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how could anyone even joke about shooting a dog?!?!?!? never mind actually doing it.  I had a 140's class buck at 55 yds last season and the neighbors dogs went crazy and scared the buck off before i could get a shot, thats part of hunting.  If i ever saw someone shoot a pet dog they would have 2 broken legs and have a long crawl back to the truck.

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I don't post a lot, but read this board frequently for the good information and non-drama that I see on other boards.

Please stop arguing and insulting people.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and additions to the discussion. It doesn't take a lot of effort to keep it respectible. Please make that little effort, OK?


Hahahaha It's not opinion we are talking about, it's law.

Let me know when you are a mod here ok?

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Doc commits a felony and its ok, this guy does and he is a dumbass. Makes sense.


Good thing you didn't tell the whole world about it on the internet as well as give an area you live in the past, oh wait...you did.

My gosh, step away from this forum for a bit and all of a sudden you have some guy calling you a felon ..... lol. I chose my words carefully, and it is purposely left up to you to imagine exactly how I "handled" it. But I'm sure you have heard that old saying about "assuming". Let's just say that I did not allow the situation to continue. If you would have, well that would be a part of your personality that differs seriously from mine.


As far as shooting the dogs that were running free and attacking our sheep, I will tell you that we turned the dogs over to the sheriff who thanked us for putting an end to the pack that was destroying flocks within the township and beyond. The dogs were evidence that would have been used against their owners if they had ever been determined (which they were not). There was no felony involved, and the solution was executed in full accordance with the law and fully out in the open.


Now if all that offends your sensitivities, you apparently have no clue what damage and suffering stray (uncontrolled) dogs can exact on a flock of sheep and other animals. Ok, in that case, that's simple ignorance and perhaps can be excused. I only wish you could actually witness one of these episodes whether it be sheep or deer, and then you might actually have something that rightfully offends your sensitivities.

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Dogs will be dogs...and, given the chance, some will chase deer. Big deal! If it happens, the problem lies with the dog's owner, not the dog. Do not shoot the dog if you are unwilling to shoot the owner. Where, is it inscribed in stone that deer are worth more than dogs? Face it...men who shoot dogs are pussies!

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What do you think those dogs running deer do when deer aren't around.....they are out killing sheep, goats, calves,chickens, turkeys...ect...and here's a bit of info for you....once a chaser/killer ALWAYS one...once a biter ALWAYS one...once they get that excitement of the chase and kill...if they have anything that turns that switch on.... in front of them, for what ever reason..... then you have more than dead deer to contend with.


As far as this being a bad subject for hunters to discuss...Well too bad here's something for you Polly Annas out there...


If you decide to move to the country with your pets....LEARN TO BE RESPECTFUL RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERS


1. just because there are no side walks...doesn't mean you don't have to pick up your dogs shit


2. darkness doesn't mean it's OK that your animals go out unattended


3. What you own is yours..what I own is mine...pets are property period...keep your property off of mine.


4. If your dog is missing....Then some where along the line YOU made a bad choice.

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If a dog is threatening you or your property ( i.e. livestock) you are within your rights to defend yourself and your property.

If a dog is threatening wildlife, a LEO has the authority shoot it.

A private citizen does not have that authority, and if you do so you are risking legal charges and the possibility of civil suit.

What is so difficult to understand about that ?

It just means that all of you self righteous property owners can bluster all you want about what you will do about domestic dogs on your property, but if you DO injure or kill one, you must be prepared to pay the legal and civil consequences.

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C'mon Growalot....are you really that mean?? Do you really love your dog and hate everone else's? I seriously hope that your dog crosses a line somewhere and gets whacked by some irate landowner or deer lover. (Actually, I don't, but it would serve you right!)

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Dogs will be dogs...and, given the chance, some will chase deer. Big deal! If it happens, the problem lies with the dog's owner, not the dog. Do not shoot the dog if you are unwilling to shoot the owner. Where, is it inscribed in stone that deer are worth more than dogs? Face it...men who shoot dogs are pussies!

