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Post some old photos of yourself and deer !


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Here's mine, my first deer taken sometime in the early/mid '80's town of Ontario just across the Webster line. Used my Dads Rem. mod.11 with bird barrel. Put some Tinks 69 on cotton balls placed inside a film canister,because someone told me that worked lol.

Well it did he walked out of the woods into a winter wheat field right to it.

I had to take a digital pic of the paper pic.

and yes thats one bad a$$ sweater !


Edited by Larry302
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This is about 1987 I believe... nearly walked by this buck on his track.... you know how you get that feeling something is watching you? well, I did and turned to my left to find him staring at me.. he circled and was bedded literally five feet from me in a brush pile. I manage to get a bullet in him as he started to get up from his bed... he ran off and I chased him not sure if I had hit him.. I got to a clearing just as he was coming out of the brush and into the clearing... I raised my gun and he fell down... he tried getting up... I fired as he was falling again and my slug burned the hair on his neck and put a hole in his ear... he started getting up again and I gathered my composure and shot him in the chest... he shook his body and let out a loud grunt just before dropping to the ground dead... the image still makes the hair on my neck stand up. That was my first tracking kill. If you look close you can see the hole on the edge of his left ear.




Edited by nyantler
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I knew I'd see some red and black plaid, thanks Joe. Keep 'em coming, some of you are really old.....lets see those black and whites !

LOL.. those wool pants were the best back then... but they were like wearing lead pants... the new fleece stuff is so much lighter and just as warm and waterproof... some of the youngsters today don't realize how good they have it as far as the quality of the hunting clothes these days... I would have killed for a pair of warm boots and gloves back in the day.

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LOL.. those wool pants were the best back then... but they were like wearing lead pants... the new fleece stuff is so much lighter and just as warm and waterproof... some of the youngsters today don't realize how good they have it as far as the quality of the hunting clothes these days... I would have killed for a pair of warm boots and gloves back in the day.

What uninsulated green rubber boots with yellow laces, a pair of stretched out wool socks that don't stay up and Wonder Bread wrappers didn't do it for you ?

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What uninsulated green rubber boots with yellow laces, a pair of stretched out wool socks that don't stay up and Wonder Bread wrappers didn't do it for you ?

You got it!! I think that is the reason I never learned to sit very long in one place... I would have froze ot death.

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Oh man did I ever just give myself a good laugh looking back at some of my old pics! I'll save those for another day,lol

This was my first archery kill. Hard to believe that's going on 20yrs now.

It's pretty rare to get the ol' man to pose for pics, so this one has always been kinda extra special to me for that reason alone.


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Awesome thread. Here's a few pics of pics. My Dad in 70's with a catskills buck. He was once went 9 years between seeing bucks! Then a 1993 pic of my dad with his work clothes underneath hunting clothes. He would hunt first hour everyday then go straight to work unless he got a buck. Lastly, my best ny buck. 8pt from 07'. Notice the orange pants. I wore matching jacket n hat, so I was complete head to toe in blaze orange

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Sorry, not so old, but I don't have any real old ones. My buck in 2008, we joked that it was well earned because it was my first buck, and second ever deer, in 10 years. In reality though not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for him!

My hunting clothes are older than I am, hand me downs! One of these days I need to invest in some warm(er) stuff.


Edited by Jennifer
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Sorry, not so old, but I don't have any real old ones. My buck in 2008, we joked that it was well earned because it was my first buck, and second ever deer, in 10 years. In reality though not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for him!

My hunting clothes are older than I am, hand me downs! One of these days I need to invest in some warm(er) stuff.


Beautiful buck, Jennifer ! It appears you made a perfect shot on him, too..

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