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Bow hunting out of state


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How many guys have ever been on a guided or non guided bow hunting trip outside of NY? If you have, what was your experience like, where did you go, and would you recommend it? Reason being is I just got asked to go on a bow trip to Illinois for 6 days. The only details i've received so far is a price of $5000 and It's not all inclusive. Only thing included is tags and hunting rights. My buddy is supposed to send me the details via email. I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna go based on the simple fact it's $5000 and doesn't include anything.

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Sounds pretty expensive to me for 6 days. I went on my first out of state hunt last year and spent about 700 total. We hunted Ohio state land and saw some real great bucks. I made a bad shot on a nice 9 pointer which I'm still kicking myself about and my buddy hit a branch on a 150" ten pointer. We stayed in his camper at a campground and had a great time. Good luck wherever you go!!!


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Way to much.Below is where I went in 2004 with a friend.Never killed a buck but saw 10+ shooters each.One I had in front of me was 174 inches (Killed later that year).I would go to Kosters in a heartbeat again and plan on doing so soon.He has a cabin you stay at that is nicer than most camps I stay in now and its semi guided as he helps put out in front of the deer.I could do 3 hunts at Kosters for 5000.






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Way to much.Below is where I went in 2004 with a friend.Never killed a buck but saw 10+ shooters each.One I had in front of me was 174 inches (Killed later that year).I would go to Kosters in a heartbeat again and plan on doing so soon.He has a cabin you stay at that is nicer than most camps I stay in now and its semi guided as he helps put out in front of the deer.I could do 3 hunts at Kosters for 5000.


Looks like a pretty nice place to hunt. Seems like it could be done for around $2000 by the time you're said and done.

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I went to pa for $600. Little General Outfitters.

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Just checked out their site. Seems like a pretty decent place to hunt and could be done for less than $1000. May be worth a shot if I can get some buddies to accompany me.

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Looks like a pretty nice place to hunt. Seems like it could be done for around $2000 by the time you're said and done.

Maybe penny pinching.The tags last time I checked were close to 400-500 dollars IIRC.SO I would say around 2100-2200

I guess if I drove the corolla it would be under...

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You get what you pay for.




Without a pile of more information it would be impossible to compare.


I've hunted AK, CO, WY, AL, TX, TN, PA, Quebec & Saskatchewan.   Killed in all but AK & AL.


Wherever you go, good luck!


Ahh crap, edit to add that I only bow hunted in CO, WY, PA & Saskatchewan.  The others were gun........

Edited by Lawdwaz
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Pipe dream at best but man I'd be bumbed if I paid 5k and shot a 130



On a 5k hunt; if you shot a 130, you'd most likely be paying a penalty on top of that for shooting a dink, many places have minimums depending on set up and it'll cost you some cash for messing up.


Just 2 cents and YMMV....


I'd want 2 hunters that were successful and 2 that weren't from both the last 2 years to talk to for references.....and alot more details about the property. Who owns it, how many acres, some GPS coords to check it on google earth, some numbers on shot opportunities (I don't care about success rates, can't factor for poor shots by clients) and some honest photos with some real net scores not gross SCI type numbers.


Check some of that vs weather last winter and rain so far this year and nutrition potential, recent B+C entries for the county and township, Ill. F&G for harvest rates and talk to someone who supervises that area.


And the typical how many hunters at a time and per year, stand details, hunt schedual, blah blah blah, the usual how to book a hunt questions.


I'd need some pretty dang good answers for that price and some very good opportunity for the number involved from what I see around; as noted for bow especially. But that can be a going price for a bunch of bone, and folks will pay it.

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Ok so here's what I got. It's a private land hunt that isn't with an outfitter. It's a friend of his fathers who owns just over 300 acres in Farmington, Illinois (Peoria county). He offers hunts to his close friends and their family. The $5000 would actually get me all of bow season, my non-res archery permit, and would include lodging while I was there. Apparently he has a cabin that sleeps 6. He guarantees a chance at 150" plus and has particular deer on camera that can be shot, with nothing under 140". It is not guided, but will show you stand locations. Provides a cooler to store harvest in, and full do it yourself butchering area. I would really like to go this year but only have until July 1 to decide. Don't think I can convince the wife in that short of time. Not to mention, I would really only be able to go for a week so I wouldn't get the full benefit. Maybe in a few years if I'm given the opportunity again.

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It looks more like a lease.


So, you need to find out who is on the lease, too. If there are many people for that acreage, then poo-poo it. I will say that IL leases with coolers, and a house, can range between 2 and 5-6k per person based on info I have seen.


Problem I see, is that I suspect someone in the middle is working a deal. This happens a bunch in land leases out of state. One person leads the lease and thenc harges more to A: make money and hunt or B: hold the lease and hunt it for free.


Honestly, with 5k, I could find a nice lease exclusively and have significant resources to last me all season. Honestly, with 5k, I'd probably have two leases in two bordering states and be able to travel, lodge, feed, and gas the truck with the remaning money.


I can hunt private ground via handshake persmission in Ohio for about $6-700 when all said and done. That includes tags, hotel, et al.

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