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The season is coming to an end. Curious to hear what everyone got.


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BOW-passed several does small bucks,ended getting a nice 7 point (165 lbs)and 2 good does(early northern bow 100lbs and doe in oct 125 lbs)

RIFLE-one small doe(90 lbs) one big does(185lbs)

MUZZLELOADER-nothing yet but have the afternoon off tomorrow

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1 doe 10/14 bow

1 buck 11/16 bow

1 buck 11/17 rifle

1 doe 12/08 shot gun

Brother 1 buck 11/17 shotgun, 30 minutes after I connected.

My wife missed one on Black Friday, only hunted twice and had encounters both times next to me in the stand.

Hunted with Elmer Fudd from here and grunted in a buck that he nearly got a crack at during bow.

Didn't keep a count on deer sightings this year but saw a bunch, saw some every time out. More this year than last year and I saw @70 last year and gun hunted far less last year. So I would say I had a good season and awesome fall. Salmon fished for the first time, bird hunted in Maine and had a great time every single weekend since September and now I am going back to grouse hunting. Loving life!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I shot the first buck I saw opening day of SZ rifle, a 6 point...

Saw 5 more bucks after after that all of which I could have shot, plus a few bambis, but never got a chance at a decent doe in NY. Ate my DMPS and MZ tags..

I shot 2 nice adult does in PA.. Only saw one buck there and he was sub-legal..A spike..

My freezer is full...I'm a happy doobie....

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