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Whats so hard about passing yearling bucks?


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Not jumping on you ny, just stating that to me the million+ acres in the adk's and the land to the north is more than a VERY few areas.  You did mention parts of the Adk's, but it is more like most of the Adk's.  Based on other threads I've read I don't think people have an appreciation for the size of a 10,000 acre piece, let alone a million+ acre piece.  That is a ton of land and should be more than categorized as "very few area's".  Regardless, I think for the most part we have similar philosophies on managing deer for age and herd health.  I like the benefits a food plot provides and you like natural feeding area's. 

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have you looked at eagleseed forage soybeans yet? I used them last year with incredible results. I mixed mine with corn but I think they would do just fine on their own.

I have not, but I will for sure this year!

there is another one ...I think it is called Bobwhite soybean...it is a climbing soybean designed to be used with corn,sorgum or sunflowers.

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I'm not sure how this thread got onto food plots, but I will admit that I am no big fan of food plots for a lot of the reasons that have already been mentioned. However, I will say that I am getting a bit concerned about the maturing of NYS's habitat. I have been in my chunk of NY for just about all of my life, and have had a unique opportunity to see land use changes over a big chunk of years. I now walk through some chunks of woods that were open fields back in my childhood. I have seen areas that were almost exclusively active family farms turn back through some prime deer country and then continue on into heavy over-story habitat that really isn't all that great for a lot of the critters. So, I guess if there are those that want to keep some small chunks of land open and producing and call them food plots, I can't argue with that a whole lot.

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Joe, I thought you have around 120 acres of clover on your place?  Isn't that a food plot?  Plus, you are the only person I know that uses the terminology "hrybrid plots"  yes, there is hybrid clovers but they aren't developed for bigger deer racks.  Hybrid cloves have been around before the foodplot industry started. 

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Yes we have about 120 acres of clover that the farmer planted in various spots around the property .. it is  intermixed with the existing grasses that were already there and is not fertilized or weeded and can only be cut every 2 years... some NY program he got into years ago.

As for hybrid clover not being made to increase rack size.. check out the Whitetail institute page.. Imperial Clover and Imperial Alfa Rack along with some of their other products are marketed as just that .. and also marketed as deer magnets... Thats ok.. if thats what your into.. I am not

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Interesting place- food sources have become food plots>food plots have become baiting..and though legal one can be accosted for such. Are mock scrapes baiting too?

The state suggest to pass on yearling deer, though many on here feel violated when thats brought up because it is their right...but youre a POS if you plant something even if you dont hunt over it.

Wow...Hypocrites unite!  ;)

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Interesting place- food sources have become food plots>food plots have become baiting..and though legal one can be accosted for such. Are mock scrapes baiting too?

The state suggest to pass on yearling deer, though many on here feel violated when thats brought up because it is their right...but youre a POS if you plant something even if you dont hunt over it.

Wow...Hypocrites unite!  ;)

Not getting the relation.. passing on yearlings and hunting over a food plot are 2 totally different things

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  • 2 weeks later...

The relationship is why one legal right (such as food plots or not wearing blaze) not okay, but the states suggestion to pass on yearlings bucks can be ignored in the name of "its my legal right". Either you back legal rights or you dont. Not an ala carte selection here...let alone ignoring your own states biological recommendation.

Double standard...and an annoying one at that.

Did I explain it with any more clarity?

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