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Does Palladino have a chance?

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I think Cumo is afraid of him.

The campaign bashing started already.

TV ad brings out that he has a temper.

Now (allegedly) has made derogatory remarks about homosexuals.

I think some voters are turned off by his personality, brash & in your face.

Also think Cumo is  making a lot of idle promises he'll never be able to keep.

So what's new!!!!  ???

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I heard a joke the other day, All I can remember was the punch line - Carl Palladino.

As I lifelong registered Republican who votes I am sorry; but Carl is a disaster. I will not vote for him or for Cuomo.

Its apity we that we have so few choices!

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If the guy could just keep his foot out of his mouth for 5 minutes, he probably could make a good fight of it. But politics is an art. It's too bad, but that is just the way it is. And Palladino is not even a little bit skilled in that art and apparently his handlers aren't either. Let's face it, he's got an uphill battle in this liberal pinko state as it is. But the Democrats are in a bit of a wounded state with all the scandels and with the performance of their current Governor. Any reasonable Republican candidate probably had a shot. But you can't keep providing the negative headline of the day and still expect to win. Yes, I will hold my nose and vote for Palladino because I have to do my part in attempting to deny the office to Cuomo. But I really can't hold out any real confidence that my vote will make the difference. It really doesn't look good.


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Unfortunately, if you don't vote for Paladino, you are helping Cuomo get elected.  Paladino may be a wacko, but he is for smaller government and lower taxes.  Too bad he can't just stick to those issues and keep his mouth shut about anything else he has an opinion on!


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I was laughing at Paladino when he threatened the reporter a few days ago. Something about taking him out, I don't know but that seems like a guy with a screw loose. Could be good for entertainment value but I can't see him being able to get much done in office. I mean he will obviously make a lot of people mad just with his personality and I know the rest of the politicians will not work with some one that doesn't give in a little.

This is one of those lesser of two evil elections...we are screwed either way.

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Could be good for entertainment value but I can't see him being able to get much done in office.

Lol ...... That could be a good thing!!!!

Just imagine how much Cuomo will get done and none of it good for the state. Sometimes it is really bad news to have someone in there that gets all of his agenda accomplished. Especially if that agenda is Cuomo style liberal agenda. How much more of that crap can this state take? Better they should do nothing!

There is no way that I could vote for Cuomo even if his only opposition was a mad-man. I don't just say that it's time for a change. I really am for a change. A vote for Cuomo in this state is simply a vote for status quo. It's a vote that only accomplishes one thing, that being to encourage the leftist thinking that paralyzes this state. If you like the current and past pinko state government (including Pataki and Rockefeller) then Cuomo is your man. He's guaranteed to keep the state on its leftist course. I'm at a point where I will try anything else ..... anything. If for no other reason than a protest vote. No, I don't really expect the upset, but I will have my objections registered via my vote. Perhaps if we can make it close enough, it will send a message that there is a growing discontent that should not be ignored in the way the next administration conducts itself.


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I told my wife that if Palladino gets elected we are moving out of NY. NY is already crippled with issues and I don't think electing a raving lunatic who will accomplish nothing in office would help. This guy has no clue about reality. If he gets elected, NY will fall into an economic hole that will take 50 years to dig out of. So yeah, go ahead and vote for Palladino if your income is more than a million a year cause his policy's are good for you but if you make less than that then be prepared to fall into further poverty.

I am not saying that Cuomo is the right choice but he could not be as detrimental as Palladino. At least his economic policy is good for the middle class. I sure wish we had another viable choice.

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I told my wife that if Palladino gets elected we are moving out of NY. NY is already crippled with issues and I don't think electing a raving lunatic who will accomplish nothing in office would help. This guy has no clue about reality. If he gets elected, NY will fall into an economic hole that will take 50 years to dig out of. So yeah, go ahead and vote for Palladino if your income is more than a million a year cause his policy's are good for you but if you make less than that then be prepared to fall into further poverty.

I am not saying that Cuomo is the right choice but he could not be as detrimental as Palladino. At least his economic policy is good for the middle class. I sure wish we had another viable choice.

Jimbo, I think you may have just kicked the beehive with your post!  Knowing the typical hunters mentality, they may be out for your blood.  Bzzzzz, I can hear them swarming already!!  :D 

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Jimbo, I think you may have just kicked the beehive with your post!  Knowing the typical hunters mentality, they may be out for your blood.  Bzzzzz, I can hear them swarming already!!  :D

Yeah, I know but what would a political forum be if everyone had the same views? I have been told I do not have the typical hunters political views but I look out for my family and my well being first. I always vote based on economic policy first and then the other issues. Unfortunately lately, the Dems have had the better economic policy's. I really just don't like either party and this "lets do away with all government and have total anarchy Tea Party crap" is at the bottom of my list.

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Is Pat Paulsen still alive? If so write him in.

In all seriousness, Cuomo is the better choice for governor. What is most important though is that we all vote for our local Republican candidates vying for seats in the NY Legislature. A Republican majority can make a difference. I just hope that everyone backs up their opinion by casting a vote.

By the way, Gillibrand(sic) has to go too!!!!!!!!!

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I can see some people have no idea what the Tea Party stands for, nor do they know what the real Cuomo agenda is.

