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Walmart Hostage situation


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I'm sure some of you have heard about and/or seen the video of the wacko who took a 2 yo kid out of a shopping cart near her mother and held her at knife point.


As negotiations broke down, while one cop distracted the wackjob another lunged at the guy and shot him point blank in the head instantly killing him and grabbing the little girl bringing her to safety. The news reports say that the guy was mentally disturbed.

I had a discussion with my wife about this during dinner and whether the cop's actions were correct. She was of the opinion that the cop should not have done that because the guy was mentally ill. . I disagreed and said I would have done the same thing the cop did if the opportunity presented itself. I asked her if God forbid it was our kid would you feel differently? She thought about it for 1/2 a second and said "I would have shot the guy myself"! I said "Thank you"! Point made! You mess with my family you will NOT live to regret it, (though my kids may have to visit me in prison). ;)

Edited by Deerthug
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I'm sure some of you have heard about and/or seen the video of the wacko who took a 2 yo kid out of a shopping cart near her mother and held her at knife point.


As negotiations broke down, while one cop distracted the wackjob another lunged at the guy and shot him point blank in the head instantly killing him and grabbing the little girl bringing her to safety. The news reports say that the guy was mentally disturbed.

I had a discussion with my wife about this during dinner and whether the cop's actions were correct. She was of the opinion that the cop should not have done that because the guy was mentally ill. . I disagreed and said I would have done the same thing the cop did if the opportunity presented itself. I asked her if God forbid it was our kid would you feel differently? She thought about it for 1/2 a second and said "I would have shot the guy myself"! I said "Thank you"! Point made! You mess with my family you will NOT live to regret it, (though my kids may have to visit me in prison). ;)

Thankfully it turned out as well as it did..........look at what happened in Nassau County a month or so ago, an absolute nightmare...........

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Thankfully it turned out as well as it did..........look at what happened in Nassau County a month or so ago, an absolute nightmare...........

Agreed. But you cant compare that cause the dirtbag in Hempstead had a gun. I think the cop was wrong in Nassau County incident. Here I think he did the right thing. Point blank compared to across a room. And You know the old saying. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight."

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Agreed. But you cant compare that cause the dirtbag in Hempstead had a gun. I think the cop was wrong in Nassau County incident. Here I think he did the right thing. Point blank compared to across a room. And You know the old saying. "Never bring a knife to a gun fight."

I don't think I can make the call that the Nassau cop was wrong, from reports he had the gun turned on him and that's why he fired...........tough situation, I can't say he should have allowed himself to be shot if that's how he perceived what was going to happen,  like they say, you can you from a hero to a zero in a split second...........I'd rather go home to my family and deal with the rest as it plays out, either way two families will be forever changed by that event.

Edited by jjb4900
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True. It was a tough situation for the cop in Nassau. He must have feared for his life and took the risk, albiet a fatal one for the girl and the d-bag. But no one other than the cop can say what actually went down just before the shooting. According to reports the twin of the hostage ran out of the house when the cop arrived and a male friend was hiding behind the couch when the perp aimed the gun at the cop. I still think he should have backed out and waited for cooler heads to take over. In the Walmart case, there were two cops working together for a 1/2 hour negotiating wth the guy before the one cop shot him again at point blank range. Perhaps if the Nassau cop backed out the end result could have been for the better or it could have been worse. No one will ever know.

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I love happy endings.BTW all these murderers or in this case potential murderer are mentally ill.I am glad the child is safe and hope the police officer is not going to have any issues from this. It is sad that the man with the knife couldn't have been helped somehow before this day happened.

Edited by 132 eight pointer
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If it was my child he would have already been sent to meet jesus

Agreed... If it was my children there would not have been any attempts at negotiations.

Glad all went well for that family... I could not imagine what that mother must have been feeling. That's why I always stress to my kids to stay by my side. You never know what could possibly happen in this crazy world!

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Absolutely the right move.  Some people, who think that they are deep thinkers or who think that every life is just as valuable as the next, will over analyze this incident. But when you boil it all down, none of them...NONE OF THEM... would have one negative comment to throw at the cop/person who pulled the trigger, if the little kid was their child, grandchild, niece, nephew, grandchild...etc... 

