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Terrorist attack on Boston Marathon?


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Crazy times we live in today. Its just a distraction to get peoples attention off of the gun grabbing idiots in the white house. Kinda of funny obama was on tv right after the bombs went off talking about his gun ban bill proposal . and he said 80 percent of the people want more gun control. Id like to know where and who was polled for that figure

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it aint NY if it was the cops wouldnt be allowed to have em

are you talking about the AR's? 


i saw it all over the news last night, NY beefed up all efforts in security. i saw dozens of different cops carrying AR's with 30 round mags. 



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Sorry to be a killjoy, but I think it's pretty lame that some of you guys couldn't even wait 24 hours after this terrorist attack on our country to start making silly political wisecracks and ridiculous references to gun control.

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Wow really I think its funny people like you don't watch the news cause if you did you would have seen our pres talking about gun control instead of the bombs goin ill be dambed if anybody is gonna tell me what I should be saying... and for your information your first amendmant is protected bye our second .. its ass holes like you that the govermant runs all over its people

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It was the left wing media that, during the live coverage saide it was either terrorists or right wing extremists. Couldn't have been left wing extremists? Wanna bet if it is a muslim there will be non stop banter about how you can't hold all muslims at fault for it, but if it is a radical right wing groupg every conservative and tea party member will be at fault.

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I wish you wer in front of me id break your face . Grow the this is a public forum if you don't like whats being said on here go elsewheres

Hung. I know it is emotional times but we do have women and kids on this site. We can argue and disagree all day on the issues but there isn't a place for that language here.

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Ok benefit to a site that lets people pick on peoplefor there spelling or for what they post ive been on this site for a while and nobody says nothing to these people. Good luck with kids or woman joining this site. What would happen if so, e kid was handicapped would you still let people pick on the kid. Sorry but on my site that  aint tolerated good luck

Edited by Geno C
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