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Ole Christmas tree ole Christmas.....


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Tree....We went and got our tree today....walked though 2 fields of trees and got just the right one..... cut it and hauled it back to office....This was a yearly tradition when the kids were young .....The last several years it was just grab one on the way home from work...not as fun...Today was very enjoyable even with out the kids and Hot Chocolate ....We reminisced about Tree cuttings of year gone by and they could hear us laughing all the way up to the office....there where more than a few "Griswald" trees in our life ...lots of gauged wood work and scratched ceilings...but the memories are wonderful to have....

What are some of your "Griswald " Tree buying stories......

Edited by growalot
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Every year we go to breakfast first, then trek out to the tree farm for some good times selecting a tree. Have found over the years it we prefer a tree to be a little sparse, allows for more room to decorate.

As for the Griswald tree, when I was a kid my Dad thought we had the perfect tree on our property. It was the top portion of a 20' Hemlock. Sure enough got the ladder out and cut the top out to bring in the house. Ended up with only about 6' of ugly tree. We learn the top portion doesn't look so good when view at eye level.

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cut one with the college roommate in 1987, and it was funny because we hauled it back to Auburn on top of his brothers Nova, had to leave all the windows open cause they had no roof racks and needed to secure it.

Also cut one on LI about 10 yrs ago w/ my wife & son. It was great but every time we tell the story my daughter gets jealous cause she's never been.....gotta do it soon.

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Me and a friend of mine bought trees for our parents houses when we were in our early 20's. The one my buddy cut was too wide to fit thru the tree baler and it totally filled the back of my Ford Ranger I had at the time. When we got to his house it took both of us to push it in the front door as it was a mighty tight squeeze. His Dad didnt say too much about the gouges in the paint/wood of the door frame. This year I am going out with my 2 little ones and cutting a tree off of our own property as we have a bunch of them perfect sized for Christmas trees. There is one good sized one that got rubbed pretty good by a buck that might be kinda cool to have in the house and it has a big sparse area for decorating. Merry Christmas everyone!

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I went down in the basement, and pulled the sheet off our Christmas tree and carried it upstairs. The lights were still on it from last year. When you put enough decorations and icicles on, you can't tell what the heck is underneath ..... lol.

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This is an account of our first "Griswald tree''...Mr B read it and said that"s not right!...I laughed and said ya...but they'd never believe it if I gave the real #'s....so I thought on it and in all honesty the tree...well it started around 10ft up and Mr. B remembers it as being closer to 8 ft high....laying on it's side ...but I'm thinking between 6 an7ft...It actually was a bit taller than me...I know we have pics of it in the house...just need to dig them out...but here's the account.......

One year we got a late start to go get the tree...we had our first F250 4x4 king cab pick up...this thing needed a small step ladder to get into...lol...... We made it to a U cut farm and it was 20.00 any sized tree...well we walked and walked and the kids were really little the snow was fairly deep and Mr. B was on the cusp of loosing his patients....well... he'd lost that actually and was teetering on angry when the snow hit and dark was riding its back...

When Finally it clicked and there was the perfect tree...problem was it started 6ft up and was rather mature...but perfect...he said no way that's not a cutting tree...we then began to bargain and I kept saying ..."he said ANY Tree" ...well Mr.B. said go ask...I did and the guy said yep to Mr. B's amazement ...then ask if we could have help....with the tractor...it was a tad big....

Mr B got the truck backed up to the tree ad stood on the tail gate to cut it...and when it fell....I let out a gasp and started to laugh for the tree was 5ft tall....on its side...the land owner and Mr. B just shook their heads...by this time the kids were asleep in the truck...The tractor lifted the tree into out truck and everyone started laughing ...for it was longer than the truck and hung over the wind shield and the sides over flowed and hung down by the tires on either side.....$20.00 deal!...

What a slow ride home...ppl were honking and waving.... grabbing ppl out of the house to see as we drove by...laugh boy did we laugh all the way home....I could have started a wreath business with all that we "trimmed " from that tree..... doors were taken off hinges to get it in the house and still lost some moldings

That is just one such trip out into the "Christmas woods" but by far the top of the list as to memorable...We had a bow window or alcove in the dinning room...the tree filled that area and we had to move the dinning room table....for it reached out to the middle of the room...took two hours to maneuver it into the house....Thank heavens we had 10ft ceilings in that house....lol

Edited by growalot
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We go every year and cut our own with the kids, one of my most favorite days and I gladly take the day off from hunting to do it. It has taken a few years to perfect the size of the tree, seems like we had a few that were too short or too tall, this year I picked it and went with the biggest sob I could squeeze in my living room, more room for presents that way! We go for a Concolur Fir which gives an citrus smell, love it.

One year way back I went and got a big tree and set it up and came back a few hours later to a tipped over tree, it was so large that I had to go out and get a bigger stand..lol

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Years gone by, we use to hook up the team ( tractor) to the bobsleigh ( hay wagon) and make our yearly travel back to the neighbors lot to cut a scotch pine ( with his permission, of coarse). Now mind u, our family had a little farm house. The dining room was maybe 12 x 12 where the tree would go. We'll, the spruce trees were nice size in 8 years and would fit the room quite nicely. Eventually, those trees got to be 30' high. We would top them down about 10', and bring them back to the house. Everyone knows that christmas trees settle their branches, right. We'll, a scotch pine really settles, DEVOURING most of the room. They end up looking more like a bush rather than a tree, but the smell of pine,was great. Moral, have a big enough room.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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When my wife and i were dating, she lived with here sister. I agreed to go with them to cut down a tree, haul it out and get in into the house. We got it to the house and all set up in the stand (big wide tree) . I was sitting in a chair, enjoying a cold beverage and the wife and her sister were sitting on the floor going through a box of decorations for the tree. Then a rustling noise came from the tree. Then the tree shook a little, then a little more then nothing. We were all silent and just looking at the tree. All the sudden a bird burst out of the tree and starts flying around the room. My wife and her sister started running around and screaming like an axe murderer was chasing them. They knocked over the tree, a couple chairs, my beer and a few other things. I kept yelling,while laughing out loud at them, that it was just a bird and to relax but they had tunnel vision. This went on for a good minute or two. Finally my wife locked (yes locked) herself in the bathroom with the phone and called her mother and her sister just ran right out of the house. With the two nuts out of the picture a caught the bird with a towel and let him go outside. The house looked like a truck drove through it.

Before I left that night I said to them "next year get your own damn tree."

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When my wife and i were dating, she lived with here sister. I agreed to go with them to cut down a tree, haul it out and get in into the house. We got it to the house and all set up in the stand (big wide tree) . I was sitting in a chair, enjoying a cold beverage and the wife and her sister were sitting on the floor going through a box of decorations for the tree. Then a rustling noise came from the tree. Then the tree shook a little, then a little more then nothing. We were all silent and just looking at the tree. All the sudden a bird burst out of the tree and starts flying around the room. My wife and her sister started running around and screaming like an axe murderer was chasing them. They knocked over the tree, a couple chairs, my beer and a few other things. I kept yelling,while laughing out loud at them, that it was just a bird and to relax but they had tunnel vision. This went on for a good minute or two. Finally my wife locked (yes locked) herself in the bathroom with the phone and called her mother and her sister just ran right out of the house. With the two nuts out of the picture a caught the bird with a towel and let him go outside. The house looked like a truck drove through it.

Before I left that night I said to them "next year get your own damn tree."

Thats terrible! What a waste of a perfectly good beer...hehe

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