Do some of your own research on the internet to get the real story and stop believing what you are reading in the liberal media, or seeing on nitwitness news.

Cuomo intends to duplicate Obama's national socialist agenda in the state of New York while simultaneously supporting everything Obama has yet to "change".  Cuomo's economic policy is "tax and spend more!"  If you support that, you will need to leave NY very soon.

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Sometimes I wonder if very many people really know what the underlying problems of NY really are. It is very hard for anyone to blame New York's problems on anyone of a conservative idealogy since the state has never had such a thing in its politics (Republicans included in that statement too).

So basically, the state has always been governed by liberals (extreme liberals) and we have the financial results to show for it. Do you like those results?? Are you happy with the levels of taxation, and the out-flow of jobs and residents? Do you like our current unemployment situation? Well relax and enjoy the next installation of liberal leadership. Cuomo is cut from the same cloth. Is there anyone who is denying that? ...... anyone??

Frankly, at this point I would sooner vote in Darth Vader than Cuomo and I would have complete confidence that it would be an improvement.

This year's election is likely to be a reaffirmation of that definition of insanity: "doing the same things over and over and expecting different results".


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Hey Doc, so you are saying the 12 years of destruction caused by George Pataki was actually the work of extreme liberals? And the same goes for the 8 years of lets spend as much money as we can, give huge tax breaks to the wealthiest people, and deregulate wall st so much that it will implode on itself done by the Bush administration.

I am not a Democrat but history shows that when a Democrat is in office the economy is much better than when a Republican is in office. It takes more than 2 years to fix 8 years of chaos. Ask Bill Clinton. It took him 4-5 years to fix the mess left by Reagan and Bush.

Mr VJP, do you or does anyone you know collect social security? Do you keep money in a bank that is insured by the FDIC? Do you buy and drink milk? If you answered yes to any of these then you are also part of the so called national socialist agenda. Anything that is subsidized by the government is socialist. Medicaid and medicare and child health pus and family health plus are all socialist ideals. Do you drive on the thruway? It is owned by NY State so it is a socialist highway. I am so sick of hearing the Socialist argument. Capitalism is just a lighter form of socialism. The only difference is that in capitalism, businesses are free to make as much money as they can without regard to who they stomp on to do it.

Just remember people, if there were no subsidies (AKA Socialism) then no one would be able to afford agricultural products.

I am not in favor of pure socialism at all but what people are calling a socialist agenda from the Dems is no different then what Rep's have been doing forever.

Like I said originally, I wish we had a third viable candidate who was somewhere in the middle that would be a better fit then Far Right Palladino and Left Cuomo.

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Clinton fixed anything? Really? Get it straight, the economy was only made "better" once the Democrats no longer held power in Congress and the Republicans started shooting down Clinton's tax and spend bills. You dont remember that they tried to pass a national healthcare plan back then and it got shot down? Remember all the fuss about how much a gov't toilet and hammer cost? Good lord, people have short memories.  :;)

Any time one party holds the power in the White House and the Congress, its bad news. You need a balance for things to work the best.

As far as Paladino is concerned, Im afraid he has stuck his foot right into his mouth too many times and is doomed to loose. It sucks because with Cuomo at the wheel, NY is in for more of the same old big government tax and spend Albany insider BS.

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Any one else notice how every single politician's add's are saying they are going to go and fight for change and put an end to the problems in Albany. If only they all did that, things wouldn't be so disfunctional in NY govt. I am pretty sure that none of them are going to solve anything, never have never will. It just keeps getting worse for the rest of us. Here is one of my favorite examples, near where I live they have this Chip Fab plant coming in, great jobs..but alot of the jobs are people coming in from other states..oh and there is the part where NY decided to hand over 1.2 Billion to the company (AMD) to get them here. Remember what the budget gap was last year...  $2.2 Billion, now I am not a rocket scientist but, it seems we could have shaved 1.2 billion right off the top right there.

The problems we face reach across party lines and are caused by both sides.

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Are you talking about the chip plant in Malta? Because my friend works for the construction company doing the project and they are from NY. As far as I know, all the workers live in NY also. That is a great project and it will create thousands of jobs for many years to come. I would say that doing whatever it takes to get that plant in NY was one of the best things NY has done in many years. The tax revenues from that plant will pay back that 1.2 billion in no time.

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Are you talking about the chip plant in Malta? Because my friend works for the construction company doing the project and they are from NY. As far as I know, all the workers live in NY also. That is a great project and it will create thousands of jobs for many years to come. I would say that doing whatever it takes to get that plant in NY was one of the best things NY has done in many years. The tax revenues from that plant will pay back that 1.2 billion in no time.

yup thats the one, and no I wasn't being sarcastic when I said Great Jobs. Alot of them are great for us here in the region, but there are also going to be alot of jobs that are given to people outside of NY simply due to the techy nature of the jobs. Meaning there aren't enough highly qualified workers to feed AMD what they need here. AMD held job fairs across the entire country, and possibly world, to fill the positions.

AMD laid off about 10% off its workers in 2008 cutting pay of remaining employee's in the process and did more of the same last year, that doesn't sound like a safe investment I am willing to pay for. It may be hard to receive tax revenues if the company folds. But you are right, NY will get alot of tax money from both the business and the new workers brought in to work there. More they can squander away.

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