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2012 season buck but how old? still going to get bigger?

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Thanx alot first pic i got of him all season was second to last day of rifle. Got my blood pumping but only had 2 days to hunt him after i knew he was in the area. Actually saw him late january a few deer were eating on some round bails in the corner of my uncles pasture, so i know he is still around.

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Judging jawbones and photos only becomes subjective after bucks reach 4 years of age. A biologist that can't accurately age a deer that is 3 years or less by it's jawbone needs to go back to school- all you have to do is check and see which adult teeth are in and you know the age. After they have all of their adult teeth in at 4 years it's a calculated guess based on tooth wear and accuracy suffers. Same basic thing with looking at a buck's basic body type in a photo- once they hit 4 it's anyone's guess. This particular buck is obviously not a yearling and he's also pretty clearly not 4 or older, so that leaves either 2 or 3.

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Sam Potter I agree, with mild winter year before antler growth should of been exellent so I am going with 2.5 . Most people see a 2.5 And its huge or a giant...3.5 could be similar but i feel 2.5 a old buck 4.5 And up is truly impressive..

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