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Whisker biscuit or arrow rest


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Funny thing shawn-hu, you make trolls look good.

Funny how your buddy never complains about your useless posts but ride my ass every opportunity he gets. Who's the real troll here?

Aren't you due for some racist comment or something of that nature?

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The only people really qualified to comment on which is better the drop or the wb is those who have used both. My drop away has better containment then my WB did. The arrow can get lodged in the biscuit. there's little to no way anything happens with a fall away. The only benefit to the biscuit is that it can be a little quieter but it's not a game changer.


here's what i use. same company that makes the biscuit btw




not my video

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My old bows had prong style rests that worked well. My current bow has a WB that also works well and I have heard good things about drop aways. I doubt  that any of them offer a huge difference over the other as far as real hunting situations go. 

It's all a bunch of " I drive a Chevy so Ford sucks, I drive a Ford so Chevy sucks, I drive Dodge so they both suck....blah ...blah...blah....

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The only people really qualified to comment on which is better the drop or the wb is those who have used both. My drop away has better containment then my WB did. The arrow can get lodged in the biscuit. there's little to no way anything happens with a fall away. The only benefit to the biscuit is that it can be a little quieter but it's not a game changer.


here's what i use. same company that makes the biscuit btw




not my video

do they offer a rubber coated boot or something for the metal travel area? My drop away has replaceable rubber on the travel area and like a mole skin cover on the containment bar.  Very quiet.

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The only people really qualified to comment on which is better the drop or the wb is those who have used both. My drop away has better containment then my WB did. The arrow can get lodged in the biscuit. there's little to no way anything happens with a fall away. The only benefit to the biscuit is that it can be a little quieter but it's not a game changer."

Better containment? What are you doing to loose an arrow out of a WB, four wheeling?

Nothing can happen to a drop away? Nawwww..........

Yes, I've hunted with both. I don't recall how many with the WB but at least 5 and now going on 5 with the QAD Ultra.

Edited by Lawdwaz
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The only people really qualified to comment on which is better the drop or the wb is those who have used both. My drop away has better containment then my WB did. The arrow can get lodged in the biscuit. there's little to no way anything happens with a fall away. The only benefit to the biscuit is that it can be a little quieter but it's not a game changer.


here's what i use. same company that makes the biscuit btw




not my video


Sorry belo, but I can comment on which is better as I shoot with guys that use drop aways. Their bows are no more or less accurate than mine. An arrow cannot get lodged in a whisker biscuit. Where do you come up with this nonsense?


I dont use a drop away because I like to keep my stuff as simple as it can be.

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Sorry belo, but I can comment on which is better as I shoot with guys that use drop aways. Their bows are no more or less accurate than mine. An arrow cannot get lodged in a whisker biscuit. Where do you come up with this nonsense?


I dont use a drop away because I like to keep my stuff as simple as it can be.


yes it can become lodged i have seen it happen, usually the result on a nock set to high, too much downward pressure will wedge the arrow shaft between the bristles, in addition on very cold morning i found the biscuit to make a slight brushy/hiss sound when drawing the arrow against the bristles even worse if the centwer of the arrow shaft has a applied manufactured label 

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Sorry belo, but I can comment on which is better as I shoot with guys that use drop aways. Their bows are no more or less accurate than mine. An arrow cannot get lodged in a whisker biscuit. Where do you come up with this nonsense?


I dont use a drop away because I like to keep my stuff as simple as it can be.


i hunted for 6 years with a wb. occasionally i'd look down and my arrow would be pressed into the whiskers. it was a very simple flick of the arrow to get it to pop back out, but i was simply commenting on the stability of what i use and what i have used based on your comment. Plenty of drops do not use the containment abilities that the trophy ridge offers so there are some valid points to be made against the others. I would agree that the drops need to be tuned and can add another element of failure and your mindset of keeping it simple is just fine. there are pros and cons to both.


I did not mean to come off as a drop cheerleader, just trying to point out pros and cons based on my personal experience and let the members make their own purchasing calls. in fact i didn't even read any of the thread.

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i hunted for 6 years with a wb. occasionally i'd look down and my arrow would be pressed into the whiskers. it was a very simple flick of the arrow to get it to pop back out, but i was simply commenting on the stability of what i use and what i have used based on your comment. Plenty of drops do not use the containment abilities that the trophy ridge offers so there are some valid points to be made against the others. I would agree that the drops need to be tuned and can add another element of failure and your mindset of keeping it simple is just fine. there are pros and cons to both.


I did not mean to come off as a drop cheerleader, just trying to point out pros and cons based on my personal experience and let the members make their own purchasing calls. in fact i didn't even read any of the thread.


Oh ok, I gottcha now. I thought you meant literally jammed in there on the shot. I was gonna say, Id like to see proof of that happening lol.


I actually looked into that Revolution rest and heard some bad stuff about the first generation of it, so I stayed with my WB. Like I said, just keeping it simple.

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yes it can become lodged i have seen it happen, usually the result on a nock set to high, too much downward pressure will wedge the arrow shaft between the bristles, in addition on very cold morning i found the biscuit to make a slight brushy/hiss sound when drawing the arrow against the bristles even worse if the centwer of the arrow shaft has a applied manufactured label 


So your saying its a problem with a WB? Any improperly tuned rest is going to mess up your accuracy. WB, Drop away, hell, even a blade or prong rest has to be properly installed and tuned. Ive shot my WB (even before I started using spray) in all temps and conditions, and have never had any brushing sound on a draw.Maybe if it wasnt tuned right and your angle is a bit off, causing it to put pressure on the bristles, or maybe if you are using too small of a hole for the arrow.

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Whats an arrow rest?

The thingy on the side that holds them when not being used, like they're resting ?


Your perception is amazing.............grins




Unreal that for sooooo many years guys used their index finger as a rest!  How did they do it?


Probably had a few finger freeze ups and arrows falling off but they kept at it with fine results.

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Your perception is amazing.............grins

Unreal that for sooooo many years guys used their index finger as a rest! How did they do it?

Probably had a few finger freeze ups and arrows falling off but they kept at it with fine results.

Then the caveman evolved, but obviously you didn't. Go back to your cave, neanderthal.

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anyone who thinks that the contact between vanes and biscuit has a significant effect on arrow flight at bowhunting distances is very misinformed. shot this 40 yard group tonight with a WB. enough said!

Posted Image

Nice groups, too bad that top arrow's flight doesn't look like a well tuned bow. But how many WB shooters really bother to really spend the time to tune it properly?

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BTW, simmer down there boys.

So how many times does this site allow racial slurs before action is taken? How many more personal insults and name calling before you do what a mod should do and stop the nonsense?

So you and I don't agree on a few topics, that gives no reason for this type of bs to propagate over and over again. And when someone retaliates, they get the ban hammer, I'll be waiting.

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Then the caveman evolved, but obviously you didn't. Go back to your cave, neanderthal.


Yea, nasty comments like THIS.


Just so upsetting to me I can't STAND it.






I don't recall the racial stuff, give me a hint shawn-hu.  Thx bud.


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Yea, nasty comments like THIS.

Just so upsetting to me I can't STAND it.

I don't recall the racial stuff, give me a hint shawn-hu. Thx bud.

Oh, poor innocent Larry. Here's a dollar, go buy yourself a clue. The only "bud" you have is the one covering your ass time and time again. Come at me.

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