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New Pics from Farm #2

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Some pics from the last pull.


This guy should be a good one in a couple/few years




Nice fawn pic




This guy is the best one Ive gotten on this farm so far this year. If I see him during bow season, hes getting a carbon injection. Id pass him during gun though. I hope he doesnt come by during bow season, Id like to see him in another year or two. He posed for the cam for 10 minutes, giving me 50+ pics of him. Heres a few of the better ones.











Hes taunting me in this one



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Probably. There were a few nice 2 year olds that made the cut last year. Just waiting for one to show up. The trail coming toward the right side of the picture leads right to one of the food plots we are working on. Its a great set now, and should be even better once the groceries are growing. I actually want to get another camera on this farm, but my other one is occupied. I need more cams lol.

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virgil, this property is located in some of the very best deer country in NY. Tons and tons of ag, so theres alot of food and good minerals in the soils. If you can let them get a few years on them, they get big body wise, and produce alot of bone.


The buck in my avatar was 4 1/2 when the pic was taken. Same general area. This guy is a 2 year old.

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3.5 y/o bucks aren't a dime a dozen here Virgil, but there's almost certainly one 3.5 to target on a farm, or parcel of any appreciable size.


WNYB is content to take him if given the chance and that's commendable. He's going to be solid at 3.5 if he outwits WNYB and the others there. Still not mature at 3.5.....butttttt it is NY, lol.

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WNYB... Great looking deer! How do you judge what you will shoot from one year to the next? Do you base it on age/ antlers or does it have to be larger than what you took the previous year?

My uncle has started a six or better antler program along with his neighbor about three years ago. The results have been incredible. The first year no one shot a buck, year two one six point was taken, and last year 3 eight points were harvested! The concept definately works, everyone needs to be onboard though.

Hopefully, we will see your picture this year with that buck, archery equipment of course!

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WNYB... Great looking deer! How do you judge what you will shoot from one year to the next? Do you base it on age/ antlers or does it have to be larger than what you took the previous year?

My uncle has started a six or better antler program along with his neighbor about three years ago. The results have been incredible. The first year no one shot a buck, year two one six point was taken, and last year 3 eight points were harvested! The concept definately works, everyone needs to be onboard though.

Hopefully, we will see your picture this year with that buck, archery equipment of course!


I set my goals somewhat based on what Ive taken in the past. Originally I set an 8 point or better standard upon myself. I achieved that with the shotgun first. I added a close to the outside of the ears goal for guns. I achieved that with the muzzle loader, so I upped my goal to age. With my bow, I have yet to achieve the 8 point standard. I have actually only taken one buck with my bow, a 6 point mercy kill. Once I hat that 8 point achievement with my bow, Ill be in 3 1/2 or better mode for the foreseeable future of my hunting career. Setting the bar higher than that is not very realistic since I dont have enough control over any property. If you can take 3 1/2s along side the brown its down crowd I have to deal with, youre doing very well.

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I set my goals somewhat based on what Ive taken in the past. Originally I set an 8 point or better standard upon myself. I achieved that with the shotgun first. I added a close to the outside of the ears goal for guns. I achieved that with the muzzle loader, so I upped my goal to age. With my bow, I have yet to achieve the 8 point standard. I have actually only taken one buck with my bow, a 6 point mercy kill. Once I hat that 8 point achievement with my bow, Ill be in 3 1/2 or better mode for the foreseeable future of my hunting career. Setting the bar higher than that is not very realistic since I dont have enough control over any property. If you can take 3 1/2s along side the brown its down crowd I have to deal with, youre doing very well.


Well said overall.


I've taken my fair share of 1.5s and I've simply moved up to 3.5s here on out. People who have the land and/or the skill to target 4.5+ here are rare. I only know of a handful people locally who do that, and only two or three that have that goal and meet it with a respectable % of success. People that target 3.5s or 4.5+ and never or rarely get it done through several seasons of history are not practicing proper expectation setting imo. It could be skill or it could be land, but in any case, those people burnout,  finally match expectations by dropping their requirement, or they become shady to reach that goal.  

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Nice looking deer! I'm in a similar position as you as far as hunting goes. I haven't killed anything bigger than a 2 1/2 year old basket racked 7 point with my bow. I'm trying to hold out for at least a 3 1/2 year old, but if a stud 2 1/2 8 point walks by, I'm flinging carbon! I have a strict 3 1/2 year old policy with gun. Haven't shot a buck with gun in 2 years, and the last one was a 2 1/2 year old 9 point with a drop tine or else he would have walked. Good luck with your bow...but I hope you get a bigger one so he can grow another year!

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I am the same as Phade in that I shot plenty of young bucks. It was simply the first horns I saw was going down whether I had a bow or shotgun in my hands. Eventually, i just decided i wanted to see if i could shoot some nicer bucks because there were always a few hunters that got a nice one in the same areas I hunted.


I had to shoot a few 2 1/2 eights before I finally got the will power to let them walk. It is simple for me now because I just don't care if I eat a tag once in awhile. I don't always get a nice rack, but the bucks do have the age and size to go with them. And, I take a couple does for the freezer every year. You just can't worry whether someone on the next property, or even on the property you are hunting, will shoot these bucks.

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Would you take that buck if Ny put the one buck a year rule into action?..,,

The sooner the better for that law! IMO.

Yep, would still be the best deer with my bow. I would also like to see a 1 buck rule go into place, but thats not going to change where Im at in my hunting career.

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The key is to let the 1.5 year olds walk and then keep your harvest restrictions realistic and fun.  I think they way WNYBH is going about it is great.  It adds fun, challenges, yet is reasonable.   Getting more bucks past 1.5 will give hunters a lot more options and better bucks to hunt.   Youth, the very old, first time hunters should have green lights on anything.



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Exactly WesternNY, I dont want to take too much of the fun out of it at this point. Ive been gun hunting alot longer than Ive been bow hunting, so Im game for the added challenge there. This is going to be my first year with the 3 1/2 rule for gun, so passing 2 1/2s is going to be an interesting proposition for me lol.

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Yep, would still be the best deer with my bow. I would also like to see a 1 buck rule go into place, but thats not going to change where Im at in my hunting career.


Yes we all get to different points in our hunting career's. To me, A kill is a kill reguardless of weapon. I also went through the stages and trust me, if you set your sights high on your bow kills like you would with your gun you will be on a total different cloud when it happens.

 If that buck walks out to you on Oct 1st and you take him...Well you will be happy to a point but if you let him walk and you take that 120ish the week before shotgun opens...Well happy will not be a strong enough word to describe it. But a happy hunter is a happy hunter..Just different levels for some i guess!

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