out the window, thats how bad things happen and people get hurt

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i think it would be different of the deer was broad side and a hicup occurred and the arrow hit him in the head, at least we know what the intent was but there is notthing left to the imagination with the pic. the deer was facing him and a chest shot was all he let the deer give him plain and simple. i dont care what people choose to do but i would not brag about a shot like that whats so ever... guys see horns and freak out and sometimes judgment goes out the window, thats how bad things happen and people get hurt

Were you there?

Again a deer can turn way faster than any arrow.

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Were you there?

Again a deer can turn way faster than any arrow.

and i suppose you were?

judging by the angle of the shot it was fairly close. jumped or not very bad shot angle i dont care what the rhyme or reason is. thats my 2 cents and im entitled to it...

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and i suppose you were?

judging by the angle of the shot it was fairly close. jumped or not very bad shot angle i dont care what the rhyme or reason is. thats my 2 cents and im entitled to it...

He said in the harvest thread it was 30 yards. My brother had the same thing happen last year at the same distance with nearly the same results just lower. His buck jumped and turned into the arrow from a broadside shot.

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. My brother had the same thing happen last year at the same distance with nearly the same results just lower. His buck jumped and turned into the arrow from a broadside shot.

I have seen this happen with vehicles doing 30mph, but I find it pretty hard to believe a deer can do a 180 after you shoot but what do I know I wasn’t there :punish:

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He said in the harvest thread it was 30 yards. My brother had the same thing happen last year at the same distance with nearly the same results just lower. His buck jumped and turned into the arrow from a broadside shot.

Doe im not arguing with you that what you said is not possible, it is... The hunter who shot the deer specifically said in HIS POST in the harvest thread that he was aiming for the CHEST. Now, what does that tell you?

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Doe im not arguing with you that what you said is not possible, it is... The hunter who shot the deer specifically said in HIS POST in the harvest thread that he was aiming for the CHEST. Now, what does that tell you?

Chest could mean vitals too, only he knows and after pages of bs I doubt he will bother to post.

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