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Rolling Stone Magazine

Water Rat

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I don't get the hoopla. The kids face has been on every newspaper and major magazine for months, the picture used is a stock picture widely printed, the cover printed story statement certainly isn't glorifying. Myself, I have bought the  magazine a number of times in recent months, and find it still to be an excellent source of info on music and politics, while not bowing to political correctness. I regularly see it on newsstands, and ALL magazine are suffering from declining sales (especially hunting fishing oriented). Myself, I wont buy this months for lack of interest in the primary articles.

What I do find disturbing is  that magazines such as "Mother Jones", that used to be far more politically controversial, now are more mainstream than the evening news.

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The problem is that the picture is slightly filtered and photoshoped and looked eerily similar to their cover they did with Jim Morrison.  Also since Rolling Stone is a music magazine which normally does not cover anything other than the music industry which is why the general public feels like the picture is making the terrorist look like a rock legend.


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I don't get the hoopla. The kids face has been on every newspaper and major magazine for months, the picture used is a stock picture widely printed, the cover printed story statement certainly isn't glorifying. Myself, I have bought the  magazine a number of times in recent months, and find it still to be an excellent source of info on music and politics, while not bowing to political correctness. I regularly see it on newsstands, and ALL magazine are suffering from declining sales (especially hunting fishing oriented). Myself, I wont buy this months for lack of interest in the primary articles.

What I do find disturbing is  that magazines such as "Mother Jones", that used to be far more politically controversial, now are more mainstream than the evening news.

Frankly, I have never bought that magazine and never will. So I have no idea what their editorial ideology is. Perhaps they feel this kid is their hero and should be highlighted on their cover. That would be my immediate impression. Most likely what we're dealing with is a magazine of low quality that has to resort to shock tactics just to get people to buy their crap. Those that go along with such transparent tactics and fail to understand why there is such an outrage over yet another mindless killer being high-lighted on the cover of a 'music' magazine are definitely showing signs of hopeless desensitization to cold-blooded and random murder and atrocity. While one might imagine that such an open-minded attitude displays some sort of "worldly intelligence", or elevated thinking, I personally think it shows a rather callous and thoughtless attitude toward the victims of the senseless violence that this demented creature performed. Anyone who mistakes common decency for political correctness, is certainly defining the term "political correctness" a whole lot differently than I do. When one says that they "don't get it", I guess they really don't, and that's a shame.

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Again every other major paper, magazine and website has used this guy to sell themselves (yes, news is a business), and Rollng Stone cant? And the magazine- just as Time also reports on music, as well as politics, etc., reports on much more than just music. I "get it"...but many out there despite what they think, don't see their own manipulation.

Adolf Hitler Charles Manson and Saddam Hussien (sic?) all shared Times cover...

Interesting that no one here has read the article. Again, I have no interest in it myself, so I don't buy it.

Even more interesting is the labeling of the magazine as "low quality" while never having read it. Sad, and that...is a shame. And I apologize for that statement, because I would think a discussion about current events can be about that, without slamming the individuals opinion.

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Again every other major paper, magazine and website has used this guy to sell themselves (yes, news is a business), and Rollng Stone cant? And the magazine- just as Time also reports on music, as well as politics, etc., reports on much more than just music. I "get it"...but many out there despite what they think, don't see their own manipulation.

Adolf Hitler Charles Manson and Saddam Hussien (sic?) all shared Times cover...

Interesting that no one here has read the article. Again, I have no interest in it myself, so I don't buy it.

Even more interesting is the labeling of the magazine as "low quality" while never having read it. Sad, and that...is a shame. And I apologize for that statement, because I would think a discussion about current events can be about that, without slamming the individuals opinion.

I agree. Read the article first then make a judgement. Your correct Dave.

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A picture is worth a thousand words.  I have no problem with the article being ran.  I just have a problem with them glamourizing the photo.  If it was a photo of him that was a little more frazzled and disheveled, I think there would not have been public any outcry.

Edited by Elmo
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Even more interesting is the labeling of the magazine as "low quality" while never having read it. 

I made that statement as a description of a tactic that a lot of low-quality magazines resort to when they think they need a boost in income. And I will not rule that out as being a potential motivator. When I see magazines reaching into the area of poor taste, it is usually a sign of desperation. Barring that, the suspected motives become even more disgusting.


In my opinion, this creep has received way more press than he actually deserves. It has all gone beyond initial news reporting and now enters the area of simple exploitation for profit. And by the way, I am in no way leaving Time magazine out of this kind of criticism either. There have been many issues that I felt were in extremely poor taste. This latest exploitation and glorification of another deranged killer is just more of the same, and there is absolutely no excusing any of it.


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who have you heard that has sympathy?

The group of American college kids that were outside the courthouse during his arraignment holding signs supporting and claiming his innocence. There is something wrong with this. Yes, they have a right to protest. But support a terrorist? Where do these kids see in a murderer? A pretty face on a magazine? Something is wrong with this younger generation of Americans that they think a terrorist is a good guy. He is a scumbag, pile of sh@#!t.

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And I agree totally that the perpetrator has gotten way too much media attention...which the terrorists hope for. Somewhere out there is some poor twisted young mind looking at his new terrorist "idol", and wondering how he can join him in martyrdom, just as my kid used to watch Ken Griffey and hope to swing and hit like him.

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who have you heard that has sympathy?


I did see news reports of groups of people supporting him, but they mostly seemed to be the young "occupy" types. The main theme was that somehow his rights were violated. Most people see this little Sh#T stain  for what he really is but you will always have a few nuts, hippies and opportunity whores making noise.

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I did see news reports of groups of people supporting him, but they mostly seemed to be the young "occupy" types. The main theme was that somehow his rights were violated. Most people see this little Sh#T stain  for what he really is but you will always have a few nuts, hippies and opportunity whores making noise.


ehh a small group of bleeding libs doesn't surprise me. No worse than westburo baptist picketing soldiers funerals. Some people just don't "get it".

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