Hopefully no low lives will file a law suit (seeking justice, for the poor dead guy...LOL) but I won't hold my breath on that one..

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No doubt the dirt-bag's family will want to sue the cop for some dumb ass reason ........



Yup...." if they settle with me for a few bucks more than I had when i woke up with today...I'm ahead of the GAME"   Total pieces of s--t, but they don't see themselves that way. If the money is available Go For It!!

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I'm sure they will get some money in a lawsuit, they will find a lawyer to represent them and in the long run it's cheaper for a municipality to pay out  then it is to fight a long drawn out court battle........and this is in no way a dig at anyone who may be a lawyer, we all pick a profession to make make money.

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No doubt the dirt-bag's family will want to sue the cop for some dumb ass reason ........

Speaking as a lawyer, I beg the question - are we a litigious society where people will sue at the drop of a hat? Absolutely! But I can't fathom any lawyer taking a case like this on behalf of the suspect's family. The cop was clearly justified in doing what he did to save that little girl. The only reason I can see a lawyer taking on a case like this would be for publicity, albeit bad publicity.

On the other hand, in the Hempstead accidental cop shooting of the hostage, if the family can prove that the cop acted with reckless disregard for the safety of the girl, then there is a strong liability case. If recklessness cannot be shown, then there is no case. This is because cops, and firemen, who are acting in the course of their employment when they accidentally injure or harm a third party, have qualified immunity from suit as long as their actions do not amount to recklessness. Otherwise cops would do nothing in situations like this for fear of being sued.

Sorry for the legal lesson....

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I'm sure they will get some money in a lawsuit, they will find a lawyer to represent them and in the long run it's cheaper for a municipality to pay out  then it is to fight a long drawn out court battle........and this is in no way a dig at anyone who may be a lawyer, we all pick a profession to make make money.



You're being kind...... I'll say it ....Any lawyer who takes this case (on behalf of  the dead guy's family) is a big  piece of that brown smelly stuff that most of us flush, but some of us, embrace for some strange reason... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 

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good for the officer,scumbag pile of garbage!! More scumbags need to be dealt this way instead of being in jail for life on our dime.F'em and all the pinko scumbags that will say he had right,your rights are gone as soon as you decide to try and hurt a young child

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Speaking as a lawyer, I beg the question - are we a litigious society where people will sue at the drop of a hat? Absolutely! But I can't fathom any lawyer taking a case like this on behalf of the suspect's family. The cop was clearly justified in doing what he did to save that little girl. The only reason I can see a lawyer taking on a case like this would be for publicity, albeit bad publicity.

On the other hand, in the Hempstead accidental cop shooting of the hostage, if the family can prove that the cop acted with reckless disregard for the safety of the girl, then there is a strong liability case. If recklessness cannot be shown, then there is no case. This is because cops, and firemen, who are acting in the course of their employment when they accidentally injure or harm a third party, have qualified immunity from suit as long as their actions do not amount to recklessness. Otherwise cops would do nothing in situations like this for fear of being sued.

Sorry for the legal lesson....

right, but right or wrong, if the family files a 20 million dollar lawsuit, and you know they'll walk away with at least half of that, you'd be willing to take the case based on your cut of that pay out..........and like I said earlier, it's why anybody is in the business they are are in..........even if recklessness can't be shown there will more than likely be a wrongful death suit...........and once again, not bashing your profession at all.

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right, but right or wrong, if the family files a 20 million dollar lawsuit, and you know they'll walk away with at least half of that, you'd be willing to take the case based on your cut of that pay out..........and like I said earlier, it's why anybody is in the business they are are in..........even if recklessness can't be shown there will more than likely be a wrongful death suit...........and once again, not bashing your profession at all.

I know you may find this hard to believe but some of us lawyers have morals. I would not take a case like the walmart situation because I would not want the bad publicity nor would I want to be known as the d-bag lawyer who represented the scumbag. This why I don't handle criminal matters. I can't bring myself to do that no matter what the potential fee may be.

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Well I think the guy got what he was really looking for ...death....mentally ill or not...the little one is very lucky that that particular officer was the one there for it takes real guts not just training to do what he did...


As far as the other stuff...hey there's good and bad in every profession be it lawyer...cop...Doctor...Real estate agent..ect...ect..ect

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