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Leaves changing colors


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I got the itch very early this year. usually im still all about fishing. but I took my rifle out last month to the indoor  range by me and made sure it was still sighted in and then wouldn't you know my whole body got covered in an invisible rash and all I do is itch... now fishing is way out of mind the poles are in the basement and boat is away....... its all about the deer now.

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I have a long commute to work everyday and have been noticing the leaves changing and weeds starting to die off in my area for the past couple of weeks. Have poplar leaves falling at camp too. Sure gets the blood flowing! Took a road trip down to Alfred to drop my son off to college earlier this week and saw a few leaves changing, but not as many.

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How'd things look down there Cabin...that is where our camp is ...looks like I won't be going this year...Bear hunting is pretty much out for me...but fall in that area is always great .... looking over the valley....I went to Alfred State and our daughter spent 4yrs at AU...Hope he likes it there...

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That area is absolutely beautiful!! So different that what I am use to in my area! He decided to go to Alfred State after hearing so many people say they had the best Electrical Construction and Maintenance Electrician program. Something that actually interests him and that he can make money doing (even on the side)! Crossing my fingers...



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At least First-light admits to eating the wrong mushrooms.  The rest of you I wonder about?  Exactly where did leaves ever turn color the third week of August??  Sure you will have a dying tree or shrub at any time of the year, but NO way in hell that things are changing color yet in these parts.  Even into the first week of October things are still very green in many areas, even at higher elevations.





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steve863, on 22 Aug 2013 - 08:27 AM, said:

At least First-light admits to eating the wrong mushrooms.  The rest of you I wonder about?  Exactly where did leaves ever turn color the third week of August??  Sure you will have a dying tree or shrub at any time of the year, but NO way in hell that things are changing color yet in these parts.  Even into the first week of October things are still very green in many areas, even at higher elevations

Northern Wayne County! Just because it's not doing it in your bubble, doesn't mean it's not going on in other areas of the state! Always start seeing the leaves changing in late August around here!

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Northern Wayne County! Just because it's not doing it in your bubble, doesn't mean it's not going on in other areas of the state! Always start seeing the leaves changing in late August around here!



I've been to places like the Adirondacks and New Hampshire as late as the third week of September and things were still quite green even at higher elevations.  Even been to Montana and Wyoming in late September where the climate is a lot harsher than Wayne County NY and leaves just started turning color.  But if you insist on seeing colors in Wayne county in August I surely won't argue with you.

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We have a maple that turns at the Middle of August every single year...but I just commented to Mr B channel 13 had a news article on and they showed the Ontario shore line and I commented to the large Number of trees along the lake that were turning all ready...here in the hills I expect it ...but I thought temps along the lake would be warmer...so YES they are changing...I'd take pics but need to go buy some AA batteries.....The deer have been keeping me busy...

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Actually it's not really all that unusual for some trees to start color change in August. Generally it is those trees that are stressed a bit that change first. With this wacko cool and sloppy weather that we had this year, nothing would surprise me. Not only do we have some color change, but there are also some that are dropping. I think those that are saying that they have noticed color change are not saying that all trees are changing. Just as I have noticed, there is enough leaf-color change so that it catches your attention ..... if you are paying attention.

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I've been in Wayne County this week and see leaves changing off 104 during my commute. About 1/2 mile west of Spencer speedway there are a few trees that are half-way changed over. Stands out like a sore thumb against the green trees, but no doubt I start at those 15-30 changing trees with anticipation.


I'll snap a pic today on way home.

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I've been in Wayne County this week and see leaves changing off 104 during my commute. About 1/2 mile west of Spencer speedway there are a few trees that are half-way changed over. Stands out like a sore thumb against the green trees, but no doubt I start at those 15-30 changing trees with anticipation.


I'll snap a pic today on way home.

What are you doing up this way? I travel that stretch of Rt. 104 everyday commuting myself! 

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I was just about to say I need some pictures... Thanks phade. I am stuck in Virginia and won't be heading to my camp in Greenwood, NY until next Saturday. I can't wait. Gotta get some tree stands set and maybe put in a no till plot if I get the time.


I also went to Alfed University, also a big reason why my dad and I bought land down there. I love that area.

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I still see plenty of green in those pictures.  I tell you guys what.  Come 3rd or 4rth week of September, take a drive around the entire state and let me know if green isn't still the predominant color you are seeing?  3rd week of August is still far from the beginning of Fall anywhere in this state.









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I still see plenty of green in those pictures.  I tell you guys what.  Come 3rd or 4rth week of September, take a drive around the entire state and let me know if green isn't still the predominant color you are seeing?  3rd week of August is still far from the beginning of Fall anywhere in this state.



You are missing the forest for the trees. Talk about flying over your head. I don't think anyone said it's peak leaf change or that its fall per say. People simply said there are trees starting to turn - proven by pics no less. Sheesh, reading comprehension much?

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You are missing the forest for the trees. Talk about flying over your head. I don't think anyone said it's peak leaf change or that its fall per say. People simply said there are trees starting to turn - proven by pics no less. Sheesh, reading comprehension much?



Where is my comprehension at fault?  So what does a few trees turning tell us?  Not much.  My point is that summer isn't over yet, and a few trees turning different color does not mean that the Fall color change is anywhere close to starting. It will obviously get here, but by any measure it's MORE than a month away in these parts.  I know many of you guys start dreaming of next hunting season the minute last years season ended, but I for one am not like that.  I will enjoy every day I have, no matter what I'm doing, and will think about hunting when the season is actually here and not a minute before that.  You fellas can knock yourselves out with the dreamin', though! LOL

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