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How Stupid do they "Think" we Are - Deer Hunting Aids


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May take some flack for this, but my favorite is the Deer (rear) View Mirror.

What the heck.........

I had a treestand in Geneseo that split off into 3 trunks . I put a 3' X 4' pressure treated stand in it about 18' high . I shot several deer from there and got my 1st bowkill from there . It had a great viev across a woods and there is a big ditch behind it . We could hunt the other side also . I got busted when I turned to look behind me . I took care of that problem . I took a 5" X 8" camping mirror the next time and fastened it to one of the trunks in the stand with a bungie cord . I could see movement behind me when there was some . I could spot other hunters when they were approaching .

Soooooo , I can see where that Deer View Mirror might be handy .

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Lol.... As long as hunters believe they can buy success at deer hunting, there will always be people who will promise that they can buy it from them. It just irritates me that I never had the gumption to get in on the action.  ;D


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the acorn cruncher or whatever its called. all I can think wow someone really buys these things.

That is the one that really gave me a chuckle. The sound of crunching acorns is supposed to relax the deer. There has to be a way of getting on the receiving end of some of this stuff ..... lol.


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the acorn cruncher or whatever its called. all I can think wow someone really buys these things.

That is the one that really gave me a chuckle. The sound of crunching acorns is supposed to relax the deer. There has to be a way of getting on the receiving end of some of this stuff ..... lol.


Ya I would hafta say that this is my favorite as well lol.  When I first saw the advertisement for this I about fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard.


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i think some of the snort weeze things they are pushing on the hunting shows are over the top, i know for a fact you would scare a deer into the next county with the noises Mike Waddell makes when he's hunting.

I think alot of those are just empty tubes that you make a noise through...can't we just make the noise with out the tube? haha that is a good one sits.

What about that contraption that allows you to mount the range finder to the bow for a constant range reading...how bulky and heavy is that thing I wonder. And who wants to draw back and then look over at a range finder with a deer in front of them.

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Aw c'mo n u guys don't use the acorn cruncher?  Its been tested to put the deer at ease! Its the latest and greatest.  Waddell is gonna put his name on it soon.  Anybody ever try those estrus incense sticks?  Im kinda leery of the smoke thing.  I dont know how it could smell authentic.

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I saw some on E-bay. Mostly for people who are into collecting archery oddities. There are a lot of people who collect broadheads. One guy used to have a super display at the Avon National Hunting and Fishing days. He really had some strange ones. In fact, I believe there is some national organization of broadhead collectors who just love these weird ones.

Anyway, we used to call this one the "apple corer". they weren't known for their super penetration as you can imagine just by looking at it. The fact that Browning was the one that marketed this thing is what is surprising. They have always been known for quality products and intelligent designs, but I guess this one got away from them ..... lol.


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I saw another super-bizarre deer hunting product a long time ago. One of the guys up at work showed up with a game call that made that blowing sound that deer use as an alarm. I never did figure out just what that was meant to accomplish other than to make sure that you didn't see any deer.


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I don't know, but apparently nobody thought it was a real good idea because is has long ago disappeared from the market.....lol. The market-place does have a way of purifying itself of stupid ideas. :)  Sometimes it's just a bit frustrating how long it takes.


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Doc --your post reminded me of a BS session we had at work years ago . One of the guys that worked for me was talking about the Deer Alerts that get mounted on bumpers and how well they worked because he drove from Savanah to Webster avery day and had never hit any deer . I told the guys that you had to be careful when mounting the Deer Alerts because if you put them on backwards , they would attract deer instead . A couple guys looked at me thinking , I know he's BS'ing us but ....... it sounds possible !  ::) ... :D ... :D ... :D

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