When you justify dogs running loose and running down deer, you are justifying the actions of the owner who lets that happen. They think exactly the way you do. Their attitude is the same as yours .... "big deal". Well, you choose to ignore my descriptions of what the end product of that mentality looks like. I didn't take pictures, because we didn't have a lot of cameras around back when this stuff was going on, so you are just going to have to remain ignorant of what that sort of carnage looks like and continue to wonder why some people get so darned upset about seeing a deer torn apart piece by piece or any animal for that matter.


Yes, the problem lies with  the owner and his complete disregard for what he has turned loose on his area. There's no question about that. And I do believe that the penalties for not controlling your animals should way, way, more severe than they are. But they aren't. Dogs will be dogs and he damn well knows it. But what the heck .... big deal .... right?


So just out of curiosity, what if a coyote were to come into your yard and started chewing on your favorite pet (if you have one). Would you sit back and say ... "Oh well, coyotes will be coyotes, and given the chance they will pull apart a few dogs and cats .... Big deal". I don't know, maybe you would. After all, where is it inscribed in stone that pets are worth more than coyotes.....lol.


Look, I am not complaining about the ways of nature, and nature can be mighty cruel in the way wildlife dies. But I think there is definitely something wrong with raising predators to turn loose on the local wildlife and whatever else they happen to run across and then feed, house, and protect them so they can do it the next day or night. I also think there is something definitely wrong with trying to justify that sort of thing also. In fact it can't be justified. We don't house and feed and raise coyotes to turn loose on the local deer population. In fact some of us actually go out there and hunt them and even kill a few. Where's all the whining when we do that? Oh, one of them is wild and the other is not? Well let me tell you, when a dog is on the trail of a deer there isn't one bit of difference between the two. Maybe you haven't seen that, but I have.

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When I was a young boy with a BB gun hunting squirrels in the yard, I watched two dogs chase a doe across the neighbors yard and into my parents. The deer stopped on the other side of our driveway, and the dogs continued to sniff out her trail. I took carefull aim, shot the deer in the ass, and watched her run off. Then I simply ran at the dogs hollering "get outta here", and watched them tuck tail and run off in the other direction.


That's all I got.... no need to over complicate things in a 12 year olds mind,lol


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You don't have to worry about me and my dogs hanging around your deer pen, I have zero interest in it.


And for the record should anyone ever harm one of my dogs I would go after them one of two ways, either legally and make them pay out the ass for their mistakes or I would just react violently. I shouldn't have to worry about it though, I actually train my dogs and don't hang around fools like you.


Your choice, No big deal one way or the other. Now name calling...Whats that a sure sign of!

 Just an fyi..Would not matter if it was the 6 in pens or the 694 acres not..Same outcome!

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first you'ld have to be caught, if you know the dogs owner a simple i'm letting you know i saw your dog running deer and if i see it again i'm calling the dec is usually enough for an escaped pet owner to keep it secured,.most dogs that run deer aren't usually an in home pet but a unregistered animal also illegal, if your dog is running deer 1. You dont know where it is,almost all towns have leash laws and not obeying them is also illegal 2. if it doesnt come back how do you know what happened to it it will be just another lost dog perhaps eaten by coyotes ? 3. if it was "taken care of" and not spoken about by person that did it you would never have a clue as to who did it. illegal yes chance of getting caught about 0 if you keep your mouth shut.

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NYS Law states that if you own any livestock used for a purpose example. milk from cow/ goat meat from them as well  etc.. you have a right to protect them even if it is a neighbors dog chewing them up. I work at a vets office that worked on livestock as well and someone came in with their goat all torn up. puncture marks in the bark puncturing the intestine neck all ripped showing everything your neck has to offer under the skin. This poor goat was still alive and had to be put down due to injuries. We referred the goat owner to the police whose response was. if this happens again to another animal of your yopu can call us or handle the problem...

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