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aren't going to see a break in winter temps and some snow until the 20th...This is one of those times one hopes the weatherman is as wrong as he's been all year...lol...31 here and feels like 25 according to the report...but its 27 and feels way colder than that....nice to see sun though...getting ready to go do some more cutting...clouds are moving at a good clip but just a gentle steady breeze at out level...

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I can deal with 27 as long as it is not snowing and snow on the ground.

Last year was horrible for having good days for scouting and finding sheds. This past weekend was a good one, but I want at least one or two more before greenup. I hate not having at least one solid weekend for scouting and one for sheds.

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I'm all for snow & cold for a few months, but am anticipating t-shirt days!

A little more precip. during the growing season this year couldn't hurt either! I still remember my brother last year during a spotty rainshower out in the field yelling up at the sky," IS THAT ALL YOU GOT". Funny thing was it actually started raining harder! lol

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Some of the ugliest snow storms that I can remember have happened in March. And quite often, the quality of the snow is the heaviest, gloppiest, stuff that makes plowing like trying to move tons of soft icecream. I remember one March storm that flopped 3' of the wettest snow that can exist without being water. I had to bring in a payloader to clean out a skinny trail up my 1000' driveway. I believe that was in the 70's. So I never count winter out until after March is dead and gone. I also remember a 6" snowfall in May, but that most likely was a once in a lifetime event. Severe March storms are really almost common.

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Sooner have the snow and cold now instead of during turkey season. The youth hunt is usually nasty.

Not only for hunting, but the apple trees would fare alot better from a more gradual temp increase. They all got shocked last year in my area when it warmed up nicely, apples blossomed, then bang hard frost. I didn't get a single apple outta the orchard my g-g-grandfather planted over 100 years ago. They are the most delicious apple I've ever had and bigger than store bought varieties! Edited by PREDATE
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Not only for hunting, but the apple trees would fare alot better from a more gradual temp increase. They all got shocked last year in my area when it warmed up nicely, apples blossomed, then bang hard frost. I didn't get a single apple outta the orchard my g-g-grandfather planted over 100 years ago. They are the most delicious apple I've ever had and bigger than store bought varieties!

 Yes, I  didn't get a single apple, peach, pear or cherry off my trees. March was a record warm month last year. A disaster for the fruit crop.  This year, so far looks more normal, in terms of temps.. Precip. is still on the light side, by viewing local conditions.


I miss the local crop. The types of soil minerals add a certain flavor to the end product. Some of the best tasting in the world.

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